<br />I0 Tieat the Morga¢sar wijl keep the huiWines upon sai<f premiies in gtxxt repair, and neither commit porpzrmit w~n~-te
<br />upon viJ land.. nor sutler the said'nremiscs iii tx used fc+ceny ur,t:3w Pt~lpurpose:
<br />11. '€ hilt if tix premises. cr any par[ [hereof, oe condemned under the puwero€ eminent domain,or acquired for a public
<br />use, the damages awarded, the prrn:eeds for the caking oi. oz the consi6eratipn.-for such acquisition;ta the extent of the full
<br />amountef indeFtrdnzs upon this mortcagz anu t}re note which St is ei,~en to secure remainingtinpaid,are-t~erehy assigned b'; thz
<br />9fo~ngagor to the Stort~auez, and shall he paid forthwith to ,:aid Rtutt[;'e¢ec to f>z applied 6pthe'laater nn xccounr of the next
<br />maturing inxtalfinents of cunt indr_bscdncs<.
<br />i2. Thz 'dcrtgagar further agrees that ;ttou!d this mortgrsge and the nU to secured het'eby not he eligiblt for in-
<br />surance under the Aalivanal Finusin¢ Ac4 wtlhin Sixty days f; om the dstr hereof (writta'~nstatemrnt of xry ot~cer
<br />.vf aac Cieparttnent of H. using and Urt,-an Clecelopmert or suthori7~d age;rt >>f the Szcrelarv e{ Ftaiising and irban
<br />Devetepmertt datc4 sutxequcnt n, the sixty days rime {tom the date otthirmotcgage;declining to insure said
<br />vwte and this more~ge, being deemed condnsroc pr..af .+f scch inzfigibifity), thcMortgagee~or holder of the note
<br />may. ai its option. declare ~Jf cums scrurred hc.rt?. immediateh due anti parable-,
<br />ii. That it the hfixt~~ fails to rake any ~ymenu a1 money when thesame become due, cirfails to conform ro and
<br />comply with any of rite canditicuis or agtcemerst.+c wntained in ibis mortgage, ar the Hole ss~hich iF secures::hen the entire princi-
<br />pal sum anal as ucd inuresi shat] at once become due and payalafe. at the elertiitn of the Riartgagee: and [his mortgage matt
<br />thmu~n tx farcclosed immcdirtdy for ihc'whrakcaf said,Enuucy„ interest, irsonthly paymonrs;ctT.A;, ,;round rents. taxes and
<br />nc~ ca,ct of ezienetirsg [he ah,traa of tittr f; om the dace >+f this foarsto the ume of cpmmencipg such fare:.losurz suit. wind a rea-
<br />wtwbk aar:rney's fr_.:a!! of which .haL be inciwfed +n ttae dtcr>GCof 'f+rdosttre; and thc'caniract embodied in this rnortgyt;e
<br />att<t the nn[e secured hereby. ,hall to all re.f;rcts ix gc+vrrraed, eunsfxueci and :tdiudgetf by the caw:. x5f Nebraska, where the
<br />aamc is mach
<br />The covcnanss hereto cemzainrd shall bind, ,tiW ;hi l+enetits :u~i ads:intagzs shall tnsuxeto. the respe.~tivc heir;, executors.
<br />adrninntrat2-rs. ,uccesssxs :and a,signs ++f the parties herein. N~'ltetu+zr used, the singular numbershalf includz the plural, the
<br />pfura! rite singular. -end the vx ofanv gender <hatl Eat app!tr.ehfr ro all Crneier<:
<br />The faregairtg cottditians, all and +tngufar, lacing prrf<+rmcd xcordang t+a iftesx natural. atad legal irnpott, this cstnveyancz
<br />shat! f>C voai and saxi premius released al thecApeux of the Alartcagor: +alherwie lobe and rcmainsti full Force and c'.Tut.
<br />f'.v W'1TtiES~ WMF.}tELIF,the'Neutgu~+rta}have hrreuntcsxtt their handisi thedaY and )~earfirct
<br />2f}tltVC wr~Iien.
<br />In ptcartta taf:
<br />~~
<br />__.~ u'~, ~ I S'r.Af. I
<br />If,,%E~~SfI3t b, II,IYF ~ .';EAI- I
<br />T-
<br />4 f+~tISaF n. SLFEF
<br />~SEALj
<br />I Sf{AL j
<br />- vat.un
<br />tka thn 27th „{yy of May .1 U !~ R2, txiure me, :
<br />a to and tart sand l.nunly, pcrwna{Ev ~:amc
<br />Kevin D. IIi£f and '<xiati :.. Iliif, tttlgTratttnd ar.3 Wife
<br />pc r,ouaily dt me known
<br />m t+r the •ienucei prrsan s xh,eu Hams s arE uflixed to the n#~~sc and fore-
<br />leuraE rrestrutarent as !.tcrrtyaltnr. and thCy have aCkrt..+wfcdged the ,aul instnamtnt and the
<br />cwe.uttata Iheree!f to tar stialtitttar) c1~nd deeJ. Pm tlae paarpo,<s therein expre+scel.
<br />their
<br />fn tovt+monv rti here-.al. !have hereuatso ;et mw ltarad and at{~laed fay 3iCteYiai ,ca! n[ Gland ~g2as3d, ?7~
<br />an [he day Arad dart fast atx,vc w-r
<br />t,
<br />w _ Vol }' Pttb7ic
<br />~l~l'EUFNEEiR;lSKA ,.
<br />Ftltd ltnr rcccwd this d,a} ~.f All- 3'i
<br />u .,'.1c~cA tl.:andentcredin.`tiumcti.allndeC.and
<br />reteHned in $oak cal A1'oFtg:,ue,. c=n
<br />f'1Rt of
<br />ReS.iStrr of k7exds
<br />.. _,: ..1. ~:~..
<br />