<br />
<br />L
<br />
<br />THFS Fh"DENTiSRE, made thfa 1 gth-_. day nt ?!'1a t~ _ _._ ._. 192 _
<br />_ by and hetwee r,
<br />Nemecio L. ndTtlr'e~ an0 ©anna Mae 4am9rez, husoand and wife, eat:h`in his anti rfer own
<br />ri ght and as_~ouse of the c~thar,_ ~ __
<br />Mall - -_- ~ ;
<br />of---,.--_--County, i~ehruka, asnwrtgegor 5 ,attdHotrtt Federal Sa.~nga..and:Loan Associarion otfrand tstand.a carporatin~ '
<br />urgan;zrd and onsuns undo iltc foss of the U»lted Sta+GS of Amaiea :with its prinsapal..ot: is and. place of besiasess at Grand tsland, Nebraska, a~ 1
<br />rraort$afim: -
<br />wITFfESSETH: That saxt:narsgafw.._S_~..~,frx aalfo consaderatian of qtr stw~of ____--
<br />_.. ,
<br />,
<br />*Tweflty-nine Thousand Two Hundred Sixty-five and NoJT00tkls*~,,;,R:-2fl,~b5 .~.. _f
<br />--- ;
<br />the rxnpi of adedt is hersby ac4norlts>,ed, dp 6q t2ua~e presextts tnortgaKe and viatrant ado sold- rs and assigns,
<br />Co+n~er, ailJx:fokbwisgg dacibtd seatemttt. vtuatetitin t!sc Cooney of. Hdll ?
<br />and Sate aC Net+kaska: ta~air:. ' ~
<br />Lat Nine (9) in 61ack Three (3) in Stewart Palace Subdivision, being;a part of :the
<br />Northwest. Quarter of the.. Northeast Quarter (Nt~t3;N~~j of Section Twenty-nine (29},
<br />Township E3even (]1) NarLh Range Nine (9) West_of the Sixth P.M., Ha11 County;
<br />(ieb raska : f
<br />i
<br />f
<br />3
<br />f
<br />TnssatMr witII ofd 6aatuu[. au carditiaeunik. I+R>s~It. atai plumawyc rqutp~nitettt and. tiatttresa..itxlusisnot screens, awni
<br />nK:s. ut+xmwindows and
<br />.fours,apdrtndn.^ha~darorbtnnd•.u+rdoaorincatttretiatt.rftttaaidgropdrty..whasliertlreamcrrrtinnw.&tcatedoncxrdpnatyort.yurherrslter ;
<br />pfaad 0.faefep6 ,
<br />'PQ t1AYt: AN f)'tC] i{.pl,p i'~F[ESAME, toRet ~t«r witk aft and aintNLer tkatfetaeaneats, horoduanxnte and appurterraanreai thenssnto lr,.
<br />brypnR. nr w anyww appartattdo~; 1 and tiaeraet'ittr ttk to tM •~atm: ~ enorKaROr 5:..,. ht~ef>y ravenant _. with
<br />Yn,d
<br />tnrxt,ttaaea teat L. ne y :$;t9e_ At tn. Sritcrry treran[; ttie lrrelttfo+rraer ,s ssltitc~ premiseaabavn cunvwrd atsd { .M ril„-.t,
<br />and drE_. served ai a q«,d rnd .aAefw.:bi« rn.tmai ,rtfoaitanottheaetrt,free add rkai€ al aA.encui»bra»t~*r.; and tfist t ha~ Hill
<br />warrant and dalearl the tuie th.rata 4wawaea :!rr eLuaae a»d c4aaaeds a{aiipersona whpasnoev,er..
<br />PNfJYI DAD ALWAYS, gust thr uutrumesst. sn exes:vexd asd defive~ad to vwnerr the prymrot. of tkoe eutn n! _ ~'~
<br />'Tf~nCy-r-ire Thousand Frsi.~~~ 5txtx-lave ana '+oa19y7trr~f,~a,~.29,~65..e~~J
<br />,.sth sralenM theta~m, tp~etlaer woth awdtcAaxaea sad y,:,ranon as may bedx and psyat,la to +aal. mortKSK+ve under the t,•rm+ end ndrc ~nn•;
<br />of t.As pswltaaaory note of evatt dace 61rewKb sad sec,srx,d twrrfry, eaecvted key wd: rtWrtpM~Or~S_ .: tc, said natrr'igagee. ;rayalsk :e,, ..s F,n~• w .+
<br />u said notr. ark to saew'e the parfatma~ d ap. the t.t~:s arKitonditlaaaoo»tatned ttietrin:, The termsof axsd: nuts: are firtsrby mcnrpara+,v1
<br />henYS 6y thu rrLerente. '~
<br />1 c , a the auew» sad atnamartotlhe patuu h«rv., c.`ut tl~ IS* am•dl aba aema rasy.:tvture advans:ax, mrde: ao said m~rtwaKirS .
