<br />
<br />REAL ESTATE AA~RTG~GE 82 ~., _~ €~ ~ ~ ~~
<br />Kc~P~Iti~_,_,SHUt}A RfdD ~IRfiN ~ LlDA. husFiand and t~rifPa AN~LARENGE L S1iUDA AND ll 'I~ K.
<br />_
<br />SNi.~GA, rr~sband and wife
<br />of the Cor_nty cf_ HAI i ~ and State of ~~~~SK~ ~rettafter called.. the na' -
<br />rty of th4 first part, in
<br />rT~TY TH(klSA'dF3 ~N~ NO I00-------------°--------------- - --.._-_----°-
<br />conridetatfoa of
<br />~ ~
<br />_
<br />_~t3LI.~tR~,
<br />in hsna paid, do ~h7 grant, buIIafa, adl sad conv+q nato the Home Federal Saoiags & Loan Assarxation of Grand- Island,
<br />Grand Llfaad, riclrarka.:aadsta.snaoeaeersaad HALL
<br />asdgas,-the tolltnrirtg real estate. situated in
<br />t~EBRASKk _
<br />Couat7, State ot[ -, ttnrit:
<br /> x
<br />
<br />Tatsdher slt4 a!1 tin ayp~tteoaaeex teereuaeo lst3aosing, and ail covenan[~s la all the tide deetkt rnnainit with said resI ttvtate,
<br />sad ail tie rtutq, lasses awl pcat~s aritiag tea+rhrom :otter default is performaaee of say coTeoant or rnnditioa herein con-
<br />talttt[d; aad.Ttartaatr tie. title thteeTSto perleet sad clear tnttxpt for this tnortgaga
<br />DtamY tie tGII1e this is in Stever the. mottgigttrr agree:
<br />Fftst Ta DrY all taaet sad: spedal amesamentt le-itri oar}sit said lnemisp, inelt~ag all taxes and assersments levied
<br />cyan this • air the debt. rcctved by tide moReage.
<br />9tretMad. To larep alt iheeeaa insanwl spimt loss by fire, lightain$ sad 8ornado in soma company, to be ap
<br />peoTCQ Lr,} tAt said t~owe Federst Satdnoa k lsyaa Assodatitm ~ Grand-ltclartd in the sum of a T~SUrasbl!' ud1U£ for
<br />tic hstyefit ad tie raid Assaaiation, and its ~ oe~ asrignr; sad to deposit said tsotsciez with said dssociation, and shat! not
<br />eoenmit or stttt~ atgr Traute on and pttmusa, sad sltslt .pat sad keep. told real eydatc buildings sad imDxovemenis in good ~:.
<br />seder.
<br />1'>tird. To {MY a cosec to be paid to the Flame F'adual Sarttyls lc f~oan AtaucJattan of Grand Island. its sutreasors or ' ~
<br />,
<br />aarit{ac,teeemuol: iIF7Y THI~!lSAfiiI7 AttII NO/t00-_„______~_______._
<br />- -----~--:D4LL.ARS,
<br />payable as toliorrs:
<br />5 ~U .Ot}C~, iJ~? (JOf htRY I , ~ 983
<br />frith iatenest tDereesl payable, aateoediae to the tease asd ctieec at the tsae acrrcafa f£tsY m hsaid n~rigagon,
<br />bssrlnt Brea data .raft thess
<br />ats
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<br />se
<br />tr matIIr
<br />y Bra
<br />an
<br />rrws
<br />nterest
<br />t the rate o lUie
<br />refit gee annum.
<br />id Solid fora sad atrsasmeaq are fiat paW pica afar, or if t,e btdldiaga tat said Pztimisea era not ittsurrd as above pro-
<br />•ided. or EI oar ad sold interest fs not paid ~rbea doe, than told ~?!~~aa1la~~qe-b`f xhmtl trecrome dvr immeriiateYy, at the option of the
<br />said /tsrociat[tsa
<br />and ahaU tbere
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<br />eat Dtr annum.
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<br />der a~orlEatar--
<br />herebY at~tA.-. tv sabd murt[atee all rests and iaeamr ariainY at any brad all timd frnm sa::
<br />prolae:tty slid haxeSy avUtoeiu laid maftpegeas ar its aaeed, at ifs option. apart dtfavtt to take charge_ of said :Propes`ty and
<br />collect ail recta sad i tham,aed aDPlY the acme to the pelt of lfrteeeat, principal, insurance premiums
<br />raaza~ ~~
<br />,
<br />,
<br />aaaMalDenta, 7'lpltA at lnlpraYlmlatl aeceaaars CO keep said prvprerty to tenantable SOndlttOn;, ar t0 :ntlleT eilargp n7:I~at°'
<br />a1ra4 provided for Eex•elo .x In fir ntste herrbY twcacvrrd. 'i'hiw< stmt -uta~ameat shall 4p~iaue to ftsrax.:itatfl thettnDaid bal-
<br />sate of said nor u fs11T pwd_ The taking ~ poscesrion $r shalt to no meaner prtvtm or retard said mortgagee in '
<br />the cofleKtien of acid sumo hT fxeeloaure aw atber,riac_ p
<br />Whether said debt !becomes due br lapse oaf tune, ae by reaaxn of the fsilttre of the
<br />Party of the. first part to cam{,ty R
<br />wit3t ally condition bevels, the said I}gmeflednal Sa.
<br />trays tc Loan Assaeiation n€ Grand Isiaad, the attccrsstrrs and :~ssc~na, _
<br />shall have flee ri=ht !o begin the foneclnsute of thiF aottt~te at ottee on the adwie dtmt. ht3eby serrated, and to include
<br />lArrein all fasts, atnctntnenta, ittttttraece prtxaiutes sad ewfs; paid b7 ii or LAam; nr said As~ciat3on. its ±uttravars or
<br />tssaitaa, roar- foseGiase attly u to tie sum paart Our, aetthoet injury W this mortttsge, or the diuplacement or' impaitmant
<br />ad tke lice tberaoi
<br />.lad the sttld first poly sad flue csake2a d said cote, esg+ealally aertx and declare that i$e stparate relate.. of each son
<br />aTtxy our of hest. (netndtng loll flat now owtsed sad flat hereatttr acttutied
<br />is pted$td and
<br />bound far the Da
<br />ment's
<br />f
<br />,
<br />.
<br />y
<br />~
<br />the delK tsu,tby secured i;
<br />After the tzs®meacetaent of any wit en ft>TTtlopu+e the piatntiti tlue+ein shall Isar ratitlesd. to the itnmsediaie passeasian of
<br />said yrrrailws a5d the appointment of a teraiT~ tieeef~, nota'ithstanttng tiny may pe ibe hamestead'of the occupant and
<br />notwttits++~+~ thevstties Ilatde for the debt taaY be aolveat, sad the. first;party han+ebp ronaenta t+a tihe appoiuttneai of a
<br />$K'etTer upsn fir prodnctlan ar fife IndtL1?Jtt, id#iaN +9~'. CYtdQaC@.
<br />Ile :mse~II o3ndtioos sad aD and atagYlaro be+rt$ X performed. ihi~s coavtyanct shall 1tt Tail, other-
<br />wiec to G sad remain to full force and a~ret.
<br />Siaaed i3siat_ _..--_-.. _ ^i~ --daY ~ ~a
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