<br />82-= ~€t2Qr32
<br />9. ~o®demnatioe.Theproceeiis ofany awardor claim for damages, direct. or consequential, in connection withany
<br />condetnnat}on or outer taking of the Property°, or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemns*,iatt, are heiebc assigned
<br />attd she}} be paid to Lender.
<br />Tn the"even: of a rota}:taking of the Property, the proceeds she}l i>E. appliedEa tfiesums secured by Yhis Deed of Trust,
<br />with the excess. i' any, paid to BotaniYer; ;fn the event of a paniaf taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />otherwise:agrecinwritiuR,lheics}tai}beapptiedteLhestintssauredbytfiisDcedofTrttstsuchpropertiinottheproceeds
<br />as is squat uz i2:at propot'tion which the amount of the sums secured by this Peed of Trust immediate}y prior to the date of
<br />taking bears: to rite fair ntarket valeta of the Prapeny immediate3y prior to the date of taking; with the fialance of ttie proceeds
<br />paid to Bortroever.
<br />If titre Pto{rerty is abandoned by Borrower, or if, after notice b}~ i_ender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make
<br />an awaid of torte a claim fret daxttages; i3vrrower fails to res}h~nd to L.et:der witfiin3t) days after the:date such notice is
<br />oxsiLed„ Lender ix authozized to coo}act and apply ttx proceeds, at Lender's option, either eo .restoration ire repair of the
<br />Propttrty or -fo the: sums secured tzy this. DeeY3 of Trust.
<br />L3ti}txs Ixttder and Borrower otherwise agree in writing,. any such application of proceeds to principal shall oat extend
<br />or postpone the due data of the tttontttty instal}meatas referred to in paragraphs t and ?hereof or change the amount of
<br />such inatallusmts.
<br />IH. Donower NafReieaaed. Extension otl the time fi?r payment or modification of amortization of the sums secured
<br />ley- tfiia }7eed of Tnrsr granted 6v Lender eo any succcsser an interest of Borrower shall not operate to release, to an}' msnner.
<br />the. lialritity flf titre coriginaf i3arrstwrr and Bnrri~wer's successors in interes:. i.cnder shall nor he required to commence
<br />proceedings against such successor ar refuse to extend ttme for payrnent or other~•osc modify amortizatoon of the ,um~
<br />sccurtd ts} :this T~eai ofTrttst by reason of any demand made i?.s° tike original Tterrewcr and Borrower's successors itY interest
<br />11:. Fot6eatance by i.corder Nat a ~'aivet- Anv° l.arbearance 6y i.crtder .n exercising any::rig,ht err remedy hereunder, er
<br />e.thetwose afforded ley appiicab}e taw, she}3 not lx a weaver of err prednde titre ezcrctsc of any such 'rigfit err remedy
<br />The. ptrxurt*neat Ctf insttrattce or efts payment at taxes ar other bens or charges by lender shall: rear hc`a waiver of Lender's
<br />eight. ter atxe}trate t}tt trtaturrty of the indcbtedncs secured by this. bred of Tnssr
<br />}g, Reraediex C011iatiYr. Af} remedies provsded in this reed of True err distinct and cumulative to env other nght
<br />nr rtstt~y uttdcr this [}trod of Trust nr afforded t,} i:aw zr equity. attd ma} 4:c excreted ;:crneurrrnaty; independenth• fir
<br />f3. e5rcceetors and Atwi~w llamtd: faint tad !irverat i,iabiiitY: t.'apttrrts. 'i"tts covenants and agreements harem
<br />cantaitrcd resort h,t,d. sod the rig#ats btrex:rx#er olio}t inure tti. ttx respr`uvr successors and assigns of 1_essder and Borrower.. :
<br />subject to the {*rr,vosioas of parsgraph 1' tscrmt A!; „rvcnanrx and agreements x?f Btrrrc?rrcr shall t,c ioint and :several;
<br />7'hcca,ptionsand txadingserf'trx paragraphs ut sh;s }'feed ,.}f 7"ra::' err for carn.rniencc onlyand arc not trt>e,tosedta
<br />interpret oe ddine tfte provosirxrs ltcrecri.
