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<br />103-A~WAR RA NTY pEEA (Rev~~rgl ;96t) ~5^ ~~ ') ~ ~ Q 1`Le ]~nfYmae Ganesa7 R¢pply Haase, Lincoln, Ymbr:
<br />~,~ : I U s.. ! it
<br />TIL4T I or T~~'e, City of Grand Island, a *lunicipal Corporation
<br />herein called the grantor whether one or more,
<br />in consideration of Twenty Seven Ttiousand'Two Hundred 'I4aenty Five and no/100 Dollars ($27,??5:00)
<br />received from y;rantee, do hereby grant, bargain, sell, eonver and eonirm unto Beaty Jo Walker, a single.
<br />person
<br />herein called the grantee EsLether one. or more;. the fbllowin~ described real property in
<br />`Aali County ' Nebraska:
<br />Lot Five (5), Block 'fftirty-Tvo (32) Lambert's Addition to the City of
<br />Grand Island, Ha11 County, Nebraska
<br />~ ~,~p.
<br />C*~~t"~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~q~)
<br />S~A~ f
<br />8Y'
<br />To ]race and to hol<I the above d~•~eribect premi:r~ together with all ten+emeuts, hertdit.aments and appur-
<br />t:enancra thereto belonging unto the Krautee and fn y,*tatrti•e'~ tlcirs and as,4igns forever.
<br />lyd the grantor does l:erebr cl~venan; with the },~antee and with grantee's heirs and aasigna that grantor
<br />is 1ax~fully shard of said premises; that theg_ are free from encumbrance dxcePt easements and restric-
<br />dons of record;
<br />that grantor has Rood,riprltt and ia.eful antltority'a catt.rr tFr name, and that grantor warraats and will defend
<br />iht title to said premista against the lawfn! claims of ati pananac>achomaotvtt
<br />rd Nty 2$ ~q 82
<br />STATE OF.. Nebraska.......... _. Connty of_.~1,1 .................:
<br />Before mr, a notarq pnbiic qualified for paid coilntc, personally came
<br />Robert L. Kriz, Mayor -City of Gratut Island, Nebraska
<br />kno~rtt to mt to be the idrntiul pervln nr persnrLS lrho i<igned Lhe foregoing instramextt acid acknnµ~lrJp;<•,] the
<br />e=tention thtteof to be hir, hrr ar their .oluntary act sad decd:
<br />Witne~~ baud and notarial seal on. .::Mla~::zS........._ ............. 19,$2
<br />A GFlIE1dl MQ:4Ph SOtr st tit r a ....
<br />t3iE JERENHEJ.GARRD'JTTE ^~-"'? ^•~`:•/ - / --- ~OLaryP~~blic
<br />• ~ ~ sect z~, l9~
<br />' Mr commlas}an ezptrre.~-,~,: _s~ ..:. ' .... ]J ... .
<br />{Y.
<br />Rrttorrd cn nramerical fades and fs4ea3 for reeu:d in the Fi;tgiater cif !)ecds t3ffiel~ c.f said Ca?unty the
<br />.... ---.-.cisytsf... .... .. ... .. .. 19.......ai...-.. -.~::'el;x~ sad...,., :.miontes ,......_..._SL,
<br />n;zri roc<rr~itd Sr: finok. _ . , .... . ; . of . .. .. ... ht ,lam, : ... . . . ......
<br />12a.er c,f l+ia
<br />i,l. , , .. , . , .. lie;yttt.y
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