<br />231-REF..~ASk F7Y 3IE4HAT~1G3 LIk;,!-CnryoxatP~ ~-n., Rottman cFen.rn;. snpy3r~ r,,;,F~ t,i„-,yn. l~~,t,n
<br />~2o..~JU~f,I`~'~
<br />Sohn ~ Schultz, ur-~ Prey denta -.,_._- ades._;tercu,; ~e,uf;~th~~ the .r,:*~h„mds
<br />tint clairtec! bv_Spe»LS-Mc?~ul.t.z.-Numb-er Ge.- A£-.G.r~~da_~sland-- ------- --- -.._ -------.... _.. -. - ------.
<br />against _._-Pau1_E.,_-Plummzr,_~z~d. wry--J -Pl:,ummgr __ ....:. ..:..:.::.- _.._.<:-- ----._..:.~...-._: _ _._._-.
<br />as document X81-OOYT12
<br />the account ano afxda.t`itot wl tc-~: is recorded e€-been . -~,:of ?~ec:ta,.:_ s Lt~ns ~i t;,t
<br />rrcards ai ._ 13x13 __ ,:--C.ounh~, State af._ Nebraska- .------- ` Y P ~ g .ecared
<br />. , is Yuxl az,3 and ti.e debt ibercb
<br />is .`ally sttisfred aad said.:titn rertmved. „~,
<br />\ ~ .
<br />In preseacx of ~ <
<br />~'?S"."~~-ME::,.,. ,r i Spalts Sc It urA~ ~T G 33t~ Island
<br />_~
<br />t ': - {.
<br />. ..... . ........... ...._...._ -. ..-_- .-- 3
<br />R~.aDMOS ' !'n &. Schultz, .Tz, ~aetr -
<br />State of - Nebr~,gks - _ ~ C)n ihu-....~~?..day irf...:?3?.1Y ., . ..... ~...~ $1.., 'fx 3~re ire, the
<br />,_~
<br />__--- .._ bbl.;._ _.. i onafy ? undezsigned, a :~iotary Public in and far said County, per~ratly
<br />I ean:e ..- ..__--?ot?e- K. Sc.pulKZ, .J.t. -°- _ _._... _. ~'recideat tit the
<br />sp~lt$-Schultz-;,t~bez CQ,..Q~...~'rzai/,d-_,I,Sli~nd.
<br />~~ to rre persottaEiy kttac~~a to i~c .hc i'rtsxtcmt arnisdrsstiral prrson`H~hase name is af$xed its ;f,e abc;rn reie~ .,c, urt~i ackno~Hi- ~'
<br />i
<br />tdgrd t',zt ehr::7tl~sn thcreui eo be hi<_ t~~l::ntar, ar aauf ~.rccf ~s cuch .. suer, an,j rite ~olii~;tary ,~~:t :+n~i .'.ces3 ~~i the
<br />Fait; Spells-Schultz Luber c,o. nZ Grand. Island
<br />~'i'itrtzw r,t' ''iara an~1 ` :al `mil :: GciaF3d isl.3ti in said t~!n:v,e tint day :vtu yea-
<br />~.
<br />Lr~f a~oce wrtzirv- .
<br />-
<br />4ry a3mrnixsitr:y expires. ~ A~~ _. -., ~ r:~!':'~....z---y -
<br />A~~/s~.til~ rn.,n l'rhitr
<br />:, r ,
<br />,_„~
<br />t....,.
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