<br />MORTGAGE 02-..1) ~! ~ i~! ~.
<br />7Ais Mortgage isentered-into between _ R. E. Ste~hCRS _
<br />-~.~. .- ----_.-------_ --_-- .__-.-. _--.- (herein.•`blortgagor") and
<br />T}iE OVF32LA~ NATIONAi~ Br~i~iFC OF GP,A,"~,n ISL,9i~1D
<br />--- ---------------------- ------ ---{herein "Mortgagee").
<br />dlortgagor icSridebtedto Mortgagee in the principal sum of $ 182=~•_~ _ ,evidenced by Mortgngor'snote
<br />dated ~_~~ 1~~ __(hereir. "i~otF"1 providing !'or payments of principal andinterest, with thrbalanceut the
<br />indebtedness, it no[ sooner paid, due and payable an___ ~'~ ~. l~2____.
<br />Tosetvre the payment of the Sole, with interest as prodded therein, the pacment of all other sums, with interest,
<br />advaheed by Mbrt};agee to protect the securely of this bSortgage, and the performance of the covenants and agreements of
<br />the 5fortgagoc contained herein„ Mortgagor does hereby mortgage and convey to M1lortgagee the following described
<br />properly iacttted in I~LI ___~__-_ _ Count}, NebrasAa:
<br />Lot One C1), in Block One (I), in "Farmington Second
<br />S~~bdic-ision", of a Part. of the Southeast Quarter of the
<br />Southeest Quarter (SE~,SW~) of Section Twenty--0tte (21),
<br />in'ibwnship Eleven (11) North, ~e Sine (9) lYest of
<br />the 8th F.34. , Ha13 Cwrty-, Nebra_slta.
<br />Tr>tether with at{ buildings, irnpmvrmrnu, fixtun•s, struts, alleys, paesageways, easements. rights, privileges and
<br />appurtenances (opted thereon nr in an}+nse penaintnq thereto, and the rents iswt~ and pro:!ts. reversions and remainders
<br />thereof; includinlt, but not limited to, 0ratinq and coot+nK eyuepmene and Such personal property that is attached to the
<br />emprowmmti so ai to coralilttte a fixture; all of whtch, +nclndenq n•plamments and additions thereto, is hereby declared
<br />to be a part of the real estate secured by the Tern of this Munga~ and all of the forcgnmg being referred to herein >u the
<br />"Property"
<br />Sbrtp~or further mnrenartut and aLrr+'*, w,th ?Non¢a~-.~.:n t..•• ..s:
<br />[. raytrterrt. To pay the rndebtednr~s and the ~ntrrr.t ihrr.-on a. pruv~drd +n +his Mortgage and the. Note.
<br />2. T:tita Mort~or ix the oata•r of the Ptt,prrt~ !:r the nyttt .red aulhoot~ .a mortgage the Property, and
<br />+aarran4l that the lion created hrt,rby is a tint artd pncm lien ,rn ! hr Proprrtp, exn•pt as may otherwise ix set forth I+erein.
<br />3 The Property a wbject to a Morlga~c wi:rr+-,n ~4u-itabic But 2ding an(~_ I~o:_in Association _
<br />u the.llort~a~ee, recorded st Book _~'~.--..Page ~~ .-i :hv Nun;,a>zr Rtrords of .. _~3,~..._. ..__.-_County,
<br />:Vebrasta, which Mort~pr is a lien pricer to thr^ :wn rrretrd h+•n•h,
<br />~t Other prior liem oretrcumbramx~: _- _ _ _.- _.___.______
<br />;S. Tatira, Aarerwreeta, To pay when due al! Gaxrs, .prr•ial a.,,rrsmrnts and ail other chargcx against Lhe Property
<br />and, upon rrritter, demand by :IlortRagee, to add to the pay~mrnl rrquerrd under :ter Vole +;rcured hereby, such amount as
<br />~y br wfCtcient to anabk the Morgpgea• to pep -tach taxr,, atsrssrrrnts or other cfiargrs as they become due.
<br />i Lawaraoce. 'F'u keep the imptnrenxnts now or hereafter :o+atrd na the real estate dev'ribed herein insured
<br />ti,ai~6 dataye. by fife and wch Mtter ?ru~rdt. x' Morigxgee may regmrr, in amounts and with compar[irs acceptable to the
<br />l4ntlpypee. and with loss payable co fhe Mortga~rc~. In easy uF icri, under such po{ir_irs the Mor'_gagee +s autttorzrd to
<br />admit, cdlect and toropmmisr, in its discretion, all claims then~undrr at its wle nptior., authorirrd to eitherapply~ t;tr
<br />peoceeda to Ehe [ezirxation of the Property ar upon the indebtedness srrurrd hereby, ;tut payments hereunder shalt con-
<br />tiore until the Burris secured heretry are paid is foil.
<br />S..L:; Eircrow For Taxes and tumrance, tiotwtthstandirg an: tieing rnntained fn paragrapt:s 3 and 4 hereof to Ghe
<br />coutrary_ Mrxtgagor shall pry to the 34on.gagee at the time of paring the monthly insta-tments of principal and interest,
<br />tme-tsreJfttt of the yearly sexes. asaessmrnix, huan3 insurance premiums, and ground renlx (if any} which may attain a
<br />priority over Lhis iNort~gr, alt ab reasonably estimated from t;n-.e to ume try the Vortgagee, "7'he amounts w paid shall be
<br />!>e;d ty the %iost(igee without thtirrnst and applied to the payment of the items -n respect to which such amuttnrs were
<br />>iepasi4~d'. Tole ritrns paid to Moripagre :w.reunder are p?rdgcd as addl[.ionat cecurin° for the indebtedness secured by thu
<br />ltfntt~ayr.;+etasigagor shall pay cA'rkx4ys~ the amuoni o! any def"tciency~ between !fir actual txxes_ aacrssrnrnts, insurance
<br />prrmtums aad ground yenta aril Yhr deposits hrrruedec within 16 dsgs after dem.od is made upon Mortgagor requesting
<br />Fa;-raa:l tiicrrof.
<br />6. Ttepaic: Maintanauee and Use.Po gromptky repair, rr.s tore or rehui[d an_c tuldin~ or imprvrnmenc; ouw ~:>e
<br />}~..rcittrp' to EhrPrE+peti ti°; ic, ieep the !'roperty irc g~sarl or:dir?on and repay. +rizhvta u~a~[e. said Cr~e tram n: nh;rreu. ~~ e;r
<br />- aches 75€`.ib n+:rt rsjrtksestr sukWr~-i~itLed to .},... ]er-n hrx~.~•f; got :o r>alr sv i~Ye: cer ik,, r,it m~ ~ nuiu: cr h> rxiat, ,or ,.e• aimin~
<br />`sls :~ Srre;~rr ?Far ~gt_+-~G see Nroprrty by ;tij ~ a -i °'- r,ceac_ean kc 3: _, ;xr~~ 'tc rra=Uly yiL.h all. a-~arrr~~rn ra of;,y,v rvf;h
<br />