<br />MORTIrt~GE
<br />This ~4ortgage is entered into between _Bi11 _i. IfoPdtitard 3150 known as ~tii lli aIn T.
<br />_T_iPcactdttRa:rd, _3 Single I~rs;)n - -_---- - _-- (herein "Mongagor"j and
<br />_~_ 1~EE OVEFLI;(~'D N.'~TIO'~A_L, B.4'~'k OF GR;_ti3D ISL1Nb----'---- ---(herein."Mortgagee" )
<br />~1or[gagor is indehted Lo Mortgagee in the principal sum of .S ~ X23.82 _ • et~denced by Mortgal{or's note
<br />darxd _ ~V 29; 2982 _ (herein "P1ote"1 providing for pa}znenis of principal end interest, with rte balance of the-
<br />indeb[ednes , iC not sooner paid, due and payable on ~Y ~•~ 2x32 ___.
<br />To secure the payment of theNo[e, with incemst as provided therein, the payment of all other sums, with interest, -
<br />adlaneed by 3ortgagee to protect the security of this 'Mortgage, and the performance oC the c~nvenanta and agrnements oC
<br />the ]lortgagor contained herein, 3tortgagor does hereby mortgage and convey to Mortgagee the Collowirg described
<br />propertyfocated in~~~1 ~_ County, Nebraska: -
<br />Lot Fire (5) Block Nine (9) A1e~res ls-t 9dclition to the
<br />City of Grand Island, Flall Cotutt~ , Neb;:aska
<br />Together vnth all buitdin~s. rmprovenwnu, fixtures, streets, alleys, }passageways, .•asemenvc, rights, privileges and
<br />appurtenancee looted thereon or in artytelse pertatn:nq thereto, and the ecru Issues and profits, reversions and remainder
<br />thereo{; including, but not limited to, heatrnq and cooking equtpment and such personal propertv that is attached to the
<br />tmproretrren~ so as to cotuuwte a Cixture; al! of whit•h, rnriudmg n•placrmcn4s and additions thereto, is hereby declared
<br />to be a pet o[ the real estate secured by the hen of the Mortgage and ah of tfie foregoing being referred M herein as the
<br />.<~~,,,~,rty,.
<br />:Nort~or further catrcnants and agnr~, with Mortgagr7•, a tol!ow>:
<br />1. Paymeet. To pay the rndrbtedness and the mterea thorron a> pnrwded in thec !riortgage and the Note,
<br />2 T1tk. Mortgagor is the owner of the Proprrt}', ha. the right and authontc to mortgage the Property, and
<br />trarrants that the lien created hereby rx a first and prior hen on the Proprrt} , r%ev~pt as naay otherwise be set forth herein.
<br />'_] The Property is subX•a•t W a ;Nrxtgaar wnrn•rrr _ _.. __. ---_....____~_,__~..__
<br />is the Mortpgrr, recerdedal Rook---____ . Page of the llcrtgage Rewords of __ _. --_._ .----County,
<br />Nebraska, which Mortga(e is a lien prior to the hen treated Yrr•rrnr_
<br />Q lhher prior liens or errcumbranar~: _ _
<br />_ __
<br />3• Tuea, Aaaeaaoan4. To pay when due all [axes, ;:peciai assessrnent~s and all other charges against the Property
<br />and, upon wriurademaod b}: Mortgagce, to add to the payments required under the Note secured hereby, such amount as
<br />rtray be su{Cieiehi to made Ure llortgaitee tee pay such taxes, atseisments or outer charges as ihry twcome due,
<br />1. hrsurann To keep the impnrrements now or hereafter located on the real estate described herein ensured
<br />as+limsl damage by Ctre and such other haruards as Mortgagee .tiny require, in amounts and wtth comparur•s acceptable to the
<br />Mo[tga(.~e, and with toes payable to the Mortgagee_ In tae of ix, unds~r wch policies ihr Mortgagee is autnoriud to
<br />adjuaLi ~~+itect and cvmptnmist, in fts dutretion. aid claims thereunder at Fts tole option, authorized Coeither apply the
<br />prorreda to the restoration of the Property or upon the indebtedness ;NCUr,•d rereb}, but payments hereunder shall con-
<br />tinue until ttte sums;ecured hereby ate paid in full.
<br />S. ~i F.acmw For Taws and Insurance- NotwiCnstandingarything coniaiaed in prrgraphs 3 and 9 hereof to the
<br />contr:zy, ~rt~or shkii pay to the b4orfgagee at the tame of paying the monthly in;tailmenls of principal and interest,
<br />tart-twelfth of ihr r•rarly taxes, acsessmenuti. hazard insureoce premiums, and ground rents iif anvlwhich may attain a
<br />priority ever this Mortgage, all as reasonably e~siintated from time to time by the ~tori{;ager-. The amount: so paid shard ba
<br />head by the Mort~rgec withouf interest and applied to the paymepc of the item; in respYCt in which such amounts ware
<br />deposited. Tstie satins (paid to ]1#ori~eo hereunder arz pledgYd as additiora1 security for ttx• lndebtedn<~s secured by this
<br />'#oti[aQe, ;v{ortgagorshatllta}' to Mort~ag:3 the amounk of array- deficiency br',wr•en the actual taxes_ ~ssntents, insuranrs•
<br />ptemyunis. and ground reniz rind Eire depc~i t.>` hereunder +viihin AG dates after derirartd is made aooa SY artaa gar rerjtp~stinq
<br />psyrnertt iherv.i{.
<br />fi- Repair, Maintenantt and t:ae. Te prampt;y rrp~ir restc pr rehui?n any buiidinRS or tmprovt•mr~nti now or
<br />hsrnafa.•r on the Prrr.ert} ; to keep :h_- Pzbpc. rty :n gr,~u t•rinai~-en ar , repair. u;thvut was:. anti frt. r- from m..hsnir~~.:;r...
<br />otaeriwt~ race; rxprs~y subtxdit:eted cu the lien fx•rr•of: cam; ;t~ r^.nY~• ., , , I ~enit.en} nuisaatee t , rsst_ n,.r r:, dtmirk-
<br />istt or Smpair the salue of *S~e ?eo petty G5 vi tct. nr c=rn -:i~r to a r srl r; t„ ~v:rq ~h ~n th .~, rz•gi . =za+•rr,.e st ;r~~ LL~~r,h
<br />retpee-.t ti• the- Prnpertt'.
<br />