<br />' This form is` used in sonnet-
<br />r~/''~ tivn cvith ~mtrtgages insured
<br />~~R'~0.7~~rTLi' under 'the ene- tc four-family.
<br />provisions of the '.~%;ttionat
<br />(PFousin~Act. _~~~
<br />$2~ ;~;i~'t3r~~~
<br />~~ i'!CIS!vinR'L'GACE.;nadeanu~exacucratt+is 24th dwot M>ay .A. p.
<br />1`.t ~2 . by ntxi i?etueer. Douglas +t. Lindstrom and Mary Lanette .Lindstrom, Husband and wife
<br /><>f the Cot:r,ta of I-tall ::ad SFa:e of V'ebraa:a. ?~arrv of the first p::rt. herein titer called
<br />the .P.fortraae:. and Superior Mortgage, Inc.
<br />_, aor~~~ra[ic,n nresniz~3 anG erxting u;z<3er the i:~~,e., ut Nebraska
<br />nary t+E thr ~?cun.i part, h±reinafn.r celled the .~';.rtgagee.
<br />l~`IT*;FSSETi±~ "i ha; the +a,d '~t.,rt~s~ar_ tn:.rid ro ~„nsider.,r,on of ihr~ <um of ~`'enty nine thousand five
<br />hundred and No/100ths---- _--------- 1~,,,ilars t3 29, 500.00 i. paid b~ the hlort-
<br />r:~gee_ tha reccr, t o[ •rhich a ..*,erehc ;ie%nou-:ed2ei, Y;:u Ck;, ~[ed and ti~l~d and hn these presents du<~s (.iron[. &sr-
<br />t`ain. Self. i~aavec and Ccmfirm ^ma ahe tlongeeee. it: ,u ces:r,;s -rod rsigns. ioreF~er. the foL'r~wing-described
<br />real est2te, situated in thr Ceunrr of E3a11 ,and Mate
<br />of'vettra:ka. [o ,:,r
<br />iY.a Westerly ten (l6) Feet of the Northerly Seventy-five (75) feet, and
<br />the :~esterly Ponr i4) Feet of t31e Southerly Fifty-seven: (S7) feet of Lot
<br />One (l ), also the Easterly'1Venty^-seven (27 ). Feet o€ T.ot`11ao (2), all in
<br />Hlock Fift~n (15) in the Qriginal flown now City or` Grand Island, Hall
<br />CotutLy, NP,.~Td9ka.
<br />of tha tirnn Nirn.rpaf ~1ltrrtti,n. ~.mt:,rmnt: rn:rP ..,~rr~ a;:ardmg to Gnccrn..
<br />nocnt •erv~y
<br />I~[l HA. F -1`ti) Pr! E#tLt? tyc -rrnn,.•..3Mr,e de.cr.nrd, urih ;the ar.pur:enun thereunto hekmt,in), and tn~:'udin);
<br />nil firattpg. pLrmMnR and lit;htrnk htux-i :r,d ryutprnerot ne•w or herraf.cr atCt~ txd r..,r ns ,,I at mm~e, tiro: u th +:rid real estate
<br />unto the tlrxti;.tgrr, a+xT r,. r?+ .ue Cr+..,+, and ae.,Kn.. t.eesrr i~he tiS<,rtSta;:rtr t, ptcscm, ':~, and rv+vca:Irt~ wtih. the b(ortga-
<br />urc. ?hat the Nrueg»~n ba+ grit rry,ht t,~ art( xnd ,,,met .:vd ptYmraes; that tt+cp ,,rc fret front ertatmhrance. , nd th;rl th~•
<br />M.xt~K u~df wxrrsnt xruf Jrtrnd thc._,mc at,aias[ rtrt t^v.(ul c4:,,mv <,f nt: ptr,ntt. whumuxvrr-, and ihr .aid ~~]c7,t{?aROr hcrr-
<br />hy ,eirayuahe~ air rrghta ~,t lxxarve.nu, ~~t.i alf mar~e:r: t ~~3e, rrlhcr rn taw or rx; c4uity, a:;J a;l ,.ther :uniinytem mtere+t; ~,,i the
<br />~tortiGSR.x rrt an,4 ir) the ak?pxr-de.inhll ,~rra,rx•s, tA[ u~trntw.rt he my: t.' uin vc; herr_bw an ahx!lu[e true, in fqe simple, uulud-
<br />rny, sH tights of homesiraJ..axi r,ther nt;ha.,nd tntcacst.,,~, ,;SorcnaN.i
<br />F`Rf741DF1):Al.kt1S. artij rhea arescnn arc cxecutr,,i end dciicctrd up.;n tftc (~+Iluutnc condition-.. L~ wtc
<br />'CTe ~It~rt~t.v, artrrr. to n,v t~• the ttcrt:g:.per. ,.. ~„-Jct. irsc pnnapaf .trm .,( 'tw!~nty nine thousand five
<br />hundred and Nol10?thD _-__Ut~iluryr29r:~00.00 i.
