<br />_ _.. -_ QG 2.~~.721Ci FJ4B .F~~~- _. _ . _. __
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<br />as,4-~s~ECOHO reeA ~ ~ `.__. _ ,_. _ _
<br />L tiaTATE MQRT(3AQE-With Taz ciauaa ~~ ~1 j4HuHman and Felton 8 WMt; SMaltnn Ne 68451
<br />~2 °i} ~j ~ ~ ~ ~ i~N~~ ALL. ~T BY TSESE PRESENTS• ~~~ f
<br />THClTIorWE,~nald Si. and cllen K. Nichols Husb3nti and Wffe
<br />of Hall County and State of Nebraska , in consideration of the sum of
<br />_ Troro Thousand Three Hundred Three L'ollars and 0:,/l0e ~ DOLL~4RS
<br />
<br />in Frond paid, da hereby SELL and CDh'Y'1rY auto pacesetter Products.
<br />{mortgagee).
<br />of Bottglas Coro~ty, and Stott of Nebraska , the following described premises
<br />sitxatrd in Hall. t; aunty, axd Stott of Nebraska to-wit:
<br />i ~=y~29ft. o£ Lot 233 all of Lot: 234 Belmont Addition
<br />~~
<br />ii
<br />.: i
<br />i
<br />;~
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<br />~, i '~.,
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<br />Tkt iateatiort being to cowaty ltestby aw obsoirts title iw fte siwtpls iwclw~ti>tg ail tits tights of hontestcad and dower.
<br />TQ XAYE A11fA TO HgLD tbs.. trewtisas above datcribsd, tank alt tlts appwrte'tawcts ikcrrwttta beianyit,g .unto '
<br />the said wtos•tyo9tt or twortgagzts alai la hit• lur- ar tkeia haler awd' arsigits: former, psozdded alttxeys, awd 7hete ores-
<br />.tats are area tAr rsp*ess cowditiaw tlmt if tkr r4tid wtortgega- o- wiortors, hie, her o- their heirs, txecwtorr, adtwiw-
<br />itMatprs or tstig+u rk~tFi pap ar rant to be paid to tkt raid ewrtgagsr or titorlgagers a>!d to hit, her or their heirs, es-,
<br />ec~rtor:, ali~wt~isbatc-i er stapwt; tks aaaw a# Tt.x' ~}t~, i.~.c, a. 't~`,/r~ 7,sst"'<:.~ •e, 9rc.S~ R>ci-?~ v %-'"
<br />27aUars, payrablr as follows, to-tuit: '
<br />t
<br />teit4 iwttrtst therrow at I$ pa esrt'!h` . raonihly awiaaliy, aatarding to eke tenor and eSrra =+!
<br />the prowua-~r wore milk. iwtsrrsl tawpows ottochsd a# said'9tortgtsgors, beari>eg even date .with tkra~e pru-
<br />rsts, owd rttaQ pay all tares awd awy istersst aw, ~r fwat~viwg iwstaflywswtr of priwtil~r dtrt ~+ ~1' P~~ -~'tgag~. and
<br />atusr+wewrs Itvitl rpow laid real utatr and aA nthtr tares, lemiri awd asstssiitrwts !ivied +ipaw skis martgagt ;ar tc
<br />wort awL"rh thir wwrtgayr it given to rccicrr, brtf4rr iks same betutnes dr'
<br />hwgsewt attd keep the bwitdings on said
<br />prwirrs avrrd for tkr swwt j , kss, if awy, payable to seek fsst rwortgagers or thir mortgagee, or i~otn,
<br />thew that prtstwts br >,oi1, athtnoars to br awd rtwaiw a~ fwii ford.
<br />IT IS FURT,YER AGREEa? {r~ Tkas if rhr said iwortgagar shall fail to pay srKk tares awd such interest on, '
<br />or ~ataiwy inu2aldwwwtr of prswnpal, dour on anq psiar nwrtgagr awd procwt reek iitrwrnwce, tktn thu „mortgagee tray
<br />pay .s>sck tans awd s~.ck interest aw, or matwring iwstallmrnfs of prowcipal, duC -ow suck prior ma:'tgage' .and. Qracure
<br />syrA iwsrrawct; awd the ssei sa adtvwcrd milk ewttress at wiwr per ceect shall be paid by said mortgagor, aid Elul. wiart-
<br />gags sltali staved us srewrity for eke sarwe. {zj That a faitwo to pay awy of said prow»}•, either principal a: tut :tit on
<br />this or owl prior +wortgage, nrhrw the satnr btcomrs dre or a failure to comply ugth an~~ of the ,forrgoiwg agrte+irents,
<br />shall cower the tuhde sx+w of neowry kcrriw srnrred to beconrr due and enllectable at rtur at the option: of tkt mort-
<br />iT IS ]?~~~~L~ ~tis`~~E~l~ 77F~st raid tKOrfgagrr, pending f~rclantre of this teeortgagr and ake+- drtree ewd
<br />6~mS ~~ a;p}~tal tlterrtfrom and pending Buie of premises >nortgaged, Tway pay .carp taxes and maturiwr;
<br />a~trr-st o- teserrawy wsisllnetwts of pnxcipat, ow prier rwortgogrs, pracxrr s~rch snsrronre axd such stems dial! 6s
<br />tddtd tt~ tkr arrw,nrt der ow dtcrer and xpow canl+-rnrtiow of lair Fly the court ordered takrw crrt of proccedt of solo;
<br />cr if rrso't.nwrd dsr;no stc;a. appraf or salt, Bch arnornts skalL be cc::rcted the s~°n;~ s ~h„ugN id wore apart of suri~
<br />drrrrr.
<br />Sipaal this / %~ do7 0# .~r'i'~ rc.. :9 ~`°-=-
<br />- ~ 1 w t.-rrxry x f
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