<br />EM. Nodtr. f xrcgt for ens ngtts`c aequrted.;:rctcr apps,<:atrtr ,•~ yo etc riven rn another msnncr, fat env. nonce to
<br />$arroarcz}>fowidod ;orzxr trot f.1~d of l'rustxha-; tic g.~cn'.~. r~n~an~ >:rcb netted by :'ertttitd. mail .addressed to: Bixrowcr at
<br />tike PrR;rpettq Addrrxs car at such Daher a:}dre~ ~. $4?rr,~war 7rati .:r_:gna[c ny not#cdto i,:dttddr as provided hereon, and
<br />rh ~ any q~tact t;, i cedes shat? he ~~vcn h; :crnhcd ...., reuse rc- aria ;cd; :~ l stujcr'c adder s stated ficrdin onto
<br />.~
<br />tt>`h nchuaddroc a+ Erttder ^,ac fln~ahatr ,. ~,.u~~c :~ tier-n~aes ~.~wrdca h~err<n Rtfynotit:e pcovtdtd for in this
<br />fXed cif Trust .hall t•e+Jcsstred ~.~ have 'xcr, green ;;~ H„re,..c-,: ! rn.:zr wtren {;t;en in'he mannerddsigrated harem.
<br />lS. l'aifa~ tier! of Trent: (.aYrrttirl~ taw: 4srnbiins. r !,; sr.:: tt ,. , , .. _. nmtrines ur,tiorm ~"~cnantx for
<br />6a bUnR1 LK ,tnt1 recut-ur.ac~rm i `~.r~dRtc w-~'h n7eil ~3 ~ .. •.,l:.nnr 4 '~,.L'~.. tlrC a Llniflrrm :~CCdtrlfA !r.i N1%1Cnt.
<br />w
<br />n~cYrnt real t+: o~r!m. Tha }"~ ,~: !.'asr .',., ',c c.,, .- ~hc ., .. Tr :anal r:t nn .n which thePrr, pert ~ > tcxatd~d,
<br />fn the ,'vent [h~1 Inc }xuv;nnn rr .rau>.c „P :'tu (rreJ :~: 1 u,f .,, ~r,v rte ... ilh;~.. Hrt ,ppiicah}t` law,s¢:ii• .'~,rt'.:i. shnl!
<br />n.•+ af}•v' .,thrt pptrn rruxn :d :her, brad t ?rent •r •hc re ,. h., r ~.}fc ~ u th:~tti ilia ~:.mtl: et nr p; ovastori.,
<br />and r~~ th ti etiA The jrUV puma ., .~ !)ceil -,.•.~ ' •ust end ,rz i.+te - e _; ~. ~.,.c ~ ,r~rrah~e.
<br />}6. {ormwer's Coq. N+frro~c zratl ~ t::r;,~.ncd ~ ,. ,,•~mrG . .~rs ~,,i< rttd ~ ;this llcra} ,~~ "L u-•t .~~ the tints
<br />,f r.«ut,+zn r,r a(ta recordaAaa iturd
<br />1'. Traaater al ire ~R?; Arpttan I. t ,,, Yn-tv.t .ir, tnteaestthrrc i. tc .rdd tr;, nsterred
<br />t,r ~cxrowtY wrtix~ut i cr«fa s pNttt wrtelicYt i +xr,~f ,- t u t; ~, c , a' rn.,. r~hr:,:nr irti,rdtnAle to
<br />obarF%rnt et Trust, ~ hr the ttcauoet ,~' a Mrr[hnae ,, , vcue~:-,: _. t ~.~~. uut:c.ld , pl:.aactw. .i t:.rn+fer !~y devise,
<br />.le~:ene c; nr uneratu+n oa taw n{~rn the death ,~. .. ~~+n~;•-sianr ~. 'ter grxr r ,. '~rasrirnki i,itr c,' three ~,vn dr less
<br />ra et C„nlzm,ntr an nparnn t.• ~nrr.hsx f en.iet ~, ; ~ t ct. r.. ~.., .. !,ve ~-. the .-,~.,. ,<...'u! n. In, rt. rd ,y 'i rust tp beS.
<br />,:nmert:areir ;(tx and tcasanu leader <.half t,o,r .,,~.ed w. ~in:.., ., ,..tale.r.HC '.r ,ri,>, ~.,~ ~Si :dc ~~ e,rsler Sender.
