~~ °l~ U ~ ~ ~ t)
<br />' ~ facil.it.ies, grounds, or structures, t;> ~rovic±e vae2d ar_d
<br />other actual or potential nuisance abatement cr c+~ntrol,
<br />securi~.y service, znd ottrer community services, ~e pro~rid~
<br />snow removal on the driveways, parking spaces located or,
<br />private property and public and private side:aai.6ts in the
<br />snb3ivzsion; to provz_de for theremovai of garbage and trash
<br />from the subdivision; to mow, seed, reseed, frrtiize and.
<br />:are for the lawns ir. the'~ommon Area;:to,maintain ir.
<br />working order all underground utilities with the Common
<br />Area; to provide for exterior ~naintenance'nn the homes
<br />' located on the proper±:ies, to providearchitecturai control
<br />and secure compliance .tith or enforcement af`applicae~Ie
<br />covenants, easements, restrictions, and similar limitations.
<br />and to undertake such: other activities appropriate,
<br />convenient or necessary to promote or`sustain any uch
<br />interest. The exterior maintenance shall consist: of
<br />exterior maintenance ,upon each Lat which is subject to
<br />assessment for exterior maintenance hereunder, including
<br />but not in limitation 4f the following, rep<_ir, replacement
<br />and care of roofs, gutters,. d<awnspouts, exterior building
<br />surfaces, trees, shrubs, grass walks, driveways, and
<br />private dri-res, and private roads, ancl:other impr4uemer:ws;
<br />but shall not include panting of the exterior of the
<br />property. Exterior mainter~ance shall. not include repair,
<br />replacement and:: care of glass surfaces, doors. garage doors,
<br />mechanica: garage door openers ar any mechanical equipment
<br />such as air conditioning condensers and ralatc.ci appliances
<br />and equipment. In the event that the need for maintenance
<br />or repair zs caused rhrouyh the :~i?l£ul or negligent act
<br />of trio Uwner, his or her family, guEats, or`irlvitees, the
<br />cost of such maintenance or repalr5 sh<,li be added tq aria
<br />t?e~come a part of the regular assessrnertr.s Ca wtrirh such `.,or;
<br />r-s subject.. 'The Associatic>n rs specific•a)lyau~horzzed
<br />hereunder to contract with aryprofcssional management.
<br />company, includ~nq any management ~~:ap,.iny related i:,p for
<br />affiltated with Uec„~rar.t, i;o fut'ni h professiona
<br />manac~emznt of the F'rop~rtieg dxZd~to provide sard`exter'ior^
<br />maintenance-as set. forth herein.:'
<br />Section 3 . 14axi mum Annua 1 (assessment . 'Unti 1
<br />3anuary 1 o~the year ir*unediately Following the conveyarrce
<br />of the first lot to an Owrrer, the maxi:it»trt arinuai assessment,
<br />shall be Three Hundred Dollars fr3UU.!Jf~) per Lcr*„ '
<br />(a) From and after 3anuary 1 :~f ti-re
<br />year immadLately following Ghe conveyance
<br />of the. first Lot 'o an ~Jwr~er, the; maximum
<br />annual assessment may be increaseel each.
<br />year not more than lO~S above themaximu,^,i
<br />assessment for t}ie previous year :without
<br />a vote of the membership.
<br />i b j Frorr: and after .3artuury 2 of t:ae
<br />year irnrnediately follokic.g the conveyarrce
<br />o: the first. ~.ot ro ar: Os,ner, the maximum
<br />annua3 assessment r.;ay be increased''above
<br />IO% by a ~•~r,,te of *.~wo-t`i-ira {2/3} ,of each class
<br />of members :~~ho are vcti;ig irr person or bar
<br />proxy, at a meeting duly .~a11ed for. this, purpose.
<br />(" :he F3uard cif i~ire~c`urs may f:ix the
<br />anr;uai assessment at_ an .rr.our,t noon $xcess
<br />of trio ~~aximu,~~.
<br />L
<br />