. _~ _.._
<br />$~--- s~ tF 2 ` ~3 ~ CQI~F(~R.~iTION Vfr'ARRAi~€fiY DEED
<br />The grantor ~'r°on*ier Yrorertie~ Corgi. ,'a i~ebrask~' Cc ^~ration
<br />s corporation organized and existing under and by virtt,e of the laws cf the State ofNebraska
<br />;n ~considerat3on of Pony five t?:~ousa~~i six nund~ed dollars X45 , 6^0 .00?
<br />received from ersntee'. doze Brant, bargain, sell con re}~ and eonfirm~tmto
<br />tie vin ~, iiif° a-~d ~r3s`i ~. I~if°, ??us~and and Wife
<br />herein calEed the grantee whether one or mare, Lhe following described real pioperty in
<br />r31~ Cewnty, Nebruaka;
<br />Lot Ten (_G?, i~a?lcs ~utdivision, ir. the City of errand is?and,
<br />deli Cc,~nty, ~;?~br3sk2.
<br />$=AT~~~N~ ~~r~HEO
<br />MAY//2 8 1882
<br />j ~d L BY
<br />~'o bare and Cn i,ol<I zhe uhorv ~l~~nbed j,renu~tirce tta~;cther with rii Irneutent&, }iC7Ei31~IDEIItB~ and
<br />aVVnrtensnRer thereto Lelonging unLO [fie Kraetee rind to cranue'r, heirs and sau{tn9 forever,
<br />And the grantor far itself and ~U wuccewiors ,lcrea hereby covenant ;cith tht grantee and with
<br />:;rstitr,r~s ne,rs and us~4i uec that ' 3 i Anr frCr fromencuut-
<br />K Cranttir to ,awfa 1. suss ~ of say 1 rc,r,sch; that then
<br />.~ran:r r~CPF~ ~?3~E'CIl~R"_S 3ft~ P~'.lr'S'-ns =~i~ ~Ci~PCf
<br />that grantor has t~otxi tight and lawful authorii!r W conveg the came, and that ~;rxuu,r warrants and will
<br />dafn_nd the tine to said prcmix~ a¢airxt the la~rfuS uF~ur,v of x11 prranna whosoever.
<br />In vritaew whereof. ~~ntar has hereunto ,~~v~~.: ~rw ruri,oratc *-r,1 ?r, fre affixed and tEtese
<br />~rr~cnts siQaed by itx Yrtaidrnt.
<br />Dxtr~ '~a~ ;-'? is 8
<br />. ._
<br />liq 4.~c'' _• ~ ~ 1 •dtIDt
<br />~i'1:~'I'E; EiF' '+EBBASS.A, t~uunty of .._.. 31 ~ _..._...
<br />F3eforr me, a notary pnb$c q~~a6fEe1 in said ~-aunty, personaify. came
<br />~o-.a1d H. ?fruae Presidsaf *~f
<br />... ~:»C3TiG:~eT "PiJT:c~•+ri~v ,.~-^t?. - ncarlrorxtio:a,
<br />knomr. to ac to be the. Presidrrt and iusntieal person who aipmed the faregnibg icistrnma!rt, and ardr,or~.
<br />ieH:~Fa# tb~ ~zc,-anon thrr~if to F.:e his vn~t~ntan a^i a;~~i .7~:; a~ c~ ~ffierrr not thr :~oh~ntarc act ~e~d
<br />i~,r9 n# aeF~t co:~curatuu3 ar~~t that its rcrporate ncaj~as t`trreta a~:,z~~f Dv its autkonty_
<br />~.,
<br />`+t.~,~se ~sy leand ~n~d natariyl ~~i can _ '?
<br />;. _..._..__ ____ . ....__.... r ..__... _
<br />7'ciblta.
<br />~fiafa6F~~~ wFp -ss~rA!::.~e.n szr;,r _ ., ,.>~ ,., ,.,.. ;'1
<br />