<br />w-;th interest. irfsm t4yet at the rate v% Fifteen and One-hdZf ;~:r ~rrr u,r-, ~ 15.50 `~f 1 pct annwn ~~n
<br />the uopaal tsalnnr-e u:tat! pa tri_ lltc •.ani prirl~t~1 arni :merest -,bs:i t+e Asi:tbic e? the otricc u; S,+perior Mortgage, Sne.
<br />in Gzand Island Nebraska .r st , t, other p a )du nl
<br />the raze men, Jctirgnwte ro .+rutng•6n moatnly rmt;,ifrnrn[+o'. ''-`Lee hundred Aig :'zty our ar~ C~~l OGt~hs---
<br />IA.~!l:u, ;g 3&-0.83 . c:;,am,cacmg,m thr first d2y ut
<br />July ~ i4 $2 nd or the t:r t da;. ut,eh month therea,ter ^nri+ (hr F rmap:ei and in-
<br />tcresi ase fut'v psrd, cn.e;r ;hat the tsnai pay-mcnt ,f pnnc,p~ sod inicrcat. .f nrrt ~. K>ner paid. ~h.rJ rnt Jar: ,:nd
<br />(+avsF~e nn the hrxt da} t,? 3tme, 2CL - .ail ~cw Cding to the tttims of n certain prramiti-
<br />a,*ip ;sr~!c of cyan da to htrew~th r_~eccrai r. the se,d \trxtp~g~x.
<br />.p h~ tf rYrF~t~0f in csCttfl r0#L7r :UtIY Ii?p7 Vtect the Nf 9rtiF Of ThrS ~~,Ki4~C. uRTdLyl''
<br />F that E+x >•~+r1 pay he tRei~t;c.e,ncss_ ~. #;ere,r.'~x•;ire p..r. ilea 1 :;viieKe ,~ star, rd ~av •';e aaht ,r h~?e:. or m an
<br />amcbrnr eyum' .c otre .u :rrre mur.ihl} paymes7t5 un tnc prrnt+pai lira. arc next due vn t rr n..re. r.;r; fhe hcu Jay , f nr.y rn~at[h
<br />pr rr~ t.. traiura}_ A'o ~-wed, b+,>.c:cr. ; loot 'x nlFea :urtk.c .,f :,n mten[ion fr. c>.cra.r -urh prrvilcge i~-even :,t ir,at thirty ; +fii
<br />:~b-. pt rrx tv pre Fay'rresrrt.
<br />?7tat. togttirer with- .:-rd to additn,c ia, tfx me>nan': , a,~vteaty ~>(, rinapai sod ~cterr.t pa}.,hle under the lerrn•. ,tt the
<br />rs:v ..e-urtd tfare6~.. t}s; tlr....C~S,*r a-ief pat tai the ~1ur't';~cc. r;n irx titer ,Say ~f cath month cstii the =.:.r~ note n (t:H, nair;. th.•
<br />.:4.r:tng.
<br />s. -.~r,a,uiti s~aiii '.n rr' ti. ~-,r,taie the h.•krCer hctci,l wati~i torts +..~ psk .r u. nazi :n~,rt~gc tt „r: er.r,_ ;: .;¢~r.,:r, .i fi~ta
<br />t<zsat~.a5x_ytt s. tt~c n:.r rsurr:;itersceh. act u>.;urr8. o, a mrrnii,ty .i,aa4e ~ ~u~r. u/ a -r~,rrX:at;e rrutr¢rtu+~rc
<br />.. _ the. r ,. ,„ ~, ~ha S?..r .-v^.:,r fir rsu,x a:r~. t' -hz:, L+c ,_,. r ~i;uvE;
<br />+i; F; ;y,q ._ ~: 3: surd r;:rtr .,, r•ta .arc ax;:i Ft n sr,mtru~srr~.' 3'r rr ~u:ctl ~. mr. .•.~.u.~:r _1c J~<' {... ~.
<br />,~aK~ tts:~~: r„i-;n;u 3Y , r;1 a._ ~, trrcu t ,~ .. 3.-u:r .. 2.... .. ~s,iu5,. ~...,.,r, ..n.
<br />»,.
<br />r.,., aex.,•. .4,, ., .~~.c-.. .n...«...~, ~T:1i'tSttf\~tiR:lr.h-y.
<br />