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<br />REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE: - NEBRASKA <br />82-tu2~~~5 <br />tiAiOW ALI, Mme' BY' THESE. PRESEtII'S= That"!'r ~ O~ L . & i3 r $h 9 1:. '+ia bb'- $usbsoti & W it B <br />hereinafter called mortgtaot(s), in consideration of the svm of , ~ ., 3 . J~~ _ llallars in hand paid <br />does herthy G4tANT,BARG,~1, SELL and CONVEY to HOLtSEHQLD t•id~NCE CORPORATION, hereinafter caned <br />;nertga~ee, tFtt following described real- property locattdin ~i9 Couvty°, State of Nebraska, to wii' <br />xb6+ LoL 5 Fslocle IZ Glaussea Countr4 Tiew Sub Division <br />tt is mort~vr't iatmnon to cortrey ntk in fa siittpie irtctudirsE ail ril¢ttt of homrtead and dower. <br />PROVIDED, hosterer, that t7us mtrrttpt~ n made on ttu ea~cyst, condi[ion that, the mort~tger(t) paYa in full the <br />promissory note prytbk to the mott~Pce dated IfHJ u-t Iu g~ for an amoun, financed et <br />5 3653' S2 payable in tnstatimrnts accordirgt to t t weaf, ttJgether with interest thereon at the <br />weed rate of charj[e prodded !n ttm note, ut the amount of S ~~-. 15 if tht note is paid according to <br />schedul.: and ft rrtortpyor(s} pays aU tans artd atraments loved on said propery and mainwns adequate fire insurance on <br />said real goperty, then that mastpyc strait be rt>fd. <br />This rttattp~e tray sot be aswtmrd without dre wntten amsent of the m«rpSee. <br />!T tht trtort~apr (silt W pay any sum of money, either prtnppd ar interest, whrn dot, us fails to comply wtth any of the <br />above alaee:oeau• the tt+ort~Hee hat the opuon to deduc the vhok ofsatd indebtedness due and payable at once and tc <br />rrtaigtaiu any action at taw or equity to scorer rbe same, <br />to Wttaess Whereof. rrtort;aprlt) executed this mntt~c tftn_. 17tt1 day of __~ ue ,--__-- , A.D. 19 .. ~? . <br />[n the tsrescrtce of: <br />p <br />L. L, bison, 35aos~ar <br />.r'f'.ITE Ol± lVE$RASiLA j <br />~HTt~.. CY3UNTY } SS: <br />Traci J. ,dabb <br />~ tstlS l~tl? ;lay '3z --- ~e.~..______ . A.D. 19 ~FZ "+~etore me, the <br />u~rrderripted P.~C?62'Li~. ~'9~dr __`_ i_ 3 Notary ihrbti~, <br />duty~minti>sicetedandqualifiedfuraradresid~ginstidcotutty.pcrsunatlycamc~'Tac~i.~, end <br />-~_ __lSarLha T.. ~dabb- usband & =~i~e _ _ _ __ _ <br />eu rt+stnown to be Lhc identical pertort4 whose name 5 fisj fa:e7 afEzed tc t}te fnrtgoinq instrunrnt asntartgagors <br />axtd acknowiedgd t}3e same t,~ be _ i X012' vuluntarY act tx ;Iced, <br />Wtirrr~ my halal and Nptariai 5a! the day and ycu hst above ~Tirren_ <br />p[ 1-~v~ [Fk f,1 f.... Ro Ma}t at4{1 <br />"~ ~/ /''~ ~'+k i595 <br />-.~.-..E~s..='~.~4 k ~-~ ~.c- -_,_~ ~ ~ .,L °~'t ~'~..~~' tiotary Put~Ii:: tit L~Stim stitil _zRtres <br />~.. rr ix-art tn.... sa+n - <br />