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<br />. _ ' Second. 1lortgage ' <br />-~ , i~lfl~~~s: {i t for <br />Ytith Addendum,. for Re Section 235 Cases ' ; <br />payment of'Seetion 235 Assistance ~` ~ J <br />i. _ <br />THI5 FIQRTGAGE, made ,and executed this 2:Tih day of May , A, p, <br />1982 by and between xevin n. Ilff and Krist A. IliP'£. Husband and wife <br />of the County of xa1? ~, and State of'Plebraska„ party of she first part <br />hereinafter ca]Ted the tortgagor and the Secretary of tfie:Depat•tment of housing ant <br />urban Deve apment: <br />party of the second part;: hereinafter ca]led the Mortgagee. <br />ElITNESSETH: That the said Mortgagor, is justly indebted to the Mortgagee in the <br />principal sum of Dollars ;~ j <br />which principal sum wi1T not exceed an amount computed under the terms of the Note <br />executed by said Martt}agor an ~Y z'. >:9az ,with interest,;. in <br />accordance hrith said Note. That as security for said Note.: the Mortgagor does by_,thesz <br />presents"Grant, aargain-Sell, Convey and Confirm unto the Mortgagee, its successors and <br />assigns the following described real estate situated in the County of xall <br />State of Metrraskd t0 wit b.ot Ten (2C1, Kal2os Subdivision, in 'the City o£ Grand <br />Zsl d, xa.?1 County, Nebraska <br />TO HAVE ANO TI; HDLD the arem~ses above described, with a1T the appurtenances <br />thtreunta belonging and inG]uding alI heating, plumbing and lighting fixtpres and equip- <br />ment'naw ar hereafter attached to or used in connection with said real estate unto the <br />Mortgagee, and to'its successors and assigns, forever:, The Mortgagor represents to, and <br />covenants frith, the Mortgagee, that the Mortgagor has good right to se]l and convey said <br />premises; that they are fees front eruuaabrance, except for an FHA first mortgage;, and that <br />the°Fbrtgagor will warrant and defend the same agaanst the lawfu] claims of al] persons <br />whomsoever; and ttse said Mortag~r hereoy relinquishes all rights of homestead, and aiI <br />marital rights, either in Taw ~r ~- ~aui.,r, ana all other contingent interests of the <br />Mortgagor in and to tt+e above-ce=. ~,~L -3ses, the intention being to'convey fiereby an <br />absolute title, in,fee simple, :rci;,ot;~q rights of homestead, and other rights and <br />interests as aforesaid. <br />PROYIDEI) ALUAYS, and U'ieSe saresent3 are -xecuted and de]ivered upon the following <br />candi ions , - to ~, i ;.: <br />'The t~artgagar agrees to pay to the Mortgagee-, or order, the principal sum of one <br />hundxed tzf`.~~er, ;Yxvusar:s~ ct+o kxusulrct9 inci ::o/ZOOt~I]ars (~ 315,20o'.AQ ), <br />with FnteresL as provided in the Nate dared.. Amy ~7_ :ae1 and executed by t4ortnaaor <br />The tiartaagar in artier more fully to protect the security of this Mortgage, agrees. <br />I. Thb2 he will pay the indebtedness, as nereinbefore provided. Privilege,is <br />reserved to pay the debt in whale:, ar in an aaxiunt equal to one or more monthly payments <br />On the principal that are .next due on the note, on the first day of any month prior fio <br />maturity: Provided, howeaer, That written notice af'an intention to exercise such privilege <br />is given at least thirty {3p) days prior to prepayment. <br />2. That the Mortgagor wilT'Ray ground rents, taxes, assessments, water rates, and <br />other governmental or municipal charges, fines, ar impositions, for which provision has <br />not been made hereinbefare,, and in default thereof the Mortgagee snay pay the same;. and that <br />the 1lortgagar will promptly deliver the official receipts tlterefor,to the Mortgagee. <br />3. The Mortgagor will pay ail taxes which may be levied uiron the Mortgagee's <br />interest in said real estate and 'improvements, and which may be ]evi'ed upors this rndrtgage <br />or tote debt secured hereby (trot only to the extent tisat such is not prohibited by law and: <br />only to the extent .that suth will not make this loan usurious), but-excluding any income: <br />tax, State or Federal, imposed on Mortgagee, and will file the official receipt stowing , <br />such payment with the Mortgagee. t3pan v;iolatian of this undertaking, or if the llortgagdr <br />is prohibited by any. Taw nsiw or hereafter existing from paying the whole-or any portion of <br />Lhe aforesaid taxes:,. or upon the rendering of any court decree prohibiting the payment by <br />the Mortgagor or any such taxes, or if such law ar decree provides 'that any amount so paid Gy <br />fife .brtgagor shall be Credited an the mortgage debt. fife Mortgagee shall have the rinht to <br />give ninety days'. written notice to the o-rner of the raaortgaged premises, requiring the <br />payment of tt3e mortgage debt. I#' such n€rtice be given, the said debt shal'1-become due, <br />payable and collectible at the expiration of said ninety days.. <br />a. <br />