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<br />82-~~U~a~O <br />4t>erdtmaaEias-Theproceedsof any'awardorclaim-far damages,direcror cottsequential;in connection wittiany <br />ctndenuiatien or other taking of the Property, or'part thereof; or for conveyance in ]ieubf condemnation, are hereby assigned <br />and shaft be paid to Lender.- <br />I^ the event a£a total taloag ofthePrgperty, the proceeds shail`be applied tothe sums secured byahis:Deed ofTrust. <br />with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower. Pn the event of a partial taking pf the. Property, unless Borrower and Lender <br />otherwix agree in writing,. short shatlbe appliedto the sums secured by this Deed ofTntst such..proportion of the proceeds <br />s is equal to that proportion which [he amount'of the sums secured`;by thts Deed of Trust immediately the date'af <br />taking bears to the fir market value of the Property immediately prior to the date of caking, with-.the balance>df the grocteds <br />paid to Borrower- <br />. If the Propene is abandoned lty'Bormwer: or i#, after notice liy Lender So Borrower that the condemnor offers to make <br />an awed or scttk a claim Eordamages, Bnrrawer fails to respond zo Lender withid 30 davs after the date such notice is <br />mailed, Lender is atfthorized to collect and apply thtz proceeds,: at Lender's option; either~to restoration: or repair of the <br />Property or to tiro sums secured by, this Deed of Trust. <br />Un}ess ):ender acid Borrowtr'otherwise: agrce in writing,-any such appiicaiian of proceeds to principaP shall' not extend <br />or pastpotie the due date: of the tnonthty instatlmenu referred `to in paragraphs I and 2 hereof or change the amount of <br />such: rmtallments <br />$O. lsortower Not: Rekased. 13ztmsion of the time- for payrneot ar modification of amortization of the' ums secured <br />bythis Deed of Trust greeted try Lender to any sutxessocin interesraf Borrower shall noraperate :o release,fn any manner, <br />theliability of the original-Borrower and Borrower's successors'n interest,- Lendcrshatl nor be required.'xo commence <br />proctxdinga against such successor or refuse to extend time for, payment ar otherwise modify amortization of the sums <br />secured b"Y this' 13eed of Trust by reason of env demand made by the ariginai Borrower and Rnrrc:~er's successors in imerest. <br />1L Fortieararaee by'Lewder Not a R'aivee An}~ forlxaraace by Lender in exercising any righrar remedy,hereunder, ar <br />otherwise aiTonded by applicable taw, shalt not be a waiver of or-preclude the: exercise of any such right or remedy. <br />The proctiremtnt of insurance or thepayment of taxes ar other liens or charges by under shalt not be a waiver of Lender's <br />right. fo atxxlerate the maturity of the indebtedness secured. b~• this t]ced of Trttst, <br />12, itttiteJies CorrxYti-a<AB remedies provided ip this Deed of Trust are distinct and cumulative zo any othcrsight <br />ar remedy under this Deed of Trust or afforded by law or`equity, and maybe exercised concurrently, independently or <br />siicceasivtly. <br />`_13. Sncctiraort tt~i'Ari~ati )'daatd; Jaint and Several Y.tabilky; f:aptiotts, The covenants and .agreements herein <br />coataintd..shaltbiad, and-the rights heraurider shall inure ta, the respecrive successors and assigns of Lender :and Borrower;' <br />subjax to the psovisiotts'of paragraph t7 hereof. Ait covenanu and agrcetnents of $orrower shall be joint and several. <br />Thrcaptiaits and headings of the paragraphs of this Deed of Trust aro For convenience ~nlv and are nit to be used to <br />interpret or de6ae the provisions hereof. <br />'1!. Nutlet. F..xcepf for anyttotioe required under applicable law to he-given in another manner. (ay' any nntiee-u~ <br />Borrower provided for m this [ked of Trtut shad be givt:n by .mailing such notice by etrtified