<br />STA1'_>; lap' NE?3H~ti~A, County ai ..:...:,,. ..:;i.. ~..::_.....:
<br />Filed for record o^ __...... ..__._..._. I9....... at ,..:: ...::.......... o"clock .._ .:.:.. .......a hL. y
<br />g ......:: ......::..... "~' ~' l~-.C, 1. C~
<br />and rcenrded in the Deed Record ...._...._... ....,., Pa e 82 ~ ` ~) ~ {{~, f
<br />:tegister of Deedi Depuiy Register of I?eeds
<br />i)c LLOYD W. KELLY, SR. , CO-Personal gees{n calledtha granter whether one o* more,
<br />Representatives of the Estate of Stanley Roy-Neil, Deceased.
<br />=n cansideration of Seventy-four Thousand and nol100---------Dollars
<br />($74,000.00)
<br />recear-ed tram grantees, daes grant,. 'bargain, sell cnnceu and eanfirm unto
<br />TERRY J, ENCK AND JANET K. ENCK, Husband and Wife
<br />as faint ter~nce with righx: of survirorehip; 'and not as tenants in common, the fallowing deaerilaed real
<br />property in ......_......_.HAL3.. ....::... ._:~.:... Caunf.g. !tiebraska:
<br />Lot Seven (7) in lmperial;Village Seventh Subdivision, except a tract'of
<br />land more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southeasterly
<br />corner of said Lot Seven (7); thence rtmning Northwesterly along the -
<br />Easterly Line of said Lot Seven (7) a' distance of fhte Htuidred Twenty=five
<br />and Sixty-eight Hundredths (125:68) feet to the Northeasterly corner of
<br />said Lot Seven (7); thence runn3.ng Southwesterly along the Northerly line
<br />of said Lot Seven (7) a distance of Five (5.0) feet;_ hence Southeasterly
<br />to the point of beginning, Hali County, Nebraska:
<br />'Po hnce hndtn bold the abox•r ~le~a.nt.sd ;n•m tn~ethNr uii#t rt7~ ta~u•a~~e~its. 1ter~~itamenta
<br />and appu:-tenanc!s s.tarcto talanK*inu unto the ~m~ntre,~ find to their aasi~;n~, ::r Lr, the heim nud ausit;ns
<br />of :he w~uti~ivnr of theut fors°~'er.
<br />And grantor ~l~e+ hrrrlep unrruflnf •a-iCh the t~rxntcey and with thei^ assigns and with the heirs
<br />;anti x~Igcitt nf..6t Ntin`iror of them thaC grantor ie iai~fuli}' seised x.t Y.:1id }newiSCV: that trey neat `r^e from
<br />encttmbranee
<br />that grantor has gae~i r;Klu red Inufr'1 ~uthoritj ;n •: ~~n~~e}' 'i:e »~a~r: au~.l that gruirar t~~nrrunL6 attd will
<br />defend tltr title t, ._i.i ;,rrmisr_u :~yainHt '.:.c ;awful c[aitri5 ufr.Yl ;~rrsnnH aLoucot°+:,~r.
<br />It ., the intention of all parties 3terr_!n that :n the eti~enc of *he death of either of Ute p~raneeen,
<br />the entire ie+~ 'iU~e +.o this resi pr:>>,.•riv ~l,ai3 .~~ rn r6z v•.~r~~i'+in~ y^r2nt~~i~.
<br />I~t May 25 , is 82 , (..,,
<br />LL -ALLY, SR. ~~ ~ T~~A "SA1~1K°~JF
<br />G 'v
<br />BTAT& OF ._..~~.5~........._......._.._._ ....., t:ouacy ~,f ....~t~;.~L. ........_ ............................:
<br />Eiefore ma, a notary public gaali;4ed for said ^acety. f•erwnail}' cave
<br />A23L' LLOYD W. KELLY, SR. , Co-Personal
<br />Representatives of the Estate of STANLEY
<br />ROY iiEII., Deceaaec3.
<br />9cz.swn eo zie to E,r t i ,eat a,a_ ,ar^~nn ar lterstn+ wtto :~,~neo t f t ::;(r r ~1' ~ast.•ic~Nnr :and z,eknntelirlRcd
<br />the rxrestt-n taere~t .a h.- hn. her or their roluntirv n.r and n_~<
<br />~ ~~
<br />~ f
<br />k..,
<br />~'+itst~s~ my t;a:ntl and ]7otanal w•ai ~*~:...... ..._. ~~C.,fi~-_.:y- ~..:_..._ 1~~.~`-;.-:':.
<br />/f
<br />~~ d~ . ,fit # "-*-:'_ ~':, ,. T
<br />~~P4~~~ ~,~r ~, ~!/ ~ ..,;~: `... iii. ,_
<br />_ _~ ~ _. .. .. .. tr t ... .•_.. Y'r'ta.lf. .6. NrAlf.4 e,CkY~AY
<br />