<br />82=-v~~a
<br />I,eoder's'~:~rritten agrcementorappticable laxv: Borrower shall pap the: amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />manner provided under parageaph 2 hereof,
<br />Atiy- amounts disbursed= by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with intertsr thereon, shall become additional
<br />inttebtedness of Borrower secured by,this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment, such
<br />amounts shall be payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof, and shaft bear interest from the
<br />date of disbutse[ttent at the rate payable. fmm time to time an outstanding. principal -under the Note unless payment of
<br />interest atsttch rate'would bo-cantrary to applicable law; in which evenESUCh amounts shall bear interest at the highest rate
<br />ptrntisstlfle under appliabie law:. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shall require Lender ro incur ary expense ar take -
<br />any anionhereunder:
<br />& ho'eetlow.:Lendermay make or cause to ba made reasonable entries apon and inspections of the Property, provided
<br />that Lender shall give Borrower notice prior to any xxach inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor related to Lender's
<br />. interest id the Property:
<br />9. Casdetwwation. 't7te proceeds of any award ar elaint far damages. direct. ar consequential, in connection with any
<br />condemnation or other taking. of the Property, or part thereof. or for convcvance in flea of condemnatipn, are Fierehy assigned
<br />and shaA,lx paid zo Lender.
<br />In the evenrof a rota! taking of the Properly; the proceectc shall tse applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage,
<br />with the excess. if any, paid:to Borrower. in the event of a partial. taking of the Prapetzy, unless Borrower and Lender '
<br />otherwise agree in writing, there shall tx applied sa the same sri-ured by thi Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds
<br />as is equal to that proportion' which the amount of the sumG secured by thin i+tartgage immediately ptinr to the date :of
<br />takitrg bears io the fair market value of the Prapern immediately prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Borrower. '
<br />If the laraperty is abattdaned by Borrower. ar if. after notice by Lender. to Borrower that the condemnor offers to .make
<br />an award-or setek:aclaitn for damages. Borrovrcr fails: to resportd to..Lender within _+t) days afterthe date-.such natice:is
<br />mailed. Lender is authorized to collect attd appl+• the;proceedx: ar Lender's opticm, either to restoration or repair of the
<br />PropMy or to tfie autnc secured by this Mortgage:
<br />Unless Ixnder and Borrower otherariu agree in writing; any such applica[ian of proceeds to principal shall not extend
<br />or postpone She due date i+f the taonthly installments referred. ro in :paragraphs t and 2 hereof or change tlie' amount of
<br />such instaltntents.'
<br />18. borrower Not Released. Extenxion of the simc felt payment or madificatian of amortization of the sums secured
<br />by this Mortgage granted by Lender to any sucoesxar in interesa of Borrower shall not operate to release, in any'naar.ner.
<br />..the liability of the. original Borrower and Sonawer's successors in interest. Lender shall oat be required to commence
<br />pracxdings against such successor ar refuse to extend time'for paymen[ or otherwise modify. amortization of the sums
<br />secured by this: Mortgage by rcawn of grey demand made by the original Harrower aril Borrawet's successors in interest.
<br />Il. Forie~rattee h Lefler Nat a Waiver. ftny forhearancc lrv t ender in exetrising any right or remedy heretmder. or
<br />otherwise alftarded by applicable law, shall oat br a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such right. or remedy:.
<br />77te ptx+etsrcentnt of insurance or the psvnttnt of taxes ar other liens ar charges by Lender shall not lro a waiver cif Lender s
<br />rightao acceerate the maturity of flee ~ttdebtedness secured by this ktattgagr.
<br />l2.' Reoedles CtewWlaie. All remedies provided rn this liortgagr arc distinct and cumulative to any other right or
<br />remedy under this Mortgage ar at[ordcd by law ar equity. and may l+rexercised concurrently, independently or stcccessively.
<br />13. Sneeeaeora-ard Aai~ss Dorm/; loiot awry Sevrral'1.iahiDty; C'.aptions. Tlee covenants' and agreements herein
<br />t»ntutHed shaltl>xnd, and the rights hereunder shall inure ta; the respective utcCCCSOrs and assigns of tender and Borrnwei.
<br />subjett to the provisions of paragraph l7 hereof: All covenants and agrecmcnts of Aarrower shalF he joint and sevcrsl.
<br />'Tttr captions and headings of .the :paragraphs of this Mortgage ate far canventrncr -only and are not tit tie used to
<br />intcrprct or define the provisions hettof.
<br />14. Nottke., Facrxpr for any naxiee tr.quired undo applicable law r , i,t given m another manner; {a) any .notice to
<br />Borrower praridcd ftx in this Mortgage shall be given ley matling.~erch nonce by .ert,5ed mail addressed to Borrower ar
<br />the Property Address c+r at such-other address as Harrower may cksignacc F+v ~tnt2cc ter Lender as provided herein: ^nd
<br />{ts) anw rtottre to Lender shalirlx givenM' crrtifxd m:ul,return rccrin+ <<-qucsred. is Lender's address atau:d herridor to ~'
<br />such other addresw as Lender may designate by itaticr r~> Barr+,ucr as provided herein: Any notice, provided 'for in this
<br />Mortgage shall he deemed ra have t+eert givtn to Borrower ar I ender '+hen grvrn in the-manner ilesignatrd heri:in.
<br />lS. Uaitorw NoetDir~et,Gorerwir~ Gaw: 5everabiNv: Thy. !,arm of mortgage combines unrforrn covenants-for national.
