<br />j
<br />,._ _ _~ .
<br />... .._ ~ r .. .... _ - _.._
<br />~_
<br />i 52q-ReRt_ eSra.T~.MORTGAGE-{With7ax Clause) Aeu. 7S Huftman and fzliotr tS Wolf. Walton, Ne. 6&46]
<br />titiO:V ;\I.L ~•tEN $I THESE PRESE?1TS: That F1r5t United'Methodi5t Church
<br />of Qrand Island, Hall County, and State of Nebraska -1---------tn consideration n£ the stmt of
<br />r ;FIFTY T"NfRl SAND & NO/i00----------------------r-----=----° LN3LLARS
<br />is Nana Paid, a~ hereby SELL ana colv~~ unto The Nebraska Annual-Conference of The United !
<br />(Methodist Ct;urch
<br />of ~anCaSter County; State ~f Nebraska the followingdexrib.vi Premiwssitraeted ~!
<br />in Hall County,:and Eta.}e Gf Nebraska tc.-w;t~
<br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Southwest Quarter (SYi~) of the Scutheast
<br />Quarter (SEi), and a part of the South-Fast Quarter (SEA) ef,the Southwest Quarter
<br />(Sbbl) of 'Section TL•JO (,2}, Townsf}ip Eleven (il) North, Range. Ten (10) West of the
<br />6th P.ht. in Hail County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows:
<br />Beginning at a point One (1 .0) foot west of the sautb-west corner of
<br />tt~ said-Southeast $uarter (SE}j; thence ea ter]y along the south line of
<br />{^^-s said Section Taro (2), a distance of One (].0) foot, .to the southwest
<br />~~z corner of said Southeasf.Quarter (SEA); thence continuing easterly along
<br />' ~ the south line of said Section Two (2), a distance of Seven Huhdred Forty
<br />=` (74Q:D) feet; thence. northerly perpendicular i;o said `south line of Section
<br />Two {2), a distance of Four Hundred'Seven (407;0} feet; thence westerly
<br />1 N #parallel to the south line of said Southeast-Quarter'(SE#), a distance of -
<br />pp (See reverse ids fear continuation of description) ~
<br />i
<br />i Tate inttxttion'Freirtg tgrxtnvey hemby an absolute titicin feesrsmPlev, including alt the rightsof homestead and dower.
<br />TO HAYEAItiD "I'fl }(ULD the premiir~ above dreurthed, ~~•rih iii the appurtenances thereunto belonging, unto the said I
<br />mortgaK~eetgi and to hia,.her or ihetr heirsand a~rs;nc fur •cr-r, yrovad:d tttways, .and r~ w ;,reuents are upon.the. es Prrsq ~
<br />~ txtrsditton tha4if the satd tnortgagixts), hts, her ur tis4rir hems, rxecutots, :administrators c .nsi„r-, hall.Iray..ar' cause `,to be
<br />ttt the said mo ~
<br />paid. rtRaRee{si, hts, herar their heirs, executors, administratcirs ar ai.5igns, the principal sum of $ 5Q~QQQ, QQ
<br />' wyab}e as fttiiows, w wit:
<br />Principal payments of Eight Hundred 0ollars (5800.00) beginning January 1, 1983;
<br />Interest, on the unpaid balance wii3 be charged at`the rate of 2% beginning June 1, ~
<br />t 1.982, and will 6e increased 2% each year thereafter during a four year period.
<br />Loans which must be carried rsiore than five {5) years shall be charged interest.. on I
<br />.:the unpaitl balance at a rate equal to the then current .bank rate for construction
<br />lnaRS.
<br />with inu-rv~t atcordirig W Cher tenor alai rlTntt <xf r.hc~ rm.rtRafi~rs wrrttrtt trrvm .+drpn.rlc ksy+a, rang evan dH [e with these preseuas I
<br />+~ s}utii I~,Y au ti47tea :aid a.>,.•.ntttrnt• Ire iNZ) t x n ..Y tJ •••el . ,.J,at,., an!? iii < t!u ~ f rx I ~e yr Arid mr uts It!viCt'I u{'itYri this
<br />mort~,ge+ nr live note which thr...murtxuKr ~. teen !,r -~.~ur.. lrefur~ the ~uuv I,~, ,mr, drhn ur•nt r 1 k ~
<br />y _rp the,baildinga on
<br />~: .void Jrrrrnascx insured fart.. •utnnf "} EJQ'Q,.dQQ.QI!. lcsm,, if any,.fayahte to tJr sairi mortltiuJ,.'.:. t}run thesegresu3ts ~~
<br />to ter +.uri, „C}wtw l+e u7. b.r .uv1 r.rnain ur dull fnrc.•,
<br />j :.
<br />iT t~ i•'LiR'CH}:It A<:i{E}:D I:i7 T'ltutif th. raid._rrxrrigagor shall fail in pay such tuxes i>r prurure each inxurancse, the ~~
<br />.iid mortgagor leap wrr .u.h :axc~iand prua'ure .ue$ insurance; and the-suer ru, advanctxi,-with interest at 12 pox
<br />cent, .vhall !>r espied Iry ,aid rtxertgagrrr, and thr~ rn„rtgagr e;hail sixrai us stru rity for. the +u,nre: (Zt 7'hata failure to pay .any
<br />n( saaa ^u,nev, ertMr pnncrpai atiniere~sQ when tste twine ixtomsHS r9ue,:or a failute to <ror»Itly wifh tiny ufthe forei;oint;
<br />~~ agrecmenlx, :Iwll r.~use the whole sum of m.,ny~ r:.•r..-in secured'to hecotnedue arid'coliectiblea at nncc'at thooptionof t:he j
<br />mortgagee. ~t r,,._,~
<br />Signed thrs ~ k day of t~'t t y -, I$ - ~
<br />1 r }n yrese~tce of ZC3 ~ ~j~
<br />''~~d~G4ctruJ ~. Vic.
<br />STATE OF .. '!4~ _<... , ..:.... , C;otlnty of .. ; .... .. ...:....... . . .
<br />The foregoing ittstruzttent was aeknowledgecl before me ............... ~ 7 .. ; ::. .:.19 8~. ~
<br />v ...
<br />by .........,
<br />&1tY 0. LnAPSaN ~~
<br />YCljERAl NDTARiR~, n
<br />~aR/-L ~ _ ~Q'... _
<br />iTAILOF hEBA~WtA ~ ~ ~ ~ ~/~ "~ ~ -'. ....
<br />Signature of Pt=rson 3`aktng Acknowledgment
<br />Gensam Egtes
<br />i CktoOer 5. 1914
<br />Title
<br />STATE t?F__._._.. _. _...._......_ .- 1 Entered nn nun. ;ic<at t`ndex.,.and filed f r
<br />- ~ set. ri
<br />Geuaty _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ .__. . 1 :rt the Piegistcr o£ i,Aaln:.4 (MFx:e o~f said Gnu,,, (7,c '!
<br />.._._ ...._ _ ,day n£... :_., ..,.. ..., ;9. . .: `. at. ,.;...:.u'cirrtSt ord.. ..__.. .ntinutbrs,... _. \L,
<br />un3 rcna~r€3e>:i sr, F3cxak >, :..:.,_ .. .: of.,., _. at page..., „ . ;
<br />