<br />~.t a f~ ' „
<br />X32 ~- ~ _ s" t~
<br />In :~osider~#ian 6f ftr31 pa}anent and c~czmpli v~ccx with :the conditions of ;, mottga~e
<br />made by 42cbert_ L. Bruhn atxl Shirley A. Bruhn, each in 2is and her own. right
<br />as sr~ouse of each other,
<br />to THE £t?l'ITRBLE 13L?ILDI4aG-r1"_tiI7 I:~:9N ASSOCIA"!`IO~T t7F (:RAID 1SLAlVD, N>1B1iASICA, on the
<br />falbv.~,desaribed prog,erty, to-azr. I~ot:twelve {1~) and the R'orth psle~la':i (!V'~) OF
<br />Lot Eleven (11}, all in BiaCk Z'cao 2}. Harrison `s
<br />St3bdvsion to the City of Grand I~lanci, HaII i;aUnty,
<br />;vebraska;,bei.y ;; art aE the Sa.it:~.rest quarter of the
<br />Southeast: Quarter {St~.5E;) crf Sec*ion Eight (8; , in Tam=hip
<br />Eletren {ll} Narch, I~arige twine (9} ~~:est ~f khe ea.xth ".+i. , ;
<br />wiri~h s~ai martgagc t,czxn tlste l~tY: day t3~ ,itty 1962 ~md
<br />is rrcradett rn 1 129: of iaxu . ,.r, F.t~e 32
<br />raf the records of FialI C_a~+uatw; '4etarnska. ~.c;r' .issz.cut Fu~rrlrv .. s*r,s+~=ks#ees full s.csisiactwn ok anri reirases the
<br />scone.
<br />L2 .vitsbcs+ ~~ku~.-„t c}~r ,ate 13iE tt('iL'IT,~IkL.I: 1tL"Lt~l`tt`.:1:Ki? 3:t:?,1.`i :~1.SC/C:IA1't0\' Uk
<br />Glttti2VD:1~'1,As'tiI}. `.ESHA~3~9, },i ~s,ix~t Lltit t:txirumnrt f~; i•r wttscrct l}}' r~ F'rr,kla~r~t ausi attested by ats
<br />'S«xc~uy ties Lt t}a} +~ .T~,uze ~ n, .~t ft2
<br />The ~~ and" LaM' ~ocir of Cara~d Isiagd, N~brask~
<br />-.r ~'`'
<br />e
<br />f'n:-~eelcat ,. c. .~(lr ~'!k3ri
<br />4ttcrat - .'" .. v ter" ;
<br />,CKYCC:ay;,~]yL'<. Ni <L2ittafi
<br />S?'ATE OF `F.IiHASYA }
<br />CY7L'~"IY Ofi l1,t11.
<br />T~y ~
<br />EAt if,~ I:~t ' cd J 9..2.7., 2~ 82' i~e#'crre rn~:, :: `:,,taty I'u{t!ic
<br />duly oorz,eriiv,~,~ ~zsxl ~.:sc$ifncl fzx :wd resicl~ap m asrcl count}, &>~wraaFl3% c~acne FC. E. Kltsman at>r3
<br />games .+i. Ulson
<br />to me Icswrv w ire the ulr,res~:3: }~erstuu uhc,se : e ;e~ .~:;e ..=.tisrtl to tre ;elxwc rr3ertse as PtE~xii?xc:l ..txt ~~G7et~:y
<br />04 syad A„rnx`4atitir, ark au,-e~wai~dyd3 .hr. ssui ireslr~mear. tee !x tfwir ->icptta~rya a4Y E:n(1 tl'earl~.recld~e s~olgacta::'
<br />wY arK;. of the ^ax3 Tl{f; F,(?S`li'.9&..f?. >il;:E..L}1;tiC *rw~U I. U,9 `: :L:.S(:?C.[AZ`t(!"v Uh' t:ttA;tii7 it1.,.~~~t3,
<br />-~.
<br />~`Yatk.95rA.
<br />E~'r'itners .-~y i-:~;~ a,-a3 Ot::ri:a9 x~~ t2rr ;jay at3z+~)ear Lst a1nA?2 't~zitttir: ,,.'9.
<br />~~ ~lRlw~ ' ,>
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<br />- :~` ~ .turd Yu't ~t,:
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