<br />we and txm•uniform covenants with limited vanattons by ~ ur„sfiri.,n rr, ,;+risttnts a uniform ururuy instrument covering
<br />real property. 3'his Mortgage shall be goYerrtexl by the ia.. ~,i the turrxi+cuan in wFiidrt the Property rs located. In the
<br />event that any provision or clause of this MartgaKe «- ehe v„te cc,n8'tcts with applicable taw, such conflret shall not aRect
<br />otherprovisiom of thia'Mortgagcar the l~rore wt,ich .an he teivcn clIect without the can0itting provision: and to this
<br />end the provisions of the fNortgage and the :V.~+c ,ere declared to its severable.
<br />If. lerrower's Cody. Harrower shalt lx furnrshcd a conformed: rnpy of the Note, and of this Mortgage at the time '
<br />of execution ar after recordation hereof:...
<br />17. Tratr[er a# tYe,Tro~aty; Arwtsltiow, if ail or any paart of ehe Property nr an ineerest thertin is sold ar transfcrrcd
<br />by Borrower without I.endtt's prior written convent„ occluding fa) nc~ creation nt a lien or enctxnbraoce subocclna2e to
<br />this Mortgag0. {b) the creation of a purehax minty security intrrest far trausebotd appliances, {c) a aransfer by devise,
<br />descdtt ire by operation of isw upon the lath of a ;oint truant ar td) the grant of any leaxhold inlereat of three years ar less
<br />teat cotuaittins an option 40 ~rchare: tinder may, at Leader's option, deolarr all the sums scented by this Mortgage to be
<br />' .immediately due and payable: Lender shall have waived such option. to accelerate if,,prmr to the sale or tranafer. lcndrr
<br />and the person to wlwm the Property 'st to be sold or transfeired reach agreement in writing that the credit of such person .
<br />is satisfactory to Lender and that itte inturst payable an tl.r surn. sec~srcd by this Mortgage shalt be at such rate as tender
<br />sitaB regtust., if Leveler has waived the oPtton to aceelrra[e prat ided ~r this paragraph l7, and if Borrinver's successor in
<br />;ntrrat has executc3 a writtrn asswnption agrceatvrtt acctptrd.in'writing by l encllet. t.ettCer shall release Borrower tram ail
<br />alsl'rgatiorts uttcler this Mortgage and the Note.
<br />If Lender exercises sloth optiatr t+o accelerar.: t coder hall math. Borrow-er notice of acceleration in accordance with '
<br />paragraph ld hermf. Stich noritx ahall provide a perixi of ;tct less than 30 does from the date the notice is mailed within
<br />whicJt Born~wrr maypay thesums declared floc. if 8orrawtr fails to pay such cams prior is theexp"station ofsucb periAd;:.
<br />Lender rnay. wiphtnrt further natiax or r;:tnatul an Hr; env.Mr. snvake any remedies permitted by paragraph i f{ hcrccrf.
<br />No.~-IJt+rrlxtM CavEvsiTS. Borrower and I.cndcr further r:avenanr and agree as tolkftws:
<br />tB. Acttderatir~: Re®edies FscrPt as provided io psraRrath 17 htreaf, tryrrn $rrrroweta breach of nay e^oveaaat'or
<br />agreeweat of iorrmru in tlria ~1eeNaRc, esclrrdie; Ili rnvraants to pay whew.dae any-. sbmc soared by fhb "ll4orf~pe, '.
<br />t,eae4r ~rirr to trccelKa[mr +Mra6 rwail uoticeto 6orrur,er as provided in par~eaph Id'?ttereof spu^it:.yfoppt flat) the brcaclt;;..
<br />fZ) tM¢ aetba rcgrieeJ to cure srrclt hresch. 131 a date. wt Its [hair 3fl Jaya frr>rtt the date the notlee is rrwiiird to;Borroaver,
<br />~ uikhsatch heacA newt ht card; tsd E1} t6rt iailurc to tore srdehbrearhos.oe 6efttrcthedatespecified in the nutlet
<br />may rerab le sccrleraliew of ehe auras srcrrred by this itnrtarar, fnrtv`trrsmre sty lrrdkira ptr+>,:eeelioe aad.sak of teat f'rgrrrty:
<br />?1t.wr8lcti-aluli Iwtber iwfnrtn 6urw,.cr r>f rite right ro reiaWrie after acceFaratiaa'ar~.d ChrtiAhi !a aa~eert £:: testfaarz,rlasvrr-
<br />protteil~ floe rrowtxiateoce .rf r drfratt nr eny ntbrr Aefrrwe r,f EMrrnwrr ra :kctleratina aad fitrecio+tattr. If ttse breach...
<br />ks na~t crtrrd art x h~~rt ttx oars xpecified in the r>•rtlcc. r,e nder at Irnder'x ?:ptitm maY drClarY aB nfihe SnRU !crcured by
<br />thi Merge ro be ierwrcdiatdy der awd payalnMr. Ntetront furtbe: aicmrad au3 ~~ fnrr~rb9e try irediciat: grcrex~edlypt. fender
<br />airaU he :vritkd to collect in +vcta yn.t~crYfir+e .tl rxpcnxe+ of f<.frctrxstre, itrciwilttK,.tart nc1t. ttvaited tea,. caga..afelacwntetrtary
<br />rridxace, rrLCtrrecta nerd title rrtr,tta.
<br />£9_ ierr~ea`s tfiahr ca AeSart rir, i«=t T~,u., r„Y•ng.4_rtukr'x a:-~trratiosi rnr. t?a~ some .. ,rr~~i t . att~% '4f urtgta~r.
<br />_ BbrrCt z:•a5} ~#ve i'Y ript~7t .c'ra~ ~ ,rr}~ r xcC(i°a~ ixrgtxn SAY £ tMkr'tct Cn hsrCti ul,a. wfiSTt~ata ~:C»nla:~neeti a4 ~>ay risttd
<br />