$t?PPLEMEN7AE. MORTGAGE 315-1 83838fi7
<br />
<br />~".,' r-
<br />7n+s rnrienture matle tRs 12th day. of Ma} . t9 &2 , by and between---~----- --
<br />Fred EiEkhoff and -asethy Eickhoff, husband, and wife,-
<br />---- ---
<br />-__- -- '
<br />' as N7crtgagor (sy, and The Federat t.andE38nk of 4rnana. a corporation of Omana.Dougias County, Nebraska, MorEgagee:
<br />( :
<br />_ WHEREAS, Mortgagot(s) are indebted to the MOrtgBgee by reason. of. apromissory note' in the original amount e,i
<br />EIGHTY-FIVE T_3QLSANB .~ NQ/100.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DQLLr,HS,
<br />j -'_ -_
<br />payable ,n instafimentsto ttse Martgagee, the east installment beingdu8 and payable an March, 199& ~„and which (
<br />i said node is secured b mart on certair lands in Hall Nebraska
<br />Y 9~ County. . which mg rta E,~,_ ~
<br />~~icro Fiim'~`ol~
<br />dared ~ r}_~-~= 1975 ,andfiSedtorrecordon ~y 17, 1S~g ,.andrecordedrnBook_..._~_$..--....,
<br />..3239 Hall ~ Nebraska ;arid
<br />Pagel sI . pf theMortgage Records oP . Count• ; .
<br />iNNEE2FJ15. Trite Mortgagor(s) have requested that tRe Mortgagee release the.following-described property;{hereinattar referred ;o as
<br />ParcBt tVO. Onet tram-the teen of said mortgage. to wit
<br />i I
<br />SEC.. TTtdP, RG: ~
<br />t
<br />` SYg Sam' ----------------------- ---- 19 11N 11 W.6th P.M.
<br />s
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<br />ris+ERE:A~. teat FAartgagor(a,)ultdnsxderahatt at the rolesie of the atoremantegned ParcesN4 Onehave agreed tafurnist+tRC MartgaGf'+'
<br />j r.~tn ;, ~norigage encumberrng arldtea+ralE aRd substituted ucurity wnec/t rx f1ere+natter ~etarwed to as Parcel rJO Twa,
<br />N4 W 1 r,E RE i(1RE Ifte Mortgago+txt d0 lteroey nsgatgage and car+vey to Ttte >=ederef lan0 Hank at Omana A5 Mdrlgay, ~• (suoie~c:l '.u
<br />pd. qas. and mrne181 ngntS OtYrse[l:tJy pattMRf ditpir ttiari mortgagors, exrstefeg Ciaettl+atita ttf tecard: teS4rVatlpAffi rn ilnlie4 $1a1e8 ar,d ~
<br />I State aatanra. ene cfe r+ghti ant the CtrtN+e to at9 tnglt+lra#~s1. tt+e #Ctttaw+nr~-deacttued property m ~,;~_ _,_... Na] 1_ _ W County,
<br />I ?ir_6raeka _..._~.
<br />` _ .,3
<br />i Pu<:m No {wo
<br />`"_- SEC. '1WP. RG.
<br />,~ *it; 56?~ (except that land conveyed by deed recorded in
<br />&xok I4Q, Page h2~) - - - - - - - - - i2 lON 12 W 6th P.M.
<br />s
<br />I
<br />i
<br />i
<br />i
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<br />c ;
<br />i
<br />,.
<br />S conta,ru ~'~';~mo;e or less.togrinerwrenalf;attfsengRt,fine. andgnteresi{now:awneddcRereafferaw. ,-[m%r
<br />t
<br />' Moregaao .. an bu+:d+ngs anc rmpra-aem~rnis placed t9tereon: ati water.. erngattan: 2nd dracr~a,} ghcs. ~hr
<br />- t+~nemenss. feeredaanrants, and appurtenances tt~reto aced the rertes, essalese craps,. and proRtsaresrng trove card fanii_ ann {rf the
<br />{ Mtirsgagars r+ghu ,n the pr,bt+c domain are req used Gy Mortg3ggg far SeCUr
<br />tty purpdses- aN leases. permns, trcenaas;ar pravlleges,
<br />~q~wrtenant. Cir ncnappi:r9er,ant :o sa,6 mortgaged Arem+ses, now prhCreBfteriSSl7ed, extended. +7r renewed to SRe fAOrtgagor4sl bykh~~
<br />'( t}n,cr+aS!atesoriRestaternwnicntneatwve-Eeu:r~yedarogrrty7ataeatedoranydegartment,bureau,araq>gncl't?rerec,e.assc;.cr~tyr~,r
<br />•r,F PayriEnt cf eRe note above described tir,d do hereby agree thetsar6 real estateoescr used Par N Two srailtx su?yefitktud r~-~
<br />`Sr_crn ~ aAt`~a~i
<br />arm cs x.rb:ect to all of tRrt tams, carn4if:ons, aid covenants of the mo-lgege~recorded ,n ~Ok }$S Page 5 ; ~ 39
<br />._st t~ kFOrlgage Records a _~~~' _--..___-- Coon, ~eb':a51•a __.. -.
<br />Y' - .- _ _. ,air of wn+ofi r. r ns, con a ,. ar,^ ~.
<br />GO'r$naRli rre txretxv ;ttCCrppaafet4 rusre.n 5y IHSBTBnCe. Sno itk! MartgAg ~r:i) her?bY warrant ih~ tette Hga,n;t 371 ~U ear3$ w ,tyn' -.e .. i
<br />,. e. n; +SUfauri ,n any of the yuovrsrony of trio pr,n'rary mor;gapY and Hate h$reit7abvve dErscr+bed,. Bard 3a4ortg2uee nay t:>re[.t.;;,,ti ~'..
<br />,,x,.N_;. .. cti~aGe ar,t! tn,a suPF~-em~ca rra>rtgage as n,~e: ns -;.;~erti to oneeGi3oa,
<br />~ ,
<br />r
<br />