mail addressed: to Borrower ,t <br />the Pmparty Atfdrr~s or at sucit;ather address as Borrower may designate try notice to Lender as provided herein; -and <br />tb} anyrxuiceto Ltrsder-shat) he;givea by certified mail; return receipt requested, co Lerttler'raddress stated herein or to <br />Stich other adttress as Cruder may: desiroatc h7+ nonce. co tiorrawer as provided herein. Any notice .provided for in this <br />iyeai of Trost shall ba deemed to have bcea green to Borrmvcr ar:l~nder when given m the manner designated herein: <br />l5. =Utsl(~ DsN otTrsrry GweraltsR [awe 5rverabYky. This farm nf'deed of trust combines' uniform covenants for <br />natimtal use and nai-uniform raveaans wr'th iimittd variations by jurisdictipn to constitute a uniform security instrument <br />covenng rdl property:: "ETtis Dad of Ttttst shall be governed try the law of the jurisdiction itr which the Property is located; <br />In trio evextt than any provisiorrar ciatsse of this lhed of Trust or the Nate conflicts with applicable law. such conflict: shalt <br />nol affexr otherprovisilgtal of this Deed cif "Crust or the Hors which can he-given effect without the conflicting provision. <br />and to this ettd the provisions of the Deed of Trusa and.the Note are dcelarcd to !te severable. <br />li. '1Mtnwer's C~7' Bortoraer shalt ~ furnrshed a conformed veer oC the iJatt cad of-this Ih`rd of Tnua as the time <br />of uowtlon ar after rtcardaliaf;hmof. <br />17. 11ranRr of the Arrn~tlar. If all or any parr of the Property or an interest therein is sold or transferre,i <br />by Borrower ariibout itadetptrior wnttari constm, c;cludmg ~ a i zht cresuan of a iien ar cncumbranee subordinate te? <br />thin Lked of Trtrt. (b} thcetation of a purchase ,r,crnev secur,ty ontctest farltouschold ap iaira.YS, (cj a transfer by devise. <br />decant or bT operation offaw upon tier death of a yorni rearm s,r , rz> nc~ Brant trl any 1eaiiId interest of three years or ess <br />itotawetaiturganopdon to purchate. 1 ender coat, at 1 cndcr's r,pt„m, dcc,~rc ai} rite sums secured by thu Deal oP Trusr t<~ be <br />tmtin;diataty due and-payatde, Txrx9er .halo have +a,veC su,:h ,~puctn to ac`teicratc if: prier to the sale or transfer. 7~tndar <br />and the person to whom tbt Property is to ire sold nr traas[erred reach agreement in writing chat the credit of such. person <br />is satisfac[aty to Lender ant) that the interest payahic un the wms secured try: this I?eeci r,t Trust shah t+e :ii such rate ss <br />Lender shaFi royuesG If [:.ender has warvsxl tbeoption to actirlerare provided in thu paragraph 17, `and tf FSarrower's successor <br />to interest has exsxvted a wntttn aastnnptwn a=,rte+itant acrepsed ,n writing by tendon, t„ender shall release Borrower front <br />atI obli>Sapiom under this D~rd t~f Trust xnd-the Note. <br />!f odor exeacisea stFCh option to accc[etate, t;crwer ,hall ms,t Horrower notice of accekrannn to accordance with <br />pars ph 64 htxaof. Such rioticc sisal; provide a i<d of no: 1~5, than 3U days froirr the date the notice , rnatlcd within <br />whBorrowtr may pay the sums da:larcd due. If Sorrowcr fads to pay such sums prier to the txpirativn „t ;ugh ;+eri~,d, <br />Lender may. without funkier neitttx or demand nn Rocrttwer. ~nvae any rentedits pcrmitttd try: paragraph l8 trereuf. <br />.titan-UNZCOKU C'ovlritwarrrs„ 3larrvss,et and Leader funhtr ce>vvenant and agrce as fellows: <br />fB. ,rlrraleratisr, Bts~tdles. EareN as povldei iw pragtapM,1T hereof; upow Borrowettirbracb of any-covetarl or <br />atrassncwr d Aors~srsrtr iu tbi Uatd of Trost. rclydiitR the coverawN to pay wtxn drt any awes secured by ihb Detd <br />of TrtaN. i.e~dtr Mn* to ~ sbaY mtsil wositte to Earrnwer as provide/ n psraRrtspb [4 hereof sptcifyiaR: (1} the <br />breath„ t2) t-c sctlaat rcyaimd to ewe srrk 6reaclG f3} a ~, rsar k» than 39 days from the drat the