<br />$z~ Q~+~~~~"
<br />MOA?GAOE See L 23 , 332
<br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L 24 r 039 ^_._
<br />K1w4W ALL MEN BY TT~ttFSE PRESEN'['S: TFut Mary L. Otto, a single person,.
<br />_ Mortgagor, wbetherorteor more, idiptisideotion of t{te sum of
<br />Ttrielve ThOtasand and nol100--- ---_ .-----------------a_----~,----------
<br />_----__ I]OLLARS
<br />kraned to satd mtutgsgnt b}r_The a?quitabk $urldi»gand I.tisa Arociation of Grand Ialared,Nebraska,Mo
<br />rtgagec, upon 12J shoes of stock of
<br />- said-ASSOCIATION, Certificate No:L 24, 034' , dottereirygrant: conxey and-urortgage :unto the said A.SJ(X;IAT[pN the following
<br />tSescsfbdt t+esl estaie, !atoateca in Ha11 Gnunty, Nebiaska:
<br />The Stauth Fifty-Six feet.{56t) of Lat Five..(5)
<br />in B1oc1c Nineteen (19) in H. G. Clark's Addition
<br />to the city of Grand Zsiand, Hall County,
<br />Nebraska, AND Lot Tiaelve (12) and the South Half
<br />tS'~} cf Lot Thirteen (13)'in Hlock Three (3} in
<br />Pleasant Hill Addition to the: city af.Grand.Island,
<br />Hall Cousty, Nebraska:.
<br />`~L
<br />- toseeafier scab aUthc ttnemeats, tteteditamrats and sppuncnanees. tiurcuntn txtonging, iuctudiugattadied floor wverittgs, allwindow s:rurrs,
<br />' wirtdrwslndei,:blrttds,stormwirrdars,asvntttgs.-treating, aixwndiiiorsixrg,andplwrt{riri8andwacerequipmentandactsantiesthereta,pumps,stover,
<br />tef[ideratnn, and other fiatrires and egttiptorat nrnr or fineafter atueited to or umd in mrsnectwn with said real estate.
<br />.And whereas the said roortp~por lsas a~rad and dos hereby agree that the nartpgnr shall attd wilt pay all taxes and asaessutents levied or
<br />aaarsed upon said prettines and trpwt obis ntnrtyMgr and tlx bond secured thereby- before tttc satnc stts0 bewttte delinquent; to fitrnist[ approved
<br />ien[aneetgxmtbebtnidagtcxrsardpremaesstttia.tedintbesumofS12a000.00 payable tossid:ASSOCIATION and:todcliverfo-sad.
<br />A'SSOC'IA1TfN~f the policies for raid ittsuraax:.and. esnt to aatamit or petted arty wore. ran orabnui soul premises'.
<br />to rase of defauh m fate performance of asyof the terms and conditions of trio uirrrtga~ err the bona secured. hereby; the mortgagee stta0l
<br />oa cacrtnad. tieentpkd to rrnnedgtt pnsseaonn nFthc rrterrtgayted premui:x attd the mtmgaRnr. hereby assigns, tza[tsfets and sets over :to the...
<br />morcgst{ee all thezmts,rereartrs and ieteoast wtx dcrrved frvut the nxxtplgesl promises durx :such time as the wort
<br />ng ~ indebtedness satallrertuin-
<br />rmpad: acrd the mwrpy~c sFu11 haK the pnr.ci to appoinr any atpent nr ag~tnis it .stay desarc fear tttc pmpriac of rcpaitittg said prerniaes and ieafittg
<br />the same sod c~trlkttrnlt the rrnts, rcratnrz :rni inarr:,e. odd it may paY colt of said anarmt ati expt:nxs ar€ repairin; sstd pretnbea and necemty
<br />rontascirir~xn sod rvpenin incurrcrl ,n r-nt,rrR anC irxanartine rFre <smc sal ,rf cUlkCing rents{s rherefxntn; the tsabuc;e rerrraining, if any, to be
<br />appticd toward the dncfurec ..t v+d'ttwrtgypc ,ndebtcdnca. these rwjttsaC sax rnnn(Cagerr nny Ire extrcrsed at any time dtuirtX the exisleneeaf such
<br />detatdt, utcspectrvc <,E any tnrepxary wary, ,.rl the lame
<br />Thcr Rascnrr, t,owc.r., are upon the Corrdrrsori, This is the iasd tiftntgsgirr tt,ail retray :said lean cm: or bcfnre tlx maturity o€ said i,4ruesby.
<br />pry[oent: pay rr^mrtilv r.> aaht -1SSOCIA770a+t of tare strm .padiad urthe ffrrncf ,ctutedk,crcby asmietest andprtineipal nosaidWan,onorbgfarc.
<br />ttte.TtseaFrrchda;~,~Ecach.ndcervrttustth,uWds+klksat.fairypaitq:pyyalltausamiaaanymmcslrviedapiitstsaid.:pratnuesandnnthixMortgt,e.
