<br />Ea.r.tt°~1 REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE Q~j°" _
<br />- (Qpem.£nd:To Secure.Presentand Foture Obligations and Advances} -
<br />Date ~__
<br />Urtagiier Fairms, a-Ne:6raska Partnership and
<br />{
<br />Uzwilier Farm„ LTD., a Nebraska Limited Partnership.
<br />I .Mortgagor(s), '
<br />of Buffalo .County.. Nebraska in
<br />eansideraMon of thdadvanu of the princ`rpat sum, plus advances for the purchase of Class 8 stock and/or participation
<br />eertitit~tes-ot the Mortgagee as required: by Mortgagee's bylaws and by determination by the Mortgagee's 8osrd of
<br />t)inctan-under saidbytaw~, punttant to4ederaf taw;' to supportthe outstanding.indebtedness; recited (nthe Hole here-
<br />inafter d~sedbed and in consideration of future advances made by Mortgagee. to Mortgagee{s) or any: dP them as herein-
<br />' after provided, hereby mortgages and conveys to Production
<br />Credit Associalton, whose principal orrice is at Is an Nebraska.
<br />i Mortgagee, the /oliowing-descr36ed real preperty in a & u to o County, Nebraska, subject to cll.
<br />..gas, and minerst rights owned by parties other than Mortgagor(s); existing easements of -word; reservations in United
<br />Steles and`Stste patents; and tire. rights of the: public in, all highways:
<br />i
<br />i
<br />f..
<br />i
<br />j
<br />~ containing 599 acres.,mon oriess. according 1o Government survey; together with all of the right, title, and
<br />j irttsrsat of the Mortgagors} 3n said property now ownetl. or hereatleracqufred, and including all builCings and Improve-
<br />~ menb Holy on, or hereafter p#accd upon. said real. property: including also alt water,. irrigation, and drainage rights.
<br />t This mortgage is given. to secures
<br />I {a} A Promissory note dared ~A~l ~ 7 ~ 9'~ Z give b Mor a r(s t Mortgagee, in the
<br />prinelpMauenot ---s lx rtUYDRED ~Zi~ Txousa~D ~ xo?ido--t~~b~`~.k3o8.oo~-ao~LAAS,
<br />i p~usadvart~ntorthepurct+aseotCtassB..stockarpsrtictpalioncertiticates9f.IheMorlgageeas{equiredbyMort-
<br />gagee's bytates and by determination by the. Mortgagee's Board of, Dirccton upder said bylaws, pursuant to lederai!
<br />(aw, tosupporl tM outstanding indebtedness, payable with interest according to the terms of said note and any instru-
<br />t mantstakrn in reflnancing,etrlenddng, orrenewtngsaid indebtedness orany part Ihereol;
<br />j (b) Any tutors ttitvanee(s}, with lntererl, which may: tee madefrornMme tot(me by Mortgagee;'al its option, to Mont-
<br />i gagor(s}, w an>r of tMm or thNr autceasors imtitie, for ray purpose, induding, but nob fintitadlo; initial end tutors
<br />athraticea for the purchaseot Class B sroek sntlror particfpauon certificates of the Mortgagee as requked by Mort-
<br />gagN's bylawaand by determination by the Mortgagees Board of Direcfors'under~aid bylaws, pursuant to federal
<br />~ taw, to support rite outstanding indebtedness, fn any amouncor amounh, provided; hoiwever, that such futon snd
<br />sdMtfortai adraarnaecee((s shall bt sa limited that the tolak pprrfincippaatamounts outstsndfn at any one time stiai not exceed
<br />tM wm of --SEVE'V }(t1ND1~D T'iIO~1~FtD ht+iD Yoltpq_ (5700 00 0~) _ ---- DC)LLARS.
<br />plus aatd ttdrancts for purchsse of Class B aroek or participation certificates of the Mortgagee tosupportfheindebE-
<br />eMtess, avid pror#ded further Ittet futon advarfce(r} sO made shall be payable in scgarrianee w#ih the terms of a pro-
<br />i mkuoryriolrotnottawhicremaybeSakentoevidence:wctvadrance(s}orsnypsrtthereat, #Theoptionaiadrsnce(s)
<br />h+r~irr autltoritM shall Mf'tonsidtred sdditionst to ttte advsnte(f} here#natteraufhorfzed to be made by tfie MOfl-
<br />gaigee for the Protection of the security or Mortgagee's interest therein.)
