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8~,~~~~es€~ <br />Noe:cACe _ See L 18,711 <br />(" ------ -" MOJt'fC;AGELOANNO. L 24y038 <br />1cNOw ALL MF.N SY THFSEPRESEN7s: That Geralyn J. Williams anc1 Rodger I,. Williams, each in :nee <br />anti his own right.. and as spouse'of each other, <br />-~ Alorrgagor_wheiher nrte or rtitne, ito consideration?of the sum of <br />'~ntY-?t n _ `I2iousand and Jx~ j 100- ~~---------- -----°----------- <br />_. I1nLLARS <br />loanaftosaidnwrl~orby'iltepquitabieBtuldimamllJnanAsso+iatronofCrandIxland;Nebraska.Mortgagee,upon :.220 sharesnfstnckof <br />said ASSOCIA'f10N, Certificate No: L 24, O38 ; do hereby gram, wnve~ and sttortgage unto :the said AS$OC1A770N the following <br />destxt'Ded:.teaiestate;atuated:ia HallCounty; Nebraska:.: <br />Lot Eight {8) in Black Three (3)' in Cotuttrv°ChJb <br />Subdivision, Hail GountY, Nebraska: <br />tosetlter with aft iht ttnemeots, heredtamentx std appurtenances thereunto bclongiog, iticlndittg attached fJrtor. txwerinp, all window screens, <br />wearksw shades, btiads, storm wndows, awaatp,: heatirtR, au. rardstraeteog,.ard plttmberrg sad water cquipraenc std acceaoties Wetcto, pumps, atov«, <br />refissesisttis, mdi~tbn~ fiatutes and tquilarata now or hereafter. utacficd to or trod in ainncction with aid real estate.. <br />And irttareas the lard mottpypor ,has speed and taaes hereby apu that the mongagnr attalt and will'paY all taxes and astesstrtents levitd or <br />tttitr:>•ed upon srid ptctnues and opal rhea mart~c and the bond secured thereby before L'tt :same siuli become delinquent; to furnish appmxd <br />irrstrana upon the btnWSass im sad premises rituatd m the suer of S 22 1400.00. payahk to xaid ASSOC'IA'TION and to deJiuer to said <br />ASSQ[.7A"fi~i the policies for and armrrance; and not [o raxitrtut rx pcrrnss any waste istt or about said premises: <br />In case of'default ire the perfortmtscx o: any of the freers std catditnmt tat. the ntcxtgr~c +~r the txttd xtxured Jureby, the mort~agre shill, <br />on demand. be entttfed to ittmtednite pt»aemun of aht mortpgtnd premises amt the mortgagor hereby asxt(Sns, tiarm'ers and ,xts aver to the <br />tttoripstx alt the eentt, raventics aad s»ccutte to be tierrvtd frwn the rttortd premnea during stu:h nine as the tnuttgage ettdebscd»eu shall'reinain <br />unpaid: std ttte tttortgapacshaB have tJir posvcr to appoint auy atxttt or alxnts ~• •aay dcserc'far the pttrJwae oC repairing sad pretnian attd renting <br />the tatrtc ,ird cul{aditt~ the. rents. rsvtettree std iraxtmc, sod it nny pay out ut sad income all. cxpeaacs of repairins said. promifes atnd nraxmry <br />aml:eapen>a incurred ea;rentertRadi mans he same:and .d culkctirtg xentahthcufrom; the balance remrrni~, of an co be <br />applies totracd rtx dnrJtat~ es( said m+artgagc indcbtestnru: that rights crt the nx,rtpagez inay be ntcrcirxd nt arty time duri»g the exiatena vf'stacit <br />defantl, rrrapegtve o{arty [tmgrnruy wasvn of the same.. <br />Theac t'rexiiu, hotwever; are opera ttx Conditbn, 7Tnt tC the card MoreFrgtn sttdt te~y zad kaan nn or before the ntaktuity of said shares by <br />pryrnent: pryttrcmth}y to said ASSq(:1AT10N ofihe saritt spatified to the Bord soared hereby sx mterest and pnncipsi on said kwn,.on orbefnrc <br />tlte'fawtettteeth eadt sad rtrcry-raeanth;tmtd sad loan is Rally pard, pay ap axes and asaextsnettts kviect against avid' prtmnes and on this Murtp~r <br />and the Bond severed thrielh!, before dtiingtrrncy' furoatt approved ttutuaaae upitn the buaWings thereon ut ttte sum of S 22, 000.00 l?aysbk <br />In rad:A.ciS{1C1AT10N: rcpsy to said ASSgC1A'fIC1N upcandetmttd aJt trirxtcy rty s4,pad for stub taxes. asxasments and inaurartctwith interest at <br />the.:masinsum9egalratethe:stn Ceomdataof payrneat aRtaf whtttMrxtEagrtthuebyagrceatopay:permitrua wastenaaaedprtmires:keep andwmply <br />with all the igeemenU and aartdacxans aC 3he Bold for S 22 000.40 +.itis day grveit by she said Mortgegitr to rid hSSO(:IA'flC1N, and asmply <br />wth alI the rcautirmcnu ,d tnc (:.mpnnteun attdBy~iaws o~sad ASSQC'tA71QV . ttrrt there. prcratts shall betxame nail and void,otherwiae':they <br />sluff rctnam in IuEI face anJ may rte: forerrlweri,at lhe,opt+tm of the sawl RSSOCIA'C'SON alter failure for :.three trxtnths to male any of said <br />pytrtcu[s or !x there manilla ,n arrears a taaktrtgs 'arc", monthly payments. ,r to tccp atxi comply with theagreemen[s and tottditioraaCsaid lkcmd; <br />and 11ttr[gapsr agrees to tour a rcctivcr appwntcd fsutfr rib ,r, :uch tareCirnturc prootedmp. <br />if there a any ,Jnrrtar m c nentgp oC ttte real eatatemoet~ed Itpeut, by xale or othenrtse, Y1mt the: entue remautdng indel+tednesc hereby <br />secwed shalt, at tftt option of The Fquitabk Baddiat~arrt:Luau A~tino of t;raod2slmd„a,btwme immedia[eiy due andyayabJe without <br />further r,a>tice, and the arrtount rnnaetiraA d»e ruttier said twrtd, ardaaiy atirx hood foraayatidi3icienl adtutoes inadetheretuder, rhall,frnm the <br />due of cxrrctsc c,f ;zid option. tray mtcrexl at ihtrmxattaxm i!gyi: rate; sad Ibis nmartgaBe nny.then be fiaretioxd tbsatisfy Litt amount due un sail <br />Good, arxl say aikr bond for uldrte>.~al ad'4e>cas, to~thcz with sit sumspud by said The #'.zlsutabie 13wJdin6srd Loan Association of [:card Island, <br />Ncbrasia for insuru,a., eaxesan,Jasscarncnas,utdahsiract~txtertst(2ndurg~t, withint4xtu alteroon,..frorn date of,.paymencat the maximum <br />kgai rate. <br />As pt»vided in the }tortd sccatru::+ercby, whrk this mrarigag:. remains to eCfeu the rrarigagee maytrereafter advance additional sttmstfl the <br />tua-cra of said Bttod, their aicigrtsw.suCx~..tvarY to mtetest which sumastalFIte wiihusthe security of ahistraortgage the sameasthcfundv origirul)y <br />x~cured thereby, the rotai atatotutt of proicipal debt trot [oexrsd at anytime the.•xiginai amoaminfttus rrtor[gagr, <br />s Durd. ihtz 26 t, j~ daY of MdY+ ... A, F~...19 82 <br />t~ "; ~. ~_ <br />- ~1-'. - <br />L. A> lliauas <br />srATl: ol~ ~t:af(ASx~, ~ orttt;g 26th day tat Ma iv <br />~. Yr 82 ,beforx ate. <br />c(au*~TT rat" tkAJ.~. <br />r,~t'ai v . ~i 1 i ias~s aI1C ~ $"gtt~=a Notuy Ptdxlic-ia seed for said CtxmtY, f~+~+~ilY ca+oc <br />yr: Rcc3gt<r L, Wil.tiattts, each in her aix3 his ea~rrt ricrht atx3 as spCnist <br />of e~:h 0>=YlC'C, wttn are.. personally is ttvwn to <br />,arc !,. Fc ttac :3entrcae ix rs;,st 3 wrxr~ nrtnc..:5 ~iL atT»ccdiathe abnvt:rsvwzte ,(aa natttt{agrir S and t:~"t(4Y veeveralfv <br />aii.x.4~=ie °u~pd tlu sa~.: rnatretr-ner:; :0 7c :..}2@1 L' y'>ic~°a tarp a..t a:u1 c#tted.,: <br />~kal'< - 3 oar 4.:n.? sat„ .; a ~~ ~ ._ <br />.'331 :AE?$ 313tu`2tc efM CSaid. <br />N rrtr.;x ~ ezpdrez <br />sa.s.,ta s, tip , >4 t <br />~ 'a z r,v, r.~{jj <br />S.. .r ~_~ ~y~......w-a...~. ~y,..,...........~~.a.~Jtt. <br />