notice is mailed to <br />iarsower, by +sldcM sndr bretaeM avast bt csrtk awl ft} tl~ fsa"buc to cue srch btrtacb on or. before the date: specified <br />G sbt taotlee itsay rewk in natlerasiaw of ehe sssssr setatt! by ibis Deed of. Trust :acid salt of the Property. '~ notice <br />sbttr'.ftirtAer iaittns larrower af'tbc riRhs to t+daglaM after arrderaiiow qrd tba riRbt to bring ti .cord act}an to assert <br />tbtooa-taitrtt~rr of adttarh oraayolYer defense af.BOrro.ver to-xerleralivss< if:thebrtuch is:not. cured <br />or os bdorc the dtNr spts~fed in the tsatltet I.eiader as Lerdtr's .option riry dedart ail of the sums seruretl try this Detd <br />o[ Test to be imosedialelY dstt awsl pyaMe wither) ferric dewsasd cad may involtt ibc power o[ salt and any ether remedies <br />-erfttiittfeJ by aylieabk Carr. L.trdtr sirB bt ttMitlei to toiler! ail- rnsowable costs and rxpemw incrtrred in prrsuitpt the <br />renieedies }rvvjdtd i• this parrtgra.--la, irclydirg, brr not CiwWed to, reasoeabk attorney's fees.: <br />If else ewer of sale is nvobed, TrrNsx shnY record a rvlice of defarlt in tech toasty in whkh the Properly or same <br />part tbcnu[ rs incased astd sbaY rrrY c9l~ of sssch natLre is tbt rnauntr prescribed: by appliraWt law to Borrower and to the <br />other ptrsors procrilied icy ahlicabit law. Attsr the (apse of such rinse as nay: be: required by applicable law, "1'nuaee shall <br />jtivc whir aartice of sale to tbt parsers andin the rnaaaer prtscn'bed:byapplkable {aw. Tradce, without demand an <br />ilrrrvwer, siai self t!e hoperty sl pubfic a»rtiau to tbeliiRbest 6iddcr at 16t time and plan and nridtr eke terms deslRnated ' <br />is Ilse notice of sale is ore ~ ntgtt parcels end is such order as Trustee may determine. 7noslte nay postpone salt of all <br />a any ~rrcd of else Fr~opetty by peMie, swntwaeeastns at..the brae and pbcrof soy presiost.lyschedrled sale. Lender or <br />I„esder's drxiEret say jurrrhrse the. PraPeAy at aty sale. <br />Utter receipt ~ My~n ~ the price bid. Trastet shall ddivcr to tie prrchaser TraSiee'x deed. cvaveyi»>A the Propesly <br />.etd. The rtckalb s, t-t Trastee's deed sbr1F'be prima fxie tvidtacz of fht rrtiRh of [he uatemrats made therein. Trrstet <br />riaiiapply Ilse rroretdv d tYe s~riw tie fo+<Isrwer~order. ta) to sUacasonablt:cortsaad expertsen of the sale, includirpt. but <br />not Rwsiled ta, Tttatet's [eta ell so/ more Char ' } of 1 ~ of the gross sstk price; rtasovabk attorney's foes and costs of <br />title eriiercr. {i} fo ail sums serur,ed bg [Isis I7krd of Ttwp and lal tit exCe%, zany. tr, eke ptruin or persons kegaNy;entitted <br />thetet4. <br />F9. Aortowti s Bigler la ItriastNrz. M1otuittrstard,ng l~r;dcr s ae~elrratwn of me ,nom s ~~tured }w [his Dr~•d ul Trost. <br />Eloeroa-er Thais ftwa zhe ngbt !u hgv>; r,ny pracmdinC. begun try l,_ndcrdo cnfortc this FJccv' of ~.., :L ~ ~:Unuedat <br />env iUr~ ~rir ro She rarlrrr !a r,ccut of iif the 5fth •~ai 7,vc`o r ih.~ule c~i Inc P~•a;>erfv ~~ura:~ur;a t,~ ~'~ ~ - i s <br />t t vws i r,.~rc~. <br />n phis t7cvxj cat "f:~us, cr (ail cntr -•: a jodgrr.-ru rnlorciag th,< Ihs -! T r. t 'a. Iin ~ c; ~ ~ t i ,rt~ , - <br />Ac* then d,~ Urtdrr .F*es I3~od ~f Tnrct, the Ncuc and note:.e<rt Ong Fu ~ e .1d+an_e.~_ ,= ~ 1 ,.., r : ,~ .,., ., v, ,~< i ~ ed: <br />~+. $,,r, rr -ore, sPi t*rea. Bra usher ~ ~ _ <br />eq an) cr art. ~r ,K m of ft e, _ i z 7l~ 1 i "F <br />~ci ac+rrr ..~c: pass ~,ii rcas:.ra H;e rxpens~s .oeuvre. . i-cs?<r .rd "1 ,ties r _.,. r ~,. r_,.,., <br />,. ,, n ,~ <br />riL,>r~.Nr .,i. ,cam .n :ns tJc6ae r't T~ru;[ and in er,fnr, ing 7 rrt ~r't .:d in,=: x ..... .. tS- <br />,..; <br />m.c~:' !ti..., .,g. s,n, r..r t,:mtt.l , rcz..,r,zNr a~t,aa=:. tee an~i ~, R,_<. •r_. ,.... .,. , r ~ .. L.,_, <br />i <br />yuilr „- xx ..arc ~i,a~ '~c Iic~ itUS Iycs.E _ fr t rt,ne~ - ,n'r - +la' t r .., h• ,h ,~~ ,- <br />