<br />A3~B~SURVIVDASF4tP wARRAN7v. DEED 8.2 ~~~~2Q~:~ ~ Mattman and Felton &Wnlf Wattan. Ne G8463,~•
<br />E~~ (ic; AI.I. '4fFl\ H~ TB:ES~ P$~SEP2?'S, 'Chat
<br />L_-slc F. ~ckard and Beth- B, Loc3card,.hu,shand and wife, each in his ar
<br />i Met owr~ right ~tid as. spouse of the other,
<br />6
<br />i
<br />neretn eataea tnc grantor wnetner one or more,
<br />J
<br />j in onsideratian'of ~ cverty One Tticusand.: and ~o Hun3reci TJOliars and. ~ ,'
<br />:`Fe Cents ($31,20Q J~~) ~ '
<br />rr,•Nived front grantees, does grant, bargain, seta contsey and confirm auto ?aryl ~;. Week ley
<br />anal Dee Atari: `rdeelcle ~ , hasbard ara wife ~ '
<br />w :'
<br />as ; ant iettenus with ria,*ht of 4urci•resrship, and not ac tenants in common, the fallowing described reef ;aroperty in
<br />Covntc,
<br />Z.at ~::ighs.een {zII) in Block I?re {i} ia~ bale Roush Second Suhdiv:sien 1
<br />sitsaated in. part ox he Hast Ha 1f of the Sout:hti.~est Quarter {.EkSWtSY,, 1
<br />` S~ctidn urteen {Lq} , To-,arshi.. :3eve:~ {Ii,) . Range Ten {lf}) . West
<br />r, f- tKtse Sixz:h ~. M. , HaII ;,ois:tr~. , '?karraska ,
<br />j ''
<br />F
<br />d
<br />'ru htv~ aaad to haid tits sba,rr deserihrd premise~x totrrther with aII tcnctrsents, hereditatnents and nPP~r~ ;
<br />trnancr+ thercta beunFixtaz unto thr,arrarst and tit ±hrir arxsttteaa, ar to the hews and axsign>a of the anrvivor of ! '
<br />! t{rm torts rr, `
<br />And wtanior dar+¢ hembp rovrttant xattit ti:r ~r::,:+<»es and x*it.h thttr aasi¢ms and crith the Leim and as>tiigtts
<br />,.: hr .err, i, ar a,f titatn ,!zat t; ranter inwtulie ~«,..•ci ,.f .a:~t ferrmiwrat , that thek arC frcr fram encumbrxnae
<br />i
<br />!hat. „neuter iaar ytaxi ra~rtt dt,d lawfrt! :.utA.r .c .., ~:,,,.Py-ttxe xamc; Saari than prantt~T vcsrrnx,ty itnd +vil ,leFcnti
<br />?hr :uk 'o- eaad (,rrmtyP~ eca,ngt ti:P 3a,ri,:3 .~3:<,mn ~` ,ii prr^s<:ftai a;t,tamsarorr;
<br />It as th,r ,ntrmtan ,.: uti par ca newt„ :fax ,m tt+ , Fret t,£ the rieath caf eether trf the tttanteex, ttte entire I,
<br />frr ,m,#,tr uric to thr rnai state sit to thr ~a~rr•teet,tt y-rxnu~, j
<br />k !
<br />,~- ~~Z
<br />~t L 1.~' ._ . Llh:5r+F2L~ ~tiF. _" i I„i.3~K~Pt13
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<br />~pf, ~
<br />Hc3 :i? i~JxwaY i rNS.: tht ur5ltt7nrplr(l u ,: atm~ i'u~ii~, . 3°; .•: nt nt,annnyd .marl garaii.~i, ! f^r
<br />1
<br />:w ,.s,d resawf y, pntawaiiy ra me i,yy ir, ~-:. I,^ci:ar:: 9nt~'
<br />Z~tty 3. 1,~c,r.3s,3 '~usb,~rd ~~d wi.z,., ;'
<br />i
<br />i
<br />C~ ~ • ~ d Na~~ *M~ kae ts+ a~ ir,' ~ rrr~n _.r ~,'rt .ns r.ha,rc rare is yr nafixrs a~
<br />~~~ ~ a;,nsrd to for ;srrgm+~j teat -. ~~nr~c1..,d r!~r , rPCUt~ir~n tfts>'~r~~ i
<br />a , i
<br />h>u .rrcr:n~s-tvlratsrv~ I ~ , f
<br />'':twrrt v~v ~xndf(a- ~r.i r%F d,. ~ ..ral ~:<°ar Inst , =~'vo tit:rt: .
<br />,- xt. .. ;/9tY.'tL`SH7n !~ P .. ~. t. ~~V ~ !
<br />~~
<br />,` 44.
<br />litrttrryt r.p ,t}T62nsai ttaiYfk 3li-, :a'kv{ ~CIr record i:1 i-he i'lEa3~L3ter ti?: C1eL•~8 ~)1~ftC1' r~f.sutd {.~~111tt "hr
<br />a;c.• r:f _. ,,. i<+ .. ., at. _ _ _ u'ris,ck aa;i.. .. .:. antnuteas ,..., „ . 3l..
<br />.~»,.l ; rrnrtfmF an F3aek. _ ,sa .. aS, I,§itr. ... ..._ .... ,
<br />......
<br />Ting; crt i3teds
<br />fi; ..... .. , ........ T3rtk>,tti
<br />