<br />EI}GