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<br />X32,- ~ri~`~~31 <br />FIRST .~.MEi~T7i tiiENT TO DEErJ OF TP~UST <br />THIS FIRST P.ME.*.~I~iENT' TO DEcD OE 1RUST; made effectiT,~e <br />the 30th day of April, 1982, 'among I?UDSO`I 'OIL COMPANs, INC., a <br />Kansas corporation (the "Grantor"), 'having a notice -address at <br />X720 Rai,ibow Bo:;levard, S3:awnee. Mission, Kansas .652Q5; in favor <br />of E. G. ALE~r,PdDER, an :individual. (the "Trustee"), 'raving a <br />mailing address at Post Office Sox 25189, 0klahoma:Cit~•, Oklahoma <br />73125, as Trustee in trust for THE FIRST NATIONAL SANK ANB TRUST <br />COIdpAN'i OF CKi...=u3OM~ CITY; a national banking association ' {t.'~e <br />"Agent Bank"), having a notice;address at host Office"}?ox 25189; <br />Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73125,. or any suceessor Agent 'Bank, £'or <br />itself, and on behalf of,CONTNENTr~L ELLINOIS NATIONAL'BANK AND <br />TRESST COMPANY Oz C3ICAG0, a national banking association <br />("Continental"}, hsvng a notice address of 231 South LaSalle <br />Street, Chicago, Illinois 60693; -and LTidITED A=ISS©URI BANK OF <br />KANSAS CITY, N.A-, a national banking association {":Jnited"}, <br />having a notice address 'at Post Office Sox 226, Kansas City, <br />Missouri 64145.(t`ae Agent Sank, Continental and' Ltnited, or any <br />successors of such entries, are hereinafter collectively <br />referred to as Lase ~$eseficiar.,~"). <br />t~7 T N E 5 S H T :i <br />WEi8REA5, the Grantor ras previou_iy executed cer~ain <br />promissory Hates (the ""iota"j in the aggregate p._::cipal amount <br />of THIRTY-FIC'E ~SIL:.ION Ti?"_RT:'-FI'?E °'I:~;~'S~.NTJ D0E.~R5 <br />(535,435,fl00.00}, which "late _.~ secured bg a ~erta~:. deed .of <br />trust dated efi'sctive, F,pr _ 22,~ 1977 (t.-ie .;eed of Trust") <br />co•rer,ng that portion of the :es. ~,zop~:rty de=,c:,bed is: Schedule <br />"A" attached 2:ereto wtstch Deed of Trust gas recorded In Book <br />77-~~t ?age of the secards of -fiA~~. 4~o~.nty, Srate 'of <br />~LFSQR`~1{1+' and ----- <br />tItEAl3, the Grantor and ...~ Tru::tee desire to amend <br />t.'~e Deed of Trust by. means of phis instrument to :secure Grantor's <br />> total indebtedness to the $eneficiary by the _:c•n of Deed of <br />Trust on the _eal property described. at Sc:^edule "A" attached <br />hereto. <br />NOW, TI~s2EF0Ry, in cons: donation of the sum of Ten and <br />No/i40 Dollars ,5.0.00}, and other good and valuaDie considera- <br />t~on, in bend acid, and in co~nsderatian'af the agreer!ents :-ierein <br />contained, it is agreed as folla*,~s- <br />i. The Deed of Trust is :^.ereby amended by t?~e deletion of `he <br />first paragraph of the Deed of Trust in Sts er.*_'irety, dnd in <br />piar_e of said paragraph, the foilowi:g paragraph is substituted: <br />°'Tf?IS DIED v£ 'TRUST, made effective the 22nd day <br />a£ April, 1977, amcng IiU.SCN OIL COMPgN'f, IT^1C. , a Fansas <br />carporation (the "Grantor"}, ha~aingano*;ce addresa a_t 4720 <br />Rainisow Boulevard, S?-iawnee 'iasia^, riansas 65205; in Lavor <br />of .._ G, i1:1E3{AIdDER, ar> ~ndivir.>>s1 t *-he Tnistee") , ixaviry a <br />mailing a:idress at Past Off,ce Sox 25189, G:rlai~.oma ~~ty, <br />Okianor.:a 73225, as Tr;.stea ir. . rus.. for "TF?E FIRST i~LATICI.7Ai, <br />flAtdh FS?D TR~IST CO"SFAAI`f JF uF:~=~fi0i`dR ._IT's, a nati.cnai banviz.v~ <br />association , ~:^e "agent Sark"), !:a~.~i g 3 r_ctice a~,:i.ess at: <br />REI`tJRIi TCS <br />