_ ~ _ w_..~... _
<br />~M
<br />"` 1) ti ~ ~ r' S Qated: - 5-1.9-~2
<br />THIS SHORT i=OgM OF CONTRACT made this day between ____
<br />_ Ger.aidiae M. Zimmerer - ,as SELLER.whese
<br />address is IG22 E_ Oklahoma,. Grand Island, ?3E 688Oi
<br />artd ELECTRONIC REALTY ASSOCIATES, INC., A Qelawarecorporation withhomeoffice at 4900 College Blvd.,
<br />Shawnee Mission, Kansas 613201, as BUYER;
<br />in consideratlots of the sum of Ten Doitars (510.00) paid and the convenants to be performed by the parties as
<br />set forth in chat certain Rea! Estate Sate Cor>iract of SVen date,. the SELLER hereby agrees to sell and the BUYER
<br />to purchase according to the temss of said Contract the following:described :neat property known as:
<br />1022 E. Oklahoma, Grand Island, NE 68801'
<br />Legal Description: 8~ack 2-
<br />All of Lot I4 ~ East 65' of'Lot 13,lvalley View S/D, Citl> of Grand
<br />Island, County of Hall, State of Nebraska.
<br />The terms of the Real Estate Sate: Contract are hereby incorporated by-re#erence. SELLER m;ay not mortgage or
<br />encumber ihe.abave property w?thaut the: prior written consent of BUYER.
<br />IN WtTN£S?a WHQREOF, the SELLER and BUYER:have executed these presents the day and year first above
<br />written..., .'
<br />ATTEST.: ~6EAU
<br />:;r'' .,SELLER"
<br />~~ ~~~-__iW-^w-^^' by r ' ~~J~ ,iti l __
<br />/ ~ Secretary VICe-i~~`+r-e"st~tl$- t~~
<br />( James R. Erhart t)nnald ,~, S2eezer
<br />"t3UYER"
<br />STATE OF _.__ayL%y''~ 1 ~ 1101i1Rf •'M-Af~
<br />} r ~ ~ RUBY E 1~ ^'NSKI
<br />COUNTY OF ___~~'~._ _.___I ~~11Gt;sm.£x, 1. :7,:~
<br />EFORE E, aft off~lcer _duly authorized in the State aforesaid to take acknowledgem$n{g, pe[sonally apQeared
<br />.(,,_jyL and __~____ ___. _____ .._ Yo rrra known f0 b$ the p$rspn is) d$sci•ibed in
<br />and who executedGi foregoing instrument and ___. _ __.____.___~_, acknowledged t)efore me
<br />that -._____~__ _, executed the same.
<br />WITN~~SS my hand and official seal In the County and State a#oresaid i~is~__ day of~_____._._.
<br />19 _-.~.._.'_-_'__.
<br />My Cam, fission expires: ,,~
<br />~ r
<br />x
<br />_. -_~.., _w. -- -
<br />{., NOTARY BLtCi-
<br />~`~ ..'
<br />$TATFr 0a=°~6A~t;~AS ff}iE'~ He' . ~Mte t •:~tra;• p
<br />~~_.~ ~' = s ~ ~r _ Pub J3UWs~i
<br />~cuNr. oF.lo+lrisoN~~ ,~.~~:~~ : ~.=~~~rr.~.;~i5
<br />. 13!~FOR~-f+~~ {tetsoneSiy aPPeared __ Dvr a i<7 = S3~ezer _~ of ELECT_ RONt:: RE1tL~Y ASSOCIATES,
<br />',1FyC., a•cocpiiratian under the Saws of the State of Delaware, io me well known to tt$ the Indlviduaf end officer
<br />tfesnr46sdin acrd who executed the foregoing :nsirument and acknowledged tp and before me that he executeo
<br />itiik3xrsrtP &s such officer and that the same is the free apt arad Geed of~gaid cofporatianand ihat~ihe seaFaffixed
<br />is ih@ seal of the coroorat?ar,.
<br />WITNESS my hand and aificial seal this -_1_9tn day of ._ '~aX _.. --_- _,---______ __r ____.~19 ~~ __.:;_. , ai
<br />John,~en County and State. test foresaid.
<br />My co ,mes~eor expires ~;~~±~~ It ~r'
<br />~ i,-~ :~; ~ __~
<br />_~, ,.m ..... ,..:,., ,.,a. ;?ntef `arm tcs tie vrrnPiotev try ERA '#ome fJfft~sj
<br />