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<br />,- I <br />t2i-L-ITY LF_~SE _ ;R rd.?:?S~_._. _~2.~"'<~t';; <br />T'he Natl <br />(irner7lSuDPly Fdpu c, Wvlcon, NH <br />Z`hi3 Agreement, Madr and eniere<? into this 4th dap. o{ A3ay 19 81 <br />by and berwer,F W.Ha-nrd BOlt1ia11 ~ Manna BCSrisall <br />of t~he ~~~u rc or gall and Stare ~rl d~ebraska, ~t~liereina{ter rejerred to as the ~ <br />,~j,~(G~ ~S. Inc, dha Suslness Telernrrticatiatt Systet~s- <br />firn party and ~1lMl~tll~~dV(RI~;I(ilA0C0(41MX1`r11~iA(• B. i1. $OZ 2002 <br />! <br />5tanlay A, i4allory" $obu*L G. Malluta" y[artn G. Note ~ <br />hereirra{ter rejerred to a.s thr second part~~ <br />Iwherher one err ,Wore. in nurnberJ. i <br />WITNESSETH,-.That the said potty aj the ,first part has this day !rased unto the party ni the secoruf part the fol- j <br />lowing described premises, to wit: yot; ~ Boners!! SubdlTlsion~ City of Grand Ttland <br />1l~ 42~ 3a.ZBdnstrial Iaane. Fntsluding Maaa~y Duildirig 62 "x 72' but the <br />12~x 33- tiles addition at btok of bldg to ba kfpt by owaar :'or his use. <br />Tenant °agrses to rosid soaesr and kaep south door' cslaar for amens use, <br />Lesses does pay #ij00.00 on signing this lease,:..#SQa.oo far rent Prom <br />I <br />flay 16 to May 31.1981, and X1000.40 foa last.: months rent. <br />! <br />tiwn•r agrs•s to give tenant first :right of refusal to <purehase after j <br />Jatsuary ist ig82 if h• desires to sell. <br />Togetlfer with aU buildings arul improvements, on tier some fur rhr runt <,{ OAe year morn <br />the jot dayaj Juae 14 81 . to the 31st dry u{ }¢ay 19 82 . far flee sum of ~ <br />21re1,. thousand ante nofioa #(12.000.00 , DoLL~txs ~ <br />payable at the rare of x1000.00 per maruh,°with the {first pa}vrzenr rn ,hc hoed tin the lot day of <br />Jena 19$1 and the Sadanre payable-S 1000 00 on the 1!t der} a{.each <br />month. in advancr, err the. aj)zee aj Y~$orard Bo~uall~ 223 Y.John 3t. Grand Zaland. Na. ~ <br />or to Haas P•d.Sarn~s dr-Loan if tenant i~ sa requested. <br />aND IT /S FLtRTHER AG~2EED, That ij-.any rent shall. f,r. due and iinpuid:c,r i{ dejautt he made in um of ~ <br />thr casrnants htrein`rantatnrd ahe said parer}' of the Just part ono, r.xercixeany Arid aPt rights providrd'by taw. i <br />'ITtis l~aae saT be reaer~d annual heels aE'the soma,rats pies sin <br />aw ittelease is amt of lirii~ indnz plus Lhe inores4e in fazes and <br />instiraaoe,foa~ a tera of t.~sw wars. 'T•asast and lsndlord to Dotty insuran~a <br />to p~ot~et th it seyarate inlrresLs.` , <br />Zt 3s also ssstood the lsrg• sstsri+om sign is not • part of Lhis llaslj <br />but ss<y be !sued troy 8lnelinns ll~on BerTios Co. 1423 So. Wabb:Ao~d, ~ <br />Grand alaeMl,litbs'. <br />-1nd the said pony uj'rhe seconrt parr further agrees err ~,r thr fKlrt~ „j rhr tirvr purr rhr rent us above„ cpecitier.'. <br />Serarul pony Cavttwnts thur lu, xhr ur the}+ rule! oat saw' prrrr,isr.c err ~:Busln~lis~3!!`Y1Ca do Sally <br />and jar na irther pnryi«ve whatrvrr. am! that he, she ur thrv rsryrrtuil,v w,ti nor !er said prrnuaa~ „r perrrrit csorne to he <br />wed f+~r anv_unlawJul L,usaness <x w!hatsaevtr; that hr, She ur rher wi/f not srlt, +u.l i,gro, urulet'lXt arrelin<lais/r' <br />sar`d premises wilhuut rhr wr_ttten cansrnr .,f the `tcssur, under prnalr~ .>l 1or/rirurr „f ate his, leer or their rights under <br />this teaxr, at the etrctian of thw party of rite firs; part arul that hr, shr ur urer will usr u11 due rare and-dr"ligence in <br />guarding sold }arhprrty~. with bkiGi}ngs. ,gates, fencers, votes, ihnrbhr,.,. er., ln,rrt daarutgt by firs and the. depredations <br />uj animals, wii! pay ail waver rent and chnrgrs iur ,gas nr [Ircrrec Lgrt rhar <hall became due theean during this lase; <br />that he•, .drr ur rluy wrl! twr permit <br />anyriung an or about Said prrmiscs which xylt intzrasr rhr Tarr ni insurdnce. Thelrssee further agrees <br />that In• will in u11 respects iornply with the riry ordinuncr arui rryuiremenls uJ rhr health uutharrties artd'partiruturlc <br />as ra kerping said premises and the streets and aGrys adiactrat rhrrex,, free and eleur ~rom al! filth, rrjuse dad otsstruc- ! <br />Lion aul the saps and sidrwalks jr:~e {tom sra,w ant/ icr: rhar hr, s/rc r„ rhe_; wig' ~rrp the huildrngs, glass, Bares, <br />jrncrs, rte., in good repair as the saute npw aro'or may he plar-rd a[ a,n /inif hy~ t)er lessor, :,r as often as the some ~, <br />may rrquirr it. damage hr superior ?urge, tnrritahk nteeisny or /err from mey aaittr <am'e rha» carrlessness of the set- ' <br />orui party, or persons of his, ~,r :brit empl,ty• excepted, and at ahQ'expiration of ; <br />this lease, or upon a hrrach by said seeoru( party.<>j cny o1 tht cot~enunrs herein cnnralned hr, she l~rtheywih quit <br />and surreruler the possession and o. eurpancy rr~ soot yremlYrs i,r as ~.,;,d candition_urreasonable use and. natural wear <br />and de: a+• rherrui wit! permit, datnagt by ~rrt os afore said, suprrlur j'uret or"irtevitrrblr ,rcrssitr excepted. <br />1N W'/Tti[;'SS Ii'HERFOF. the 'said parties: tuave hrreunra subsenhed Yltrir names cn the ', dale above written, '. <br />s"?T~~d11/l~ ! <br />In Yrrsenee rj ,.,.:..., rSFALI I <br />~~i' ~~~ (5EALr <br />_ _._. ~~~ /.. /_ . ~.rys J..;. <br />r7 <br />f <br /> <br />