<br />E, ~>'
<br />Section 5. "Lo*" shall mean and refer to any
<br />platted lot 'of land' shown upon rYte recorded suYidivison
<br />'nap of the Praperti;es with the exr_eption of the Common Area.
<br />Section 6. "Srcproved Lot." shall mean and refer
<br />tc any Lot on t3~se'Praperties exclusive of the Common: Area
<br />upon •Jrhich shall be ere4ted ardwelYing the construction
<br />of which shall be at least'90% complete according to the
<br />plans and speCificatior:s for eonstr?iction'of said dwe~2ing.
<br />all other E:ots, exclusive of the Common Area, which shall -
<br />he vacant ar upon rhich s'.za11 be erected a dwelling the
<br />ci7rnstruCt ion."of which shall be less that. 9t) cornp~ete
<br />according to the plans"and specifications .4er construction
<br />of said dwellint3, shall. be defined and referred co herein
<br />as "Unimproved Lats":
<br />Sect~an'? "Declarant" shall mean and refer to
<br />('bateau elrlc ors 7evelcpcnen2 , irac. , ancf its heirs, sucaessoz~s
<br />and assigns to the exter:t `t;at the arzginal Declaration
<br />sha12 spec:ficai_-v desiyna.e ttzem as Declarant and such
<br />,. ansfcr stew, l uor+pl ~ :. _ th t:r~r_ ~r~vi sions of Article ;III
<br />©f the Fay-Latws regula?;ing `r~~nsier of Lieclarant Membership.
<br />~ri i <C L£ I L<
<br />F~O~F.i~T'i P=IGHTS
<br />Sect:un ~ }wner's c~sem+en.~. of ~njayment: Every
<br />Uwrrer shall h.j•/e and there ~s tir_r~by lr;snt;•~3 to a1 t7•.~n,,r~
<br />a right anti easement r~r r•nioyrne-rat ;ri and to t'.]'rc?"CC~rnmctn ,"+r ea
<br />located a5 hbovc ~!F>scr::~ed>~it:hir. tt.~ r'rc>pcr'_te5 .!Y>>~~h
<br />easement stew i i be• .appurtenant `o ,end steal i pass wi 1-.%; r he
<br />t,>':le `.".a «-verY f.ut, subifrc`, to this h Y, ctt t:hr ~,s <ii::-tt-3c~n
<br />to suspend tht~ vot:r:a rrghis <tnr~ rldh*, t.t~ use of '.hP
<br />recrEat~onal fac.l:tt~~s h•,r an <_r~Nrter tee =cny pc~rr.nci aurtru~
<br />wiu.r_te tiny asse~anrnt. oya>nst %us i_~~t ~er~ains ~.~npaici. 1'he
<br />AS.°iC1C1i7G7. Ctn 5na!.i Y;avn the right ': c~ <,ed:cate ~.>r transfer
<br />`any or ail parts of ':he Corunor. Area '.p any put~l:c agexscy;
<br />aui~horrCy :u~ -axii'y ,'or such purpt~5c~~: ,sari su~rct '~0 5ucYt
<br />cartdlrio:ss as may be agreed to b~,+ ':he membrr~; ;:tru'rded
<br />'.haL no such ciedicaCton stzail he •~ffcct.ve unl[:ss approved-
<br />•. try t;~o-r.}cards of each class xaf men;3~cers ~~f '-,he Assocrz~tiGn >
<br />as rec:c~rdeci.
<br />Sec~t.on 2. aeie•gat.on ••:~f Use. Any <ivmer may
<br />delegate his r>ghi of enjcy:ctx~nr to the ~ omrrron F,rea ~tnd
<br />t3c.ilities 'r~ the r^+r:rnter*~ c,f r,ts fa.^.triy, r~uesCS ~r tenants;
<br />prt~vided, haw%ver, that said +:~wrer .7hail be r+~spcnsible
<br />to the ASsaciatic~n for the +~ontfuct upon and -rse of said
<br />tami.y, queats cr tendnt~- ai r_!•,e ^or.:non Area.
<br />Sect.ior2 ~. ?arking~ac~•s. +'~.:nership of eactr
<br />wo* shall ereLitie the :~•.+^Er or owrtrs thereof to th+euse
<br />of not srcre '-?;an '~wo aut:~T,c~,bie paric.r,g spacF•s, which shall
<br />De as rear ar;d vor.•~~er:ierit try sac LoL a5 reasanak3ly
<br />passet?le, tcgeti~er wl':h 'be righ`. ~~ ngrrrss ~t:d ?grec~ in
<br />any upon: sai~! parrcln~; ttrFra- "ham Assoclatiort -sYsail
<br />perrrvnentsy assagr; 'wc -eh;cle parKing spaces try each
<br />i'iw@1 l..riJ~ '.3rL'.?;.
<br />.~rn"RSri~ :~iiii .f; `^s'li '-'3:G1ii5
<br />~E_?i_` .~:~Il [:'d >' I:a tar'E~r r,}F d _.. _.., ....
<br />}>r~vc:r'.i ~;~~ i. 3 -~.=rti:,er ~.~f fire ~.,_x-~ F.,,;r, •~rrb~z'st'ii~r
<br />yhai. ~. tg~2:;es t .- at.tt -;> •t r~ •,. ,.__ t - .r~ .~:a ft^~= ,_ r+rr~r,
<br />sr ~ c _- sr, ; ... .. . , ,_ .. ,. ..
<br />