<br />T1~ morlgpgr la be void upon: the. payment in lull wfih interest of all obligat#ons, prexnt or future; secured or 20 be
<br />MCUrrd MMby,
<br />TM MORgapor#s},. and reach of thorn, herdby warrantts} that tiroeq arefee owtfe~rs at the mortgaged riyat property; that
<br />1 they wtM fend the title againstatl claimants vfwftorrisoevet; and they reiinqursh all rights of homestead in said premises,
<br />eras covenant and agree with the Mortgagee as fellows;
<br />{i} To paywMYt due sit taus...lians, lodgments, orassessments which. maY be tawfuNyassessed againstthe.. property
<br />Herein martgaged,.and ttro rental cturgesupon any teases asstgned asaddttionat security for this mortgage.
<br />~ t2} To insure sndktuep. insured buridfngs and other impravemer4ts now. an or which may hereafterbe pEaced on said
<br />pnrm+xs to the satufactnort of the Mortgagee. Any polecy evidencing such insurance shaltlx endorsed with a mortgage
<br />~ cMux. approved by amt in favor of Mongsgee, and depositmf with: kiss thereunder to tieyayabie to Mdrtgagee as its
<br />interest mayappgr. At the option of Mortgagor(s), and xubject to .general reputations of the'Farm Credit
<br />s Administration,wmswrecniiredbyfNartgageertsaybeusedtopayforreconstructiondithedestroyedimprovernant(s}.
<br />or-tt not so aPDirad. +nay. at the option of Mortgagee; be applied in payment of any indebtedness; matured or unmatured .
<br />secured by'this martgsge.
<br />#3} To keep all twildaiys occupied and in good repair, and to refrain from the: commission afi any acts of removal.
<br />demotitiot- at impairment ttroteof: net to cut or remove, or permit. to be cut or remomed; any woad tirirmber from said
<br />? r~tproperty, snd to eammitor:permitno, waste orimpairment o! the value of this security; to eontinuauslypractice
<br />approwad metl+ods of tarmdng on said ravels. to prevent erosion and tfie spread of noxious and damaging weeds, and tU
<br />preserve the 7ertiliYy aY flee sail... -
<br />#4} Tttat in the event fiilortgagOt(s) iaii(ai to pay when due any taxes; rental charges upon any :leases assigned as
<br />addiitonai secvrrty #orthis mortgage, Evens. judgments, or assessments lawfully assessedagainstthe property herern.
<br />mortgap~d, or fr+i#si to:.. rrsamtaininsurante ashereinbefore provided, Mortgagee may make such paymentor provide' :
<br />suct4 insure+xe, and the amount#s) peed tMrefor shalt ttecorne a part of the +ndebtednesa assured harebY. due and
<br />peyalrte immedratefy,. and shatibssr mtereai at tttecurrentsateof the Mortgagee at ihetime the Mortgagee makes such
<br />(S; Thal M the event iLrartgaflOfli default] s} Ih fhepayment of Saint prihctpAi sum, Or lf. 2herap$yment Of any addiiia P?al
<br />advAnce}sl mace at herein provided, or of any mterest #hereon: at the time when the tams sha(E be due; tie with resprsct to
<br />any revenant w ean:l+tic,n. iwre.7t, rises,, at the option at'Mortgagee,.the entire indebtedness secured heietry shall
<br />forthwitftbaewnsduoarsdpaYSbfe.unaill.~•ar,nterextaithetutrentrataoftheMortoapee~tr»:thedain,ufthetfnid.ult.and.'
<br />it+r Mor4payEa may immediatnfy forec;ose thrs •~eortgage ar pvrsaire any other avaikatsie (egatramedy.. to [foe even#: of any
<br />accc~n by tNongagee to enfwre cotkectiun of tt;c mortgage debt. Ehe Irlurtc}agar#s;:~ttreetitj thatanY ax..panse enaurrexd tu.
<br />pre c"lree o< extend an absirtct ~f t, ar serail. when par~cf by 5il ortgag~. ~~erne a Rart of ttte6ebi secutaef F,p_reby, trntl shal3
<br />Ge pazd try !Viortyegorta} t6>7rih,~r with ah of this taxable rases c f sr.rh servo n.
<br />.rr~<a.+.. ,. -. , .-~ ~ _, ~, °~~ w• ~~ ~ ~ M ,e.a ~~ u,.,~~~ tie t . ~.. ~~ «x ...~
<br />