<br />Oy rood nwn.ppwa. and say aed rli s to additwn 1 tha ameuat above tirtat¢d vrhicb seed mnrtgagorx. ar sey of them;. rru,y.+rw+~ ; „
<br />Baal tnartRajex, 7mwewrrvi~oigped,.wbsl~arkeyapte. trn.,ic ectaoudtorothttr'wixr,-?hns mnitge~te stiaif tenusiafnfuil farcr andnft~t Pselw,.,rc
<br />t}w parlors Irerrrn axs: tne+r neua, perauarf atmuuven.. and ascepgea, unu! elf tunoueta sbCttttld herreundam, iricfudsnK Iticar«
<br />rdvaturea. xtt pod en fuL' w>th ,nWrca; .
<br />'i"!r mnt/.~aRor _~_.. heveby aaat;n _ to said rrai4Xa~e all rmta sad inoa»oe aruf»gat say and. sll tirnea. from saxlprr+p+n t}'..Qnd
<br />hr~aby auNoriu aid mortaa~ee or ire .. at r•3 gptiod;:..up,~ dlfaUtt, tataita: [hargtt of :Seib Irr++yte~'Ly end csstiect ali rr`nts. a»dinr~:n,~
<br />thar+:fmaa and rpyly eke .amr w the payment of wr_~, p~i~+opat.:tn~aratacepresnrorne, taxes,. atiseaemtmt.:, rvparr+s-or imprv~rm«ne•
<br />naaaaar7to kaap and prupatty is taoaeraDie toroditSOe, nr tootdxr cftaegsit or paymensk pts»+Idad: ffltfilrru, rn m thr leerebq a«xur,-d. 'f~hl~
<br />rent aaa t~runant a!r17 cvntivoe m fusee u~W the unpa.C Yrr}aaotei>t Bald vote a~:fu$y ,-m,d. ?'ee taiung of'powecw»,o,: n:,reund,x.!ehnllin na manner
<br />pntvent a retard eauf mottRaQre w the c~3lectxn ,a ~suG *wati 6y ftxet;toatisr a c.then.,ew..
<br />"flan fadtare of tht rrnrtgla~er to afaett say uC it rgh~s hereunder at a»y iirnz. sli6fl ^nt tx con•.trur<I »s a wru~,a nt its right to .,Y th,~
<br />same at any :xter tSxr:r, awl ~ ,nsiot apps and ento ,r:~,- cxnpLadce w2h afl [.tae Yc7rM and prat •.. n~ ~.~f .a.d new ;and of , h1s , :.;, t':
<br />i t Bassi eiortgagar ~ .hall cruse rA tr p.H9 a ..e,d c;,;,rsgagce £be :etetfre eunnrsrn dtsr it laereutxie, . add unstex the. t+mns a»d: pro
<br />of said antes 2v.Thry aeaued. includi~ Fuwre advanere. »nd a:ty extensions ar n+-0eseai6 ihemof to acYnrda:scr w.tla tiaeterns• andp,..: rx,.,r . '
<br />F
<br />tbosnl, asd ~ said 9crrtasasar .5..- .shah casnpty +t oth aii tare prnvsxirrffiaf aad note sad of idea xnatday;e, then Cheee prs,Ysmushah. he.~ va,rd_ s
<br />cttarriec to xsmaua x: Sn6 [cxse a,od ettret. sad eussd cu.•rtRagt¢ °ha7l lre entitled ~ the'paasr~aion of elf at avid prapmLy. atui may, a~t. its opt,,, n.
<br />dariarr ,ba wade vi said nos a~ a:l mdsMadarar rte-t:sertad thereby tc, be imanediaiaiy dere .and payaibM Bred may. toreck~e Utia n•,npce„r,+ 4.
<br />or :ale- any other tyga3 actxu tk. protect its. ngbt. Apwzrmr.-nenl wstvsd. j.
<br />This ~-.-tgx~ss yhau Ge h:raiznY up;m :<ad shad .suv.:.. t}x. betaefitt+£. tlM.Ista.=.exsasiM:y a<Sminisirattas. sueCey?wrs atad as saH .7 -:,; :.r,~ ,
<br />rY/!{rt Yrn YMTtmS herrfu.
<br />:?v' st[T-a F,SS W~f.{,~;}~t;i)F', srsi '.VtorSgay;or S C.a YE,_ heremnt+, set. yyy~,3-~-.,_.._._...hast$ ., tlw day and t-ar ,(ir.. :, i,~~~. ~'
<br />,
<br />It ri! tC /~, , . ~'C
<br />~4 ,
<br />~t _
<br />yy
<br />f~ ;x~. v r a;ttt re ~ ._ _ ~nna ~ ~sa*~ ?~~5 ~Z ,
<br />_ . _~ _.~_._.__.,.__._.._v_...__.._ ,
<br />e
<br />i
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