<br />and the &rrtd sectncd nc~retn . Ixfuee Jeimgtterrry. f,anrxh approved nrsuraacc er(nrtt the bmldatgs thereon m the sum of S; 12, 000, 00 payable
<br />- to said A."sw<aC1ATltly: rrpay to sod AS'SOC'IAT1Ca,N upon demandall rrtaocy :.y .t yard fm..sdch..taacc. aaemrieutaand irxsttrancewithinteresrat
<br />ttsr rnaztmuni ye~d rate nc~r~n from date cif gtyment a{1 nt ,rhn3t Mott,r hcrcbr ~trces cat pay; yernnyttto w,rste rm said premiss; keep and comply
<br />with al{ eheagmrttcrttsarrl ccmditiona ot'rhelbrxJ to, S ~2.~ OQ0.00 :^us c:ry wvcn t•y +ha sod +Kortggctr to said.ASSO(:SATION, and comply
<br />wr[hall ttu r~cxprirentcttis of t€reC'onstttu[i~aai By Laws rf soul ASSX?t'IAT-E O+r'. then chrr presrnts mail treeotnontth and void, otherwise: ihey..
<br />slut! rcnwut ,n #ull forotand may be fti[etWtcd at the optitrn orthe na.l ASSEI(:tAT"1(:N alter !adore for tttrrre ruontlts to make any ofsaid'.
<br />puyrzrnu «r lie r hree tttontltsm arrears as m$,rrg sax! erwnehiypsyrucnt::.n to tecp ant amtptY. wnh the agx+xsnsents and cnildltions of said,BOnd:
<br />atul MwtgypN artrees w tnrea rceeiver appom[ed farthw+[Er m strtlrfaacck>surr trwecdrttgs..
<br />of r lrcre a any cltutee m ownership cd the real txtste rtsortgsee$ lsrrcm, by sale w cstlrcrvrrrie, then t1x entire remaining mdebudaess heieby
<br />secura! viol!, at the o, two erf'S'![e F_gtntabie BuiWisgand l.,.oao';4souciatwn of (;rmd IsiaAd.i"~xaskx,beawraeusntsuliatety dire and payable without
<br />further re.Hite, arw} fate amritmt tetrrinfttg due order said bond, end arry unsex bard foranpaddstronaladnaxsmadethereunder,sttaU,fromttre
<br />date ..f ezernx ,>C said option, bear infects[ at the rattrrrrtom legal :ate. sod rho rrrort~r tttay tfsav be fetred~©aed to satisfy the amount dire on said:.
<br />bond, card wry nttxr bond foeadditiorotadrartcrs; tapef#ter with sil su.-tt:: paad trv card 'face F;quftabk guilrling ,and L,asn Association of Grartdlsland,..
<br />NsMasks io: ~ srrsarrae, tortes and asaesurtcmu, and z~lrsctirtg estrtmrin char~cs. wu h mtexesr thercntt, from date of'. payment at. rho maxrriurrt
<br />' legal r37e.
<br />As {xov 's.eef rn the Frond sr~tredherebq, wltik tha ntartgage remaacts rn rfteet ttse ninrtgagee may hetea!`trradvantz additional strarxto the:
<br />oaken of said Roru1, thcrr assrgtts e : uucessnrs rtE intertst. wltrr$r itnmahall be Wt:hur she secwny crf thisnwrt~e. [he same as the fursdaorigittaIly..
<br />scarred thereby, the coral amouoi r*f pesrtcrlul debt ~t to:exetedat any ^methe uriK,nal aarrtrirnt of tteixmortgage..:.
<br />~thtrd tius 2?th od MdY: a. ~,, f9 82
<br />L. f~ttc~
<br />srA f;-. ter ;~it:BRASiCAA,
<br />crK;~ ter aIAI.L '~' On t1m 27th day of ~Y, lv 82 .Ixtnr>• roe;
<br />L the urufzxsigm.d, a Notary Pubaic in and Sur saFd Catmiy, persnrtatty court
<br />lrt~ z~' Win, who iS. pcrsrrttatiy known t.o
<br />RK t.r yM rtrr n4rrstra,' „ti-rac:n~ wtease nartte .1,5 aeE#yced tothe abc~ciassuuatx~nt axnwrag~or~ and ]•9DOQA~f;
<br />n.arr..~sr syg-d <'x -~, x :.rs +e. he~Y' rctorrtery xct and deed.: -'':..... ~.
<br />*ki '~ S -~; s x: rra•mrt the dzta aftsresaid;. f~ ~ ;~" -'
<br />4 t ~"
<br />'-try 1 .1',~i£, . f Y rh, i. z ~I .1.ti ... ~~ ~/ fe" P. /'1".r~."1 N C ~ 6f
<br />i
<br />~y,~ / p~y
<br />.. ,,. 1. ''.. ~4,`++a'.~ / ^.,.../ :.
<br />,: '
<br />'~ a1lliVi ta~tArP'taar ra iitlaiYia ,C':F t,l K: ._..
<br />sr=~aE JGiA1rMK IL i~01Mi1
<br />1._ +ya~~.~at;tfM
<br />