<br />~ r i
<br />asst IM: ;a rsi-n : wliwr., the Ptr,;xrts~ ,~ r.~ t~ ~ ~.a , r r.r •,.te• c. . ,...., l;rrc n-r.t ~.;mg than ,h. cd,t ,~~h Imr+tm
<br />. x-ri,v!acnn~ an i as.}u ins the, ,~ rt;: crest •.,.;^tc . ; , ,e n -. ora=l ~ ~.hi•. ~~i ?red f:u. ~' ~,.,, wi rare :~ ~.
<br />t arn[ee ,h:, t' teVt~t 1' ! r, ;stet hss +ar.-r.' t}yr +r .~„ ...c e e ..•,1n: -. rt.~, ;,,t:,rra;>', +d Is :, ++etr A .urrtva»
<br />r. ipicrut Gav cram c.7 a honor aarumin,r+n a~recn,c;a:a_-_c;~acc~ ;~t.nu f : ! e.~,fc' c~dcr s1,3J •, tet=ra H ~rruwrr tturn
<br />a!i obtttatn,m umkr t ,s fkca9 c! 7:-.n: a!x2 t»c `nu
<br />fY Lenaicr exerc;+rn .u„h ,>ptyvr .. ..eirrotr ~ nu' .n.,. ~ h~-r~.-w r; •ut~~r ~ ,,C}rTaV~~n rn r,..<<rdnnGe ,with
<br />puagrapt, '~: her¢~rt ]u.h :mt,re shx" p•~•v=dc , t*r n:..! .,,.r +, a:hao ,t, a ...:, t}1C ~i.y5a 4fir nah,e tr ^t;ulcd wtthin>
<br />why<h ,'k>r r:,wry roes pac '!.e atnu dai.ered auc ~ Ei; ~.r- c; '~, .~,.. ti r..~ntr a rtrrr to ihr". e~.p~rritkrn r>f such i*rrri;'sit,
<br />lc:>see ma, wtthtn,t ?tr•tnr: rvo!,~e ~•, 4un.nc; ,~&,~n~uc .,~t ~tntaS.rr per•nntedb}* paragraph iK herrrrf.
<br />ti:.n-, v;s. Mr!.e : ~nf+~•is Et,.rr,+wrr .. n.J t :~.fc; [:rntrt'_ -•trrx:;t an.1 ayrec as ttrllcnv5:
<br />1K. !s.rettsattoa: Rcmedfea.,l'urpt a. prospAed in puttgrs46 !? hcseart, upoq 8ercroweY'v bnarii tat am rnvcnant or
<br />>r~eertnrerst utlaaroara~s in tMir Iiexd et Trent. irrrfrd~ Urrzavetraats Iapay wirrn due any tams secured b} this Deed
<br />~ ?Wert. t cadet prior tb acotleecatinn shall mail wut+re to 1+arrawer as prnriuAed in ptutytrapM i4 tterterf +tpeetf'yityt: {1) the
<br />heearlt5 t2ltbr aeiioie required fo coat sarcir. breach: t3D s data, mw fort thou J9 days from fix. date the irtrtice is mallyd to
<br />ieerawet. pry iefaitb autb laeacA mutt ht . west: a#d tit ~ faiturt ki con torte Txesrb as ae before the dace sprriflttii
<br />~ /Ae naiicR way tsserN in acnierrtisw nt the ssttrn+ sdxssrcd Irs° this i)mct of ?rnM acrd! foie of the Pruprtiy. 'tire natir;e
<br />t turtber ie#atrn fitw+sser at rice riZM to re"r~wa~r rdtrr arrrkntbn nwd ifxr rift to bring y court artiua to awse,n
<br />Nee now-etiettseea~ af'add;r~.axtwy"atlEetdet'ca+crrt..3sorrmrrrtaaccrirr~iart and saie.tf for Mratch.:i5 not tutee
<br />os of beforte rite dale :hr tlrr aatice, t.cwwicr at 1l:~eodrr..rptiwe rntrr dec}arr all aB the +wmri xecuresi by thin i)evd
<br />of ?taw M & iette~atefyt due ears ~va6ie wilbaat iurtftcc drmaad and msY intake the power oT sate amt arty n5ircr revsedies
<br />peewintd M tryrieabk isw. I.,eaiet stroll br tagided to coYret' ap rrasrraaMr rases awd capemrev inr:urred in pnrsairta fire
<br />rrwreiirs provided ie:tAisprrarrapie tA, iue3oddiedt..bat i'vNGmitsd ta.:rraaoonMr aUOryKy`fi fees..
