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<br />82~~~0~~ <br />1'~arc?~ L, 1.975 <br />~~T>SE AGI3EEi+^.E:1VT <br />T'dI5 AGRF,LN~c,~^P entered into beth~een KUiSTER LAI{E, INC,. , LESSOR, znd <br />Ruth An?~ Christenson <br />! ;aa-?Dire-~eAa~rs=r-las-feria,=~:;F-~•z-co~~mon1__;;as sole owner) (strike out <br />! portio:~ not apcvlicai~le; tahether one or more, LESSEE. <br />Lot 29, haying a lakefront footage of <br />1. Description of ceased ~er^.ises: 93 feet, situated on the West side of <br />the Weser portion o~Kuester Lake and being or_ a part'o~ the L'''-~Srd~d in Section 13; <br />Township ll,i~ange 9, in Ha11 G'ounty, Nebraska bounded on the WestErly side by <br />t':e cor*.rnon road; such lot is as shown on` a plan in lie possession o€ the Lessor <br />2. Term o~_ease: <br />35 years, commencing March 1, 1975 and terminating <br />February 28,<20i0 . <br />3. Option to extend term: <br />Lessee ;ias 'the agtion vo extend -the term of this lease> for a~ <br />additional 35 years by giving Lessor .notice thereof', in writing, <br />by July 1, 2OQ9`. <br />4. Right to assicnirent of leases <br />Lessee has the right to assign this lease provided - <br />'{'a) Lessee has complied with all terns'of this lease. <br />ib} Lessee"transfers to the.: new .owner all interest and <br />ownership of t2ze Lessee in the commor. stock of <br />:Cues::er Lake, ;nc. <br />tc) The new Lessee agrees, in writing, to abide by the <br />terms of the lease so assigned', any new lease for <br />'taese pre...ises,' and to abide by the Agreement <br />entered into by t?~s Lessee with tCuester Lake, 2nc. <br />an or about November 4, 1974, the terms of which <br />are incorvorated herein by reference. <br />(d} .The new Lessee shall be entitled to a new `lease Por <br />a 35 year term.. ..The feral may 'be longer if consented <br />to by he Lessor.' <br />(e) l+ny sub-easing :aos~ Nave the Lessor's approval: <br />{f} The Lessee has the absolute right to conditionally <br />assign t:ii.s loose `o ary `mortgagee for one purpose <br />of fornish~ng;such mortgagee additianai security. <br />5. Rent: <br />The Lessee shall pay to Lessor, as annual rent, payable in <br />advance and on or 'oefore July first eac:z year, such rent as <br />may be annually deterruned by t're Lessor under the following <br />formulas <br />i'he annual rent s~sall be an amount, :each year,.:.... <br />equal to the sesu2t of%dividng file total <br />number of res<ien~tial lessee-stockholder lots <br />zito that year's anticipated net budget needs <br />of the ~.essor <br />'1'he computation of t'he annual rent shall be done by the <br />Lessor, but shall be uniform among all lessee-stockholders <br />o~ Icoester Lake, : I.*;c. In any event., tYse annual rent of <br />the Lessee -s=aal~.not exceed One Yiurdred-Dollzrs (5:-00.00} <br />unless a majority of ail lessee-stoc',sho7,ders of Koester <br />Lake, Inc. ,{one vote for each share}, present and voting <br />at a special meeting called for t'.zat purz~ose, shall <br />approve 4he sa=-ne.- <br />6. Access: <br />T?~e Lessee shad :have access from the ipased or_to <br />the Lessor's roads.and shall also have the right to use <br />the la:lce _`or boatz.*~g, s41ii:,mi:~g and ':.`base :access. <br />riChts are in co~.~.:on with the other leaseno~ders at: <br />{Lester La~cE. <br />6-a. Prior .~-~~:a~ <br />'~-x lease replaces gnu ::upersacies oozy prier lease fs.>- said <br />pr~~~:isES which the ~~.ssee or ^is ~-,.redecessors in tit~_~~ gay <br />.ave :~eld_ <br />