<br />52%a-5EC47ND REAL ESTATE PtORTGAGE~-W[th Tax Clause y~ ~ Nutftnaa antl POttan&Wo t ~M1aifnn. Ne b8461
<br />arrow AT.i, MEN BY ~~~ PRE5EN15: l
<br />82-~:ivy ~_~~~
<br />~; TH4T I or if%E, Helen s. Ross
<br />F
<br />of Hall Count~~ and State of yebraska its eonssderation of the Burn e; ;
<br />~ Five Thousand Qne Hc.nd~ed Fifty C:one Dollars and 60(100 ';OLL,4RS
<br />1 in hand paid,. do hereby SELL and CONi't~}" t:nty Pacesetter Praduets ~
<br />J
<br />f ~
<br />j ruortgcgae ), f
<br />~' of Douglas Cpuxty, and State at Nebiaska ,thrfoll~.a=ttg descri~e-i~ /~r°rnises
<br />i si.'srated iii Hall Couxty, and State of 15ebraska to ~etit~
<br />i
<br />1 Lofi;4 Black 23 Scazff Addition
<br />} _
<br />1 ~
<br />a
<br />if j
<br />a 1
<br />ii } ~
<br />.` i .. ~
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<br />i
<br />I
<br />Tht irtartiotr bttwg tv _tmatti~ hereby as obsalrts title in jae srmple intlttdi»g all'tks riglitr o} Homestead and ac.uer.
<br />TO FIRI/E ANn Tp FFDLD the p-errirtr abOtre dexcn7red, oath. a!1 the appwtrratnces thrreunio belonging unto
<br />tkt said rwartgayrr ar ntmstgagsss and to hie, Tcrr or their hsit and ass+rrns, (ort4~er', prirtridi'd attcnys, and these pees- j
<br />1 rests ors rota fhs es¢rsss totrdition that if the raid nwrtgagoe or fitos'lgago*s, iris, her or titrir ;fairs, =executors, udmin- i
<br />1 utrators ar atsrgwr shall-pay or rsr~e to bs paid to firs said ntottgu!.`. ar mortgagees and to his, ker yr their Heirs, cx-
<br />eertwr, adrwiMitMaloe't or attigns, the srs of ~
<br />~ L'ollars, payabts as folluuv, to Veit,
<br />Ftre 2Tiousand Otte Hundred Fifty (hte DpFFars and 6D(lOD
<br />3 ;
<br />a+ith iwtnrst thsrsor at i8 psr covet per arwrra, payabls mvnrI:Iy anrxally, accardirg to tkc tenor and c~FCt of ;
<br />f the proneitsary rate u•itk irtsrsrt corponr attached of said Mortgagors, hearing evsn .data aatk ekes= pre.,--
<br />i ~, and tkoli pay all later and ary iwierzst an, ar r.atfrsia,¢ iYa;¢ailmertr o} priitciFai, doe on any prior tnorrgage and j
<br />arrrstrwswtr lrvisd upar said real csiate aw.i all oiksr tares; levier and ctsessmsnts !e-died rayon :fist n~artyagc or :l;e ,
<br />Hots xrhich tku r:ortgagr is giver :a secrre, before tke same bscofxrr dslingrterct ana keep the buildings t,n ;u7d ';
<br />prr~icss iwtrrsd Joe tkr seem;' ,tors. if ary, payable to sate;; ~rt mrrrtgagee~s ar t;ris rnortyuyaz, or Lair, ',
<br />then thsss prsttwtr b[ oroid, ofhrrcur to be and rrraain in fast! jvrce.
<br />I? 73' FURTHER dvREE~ {rj 'Tina! if tha raid +wortgogor rhaJ! frail toQaysvxh'taxos and such interest on,
<br />or rRaias-.ry insta~`msnis of prircipai, des nn any prior mortgage and pro[rrs sxehiixisterancz, Shen tru nsortgager unary ~
<br />Faty ,tireh tn.esr aa+d sxrk interest an, or trwtrnnq irrtallrwerts Q} r+cri~^ipe1, dws On suc'n pruir rnortgaye :;nd soeure
<br />trek ir,cxrwur; a~ ihz ram ro adrxanced a+tk in:rrest at nine rare cent shat; be paid b; said nr~rtgoy.>r, anJ ;iris marf- '
<br />i gage sh=ut staved as sccrri:y Jcr the tams, raj Thee a Jail>me o pay en a} saidmoneSr, either prin~pi;l r,,r ixtrrest r+n ;
<br />skis yr sA-y 9rwr mortgage, uken tkr same F,erances der ora Jailure~ :a campiy wash ant- of tks foa`cycnrtg a,r-rna~rcis,
<br />rirall ralcr8 tiM tc'kale rvm of rfon.'1" hrrean SPCrred to Oe COH-t' dot and collvrtabl¢ al aftEe rte tk¢Pp i"m c.j tl • n:ar.'-
<br />aGgCF. _ _
<br />~ lT z' ~~r;iE${T91~taaid mortgagor, dsnding }oreclarure itf this murt~a(fz• mid jt aei and '
<br />t a~w»i s, raw • a; s:tcli 1,72 _, and nsn(u 7rtq
<br />p 'e9 ~ ~ a~ csnCi~ sa3e o f preen; Qs rnar!gay ea, n a r ,'
<br />:oUrrraC or on prior mertgagas, pro%iere curie nsurtnc ~ and sue c ;rnr.r 7• u
<br />oa°drd re t .'QTc°r`t~e a+i~ ppon con_firnwtwr a{ sale by tine scar: ora=rro Sukea out a} pra.eEdz + 1 s,r1E; ~.
<br />_ i r iJ r.deenMCd daaing stcr_y, a,~pta! or snip, nub emovR& ;hall h9 c3llsc ca (tae s,'zr ~ r:r ti'rr_--ttgi; at c,,=°re a hs7rt r rr~ch ~,
<br />dreres.
<br />~ Signsd tvi.r ~ .t dal' c} +;~ _
<br />`~ ~z~~>
<br />ja prrsrru _.,( ~
<br />.fit' ! .+.~L-t:L~~ ~' ~ /~ ~~ c-<^.-~...~~ /i ti.C a s"_ ?~" ~`--e~` t,^:~
<br />:.i
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