<br />I# the parer at aalr is irnvdtitcri. Tnertrr ±ihaR record a atNirt of tMfatdt et each ctrrmiv }r+ which the Pmperiy ar »erme
<br />Hri tlrerevd iv krcated tend siwM 'eery eseoies of vark outface is the asttnatt pret:criiredh9' appGca6le law to Barnrwrr acid to-the
<br />direr pervore. yre.rto6td ity re}*iieablr law. Aticr the ta#ae of snrR time as"may be rrgnited hY appllirahir jar, ?costae strait
<br />;ivepuNic errliR aCattie to ttsc:.perxrnf sad ise ttx inaentr prrsrrstxd, by applrairie law. Trmsirr. withrrut armored on
<br />lEorre~sver, vlratl srli lira t'rnperty a# ptehfie aactimn to thehtR.hrat tsirldrr at fire liter acrd. place unG itrtdrr therexms dc+cignated
<br />iartbe:natirr o#"sa{r iw:one ar raerte prcrtaaad in sack order ax 7'ru+ter wpryddrrtmt»r, Truslcrmay pasipanr sale:.~rf ai#
<br />axe: rsr parrri rat' the r''~-f]? bypabfic :rtrnaaa[carentisi tire. time and .piece of: area. prewiaarly srhr6.tded aatr f.rndrr o•
<br />' lrudct'v rird[+re uray parFC4tete tier +YY starry' sate:
<br />l'pen receipt of pry atrcwt of tiro prier bid. ?ivst:e shalt ddivrr to fix ¢unriraser. 'Tru+,ire."s acrd rartvey'ina 0.hr Prarµertr.
<br />aottt. Tt.r recMsb in the?rgctee's da[ard'3haMlrtpriwtafacit esideareat thrtr7ntb at#ire vtalcmertts madethcrtiw Trvsaer
<br />.hat apply tM pnreerAs of ttrr aalr in tfrr. in$p~ar' araier (aitaaN cea~otrairic cirrrtssad erprtrses of tier lair. iitrlndir>,¢, lrn5
<br />wnt R.t3teA hr, Trrwrr'r fire nt twrt mnra.Yhan S/.2 ct i °~r at tlrr Kra~Bah pie. reasarnmWrat torra~s's fcrsaniS ecasts. ss#.
<br />' tNlt rYilerrc~r: 5>}; re, ati vrmv aerated by the. Irrrd ~ Trust: and #e fire e>±reac.. Carry, to the persote vs person. iegaily e;rtirtrti
<br />t>letaa.
<br />t4. Rorrnwrr r Riehf h, itrirntatr. .~., ,. th r,n,im~ _erbe: . c ,_~ .bc , ~r~r,,,.<f F.. !!-... fY~c-.:I , .
<br />)j+.: .. tiR>_l~. npti-< ;ht r _1 t ., .,. .,:.~ c.:~:n~. ~du^. ~ _ ~_ W.15 `?~c.f , , ., ~... _, ..
<br />nr umc tv ,: h; ,.r9~ ~ u -+cais.• ~ tnc~! ~rG ,,.., ~ ~>?._~.~.,,: ;r;• !' lam.' ?Tr .te=en! ts? •. .. .. ,.~.J
<br />"pie eie , „+ T , : cntr,: ra ~ .f•TM "-il ~. rte :~ Ir. ,.> ~ 73, .,, ~ ,~4
<br />+~- ;her:.~.x .:rear >, r ,k;rv n f n. n. r ', j :,. ._ r.k r t ~~. ... ,.-.
<br />. tt~ . _.r r..EV~ >r., ,rte ,.. :<n.. F•-~'t ... > .. ..
<br />.~
<br />y - ,.,
<br />.. -x. n .,. ~r_ - ;:t next .r (~, i ec a :-t~.i+ .,,t r>N'v - ..-,.9 »,.:,<c.-, ( ~ ..
<br />-r-tf._.,K n.. .. '"a.€ ~;<~ .wtt . , '. t.~.~ti sea i^ ~ _ i_ u.. -. .,. -, rr-. :r} S,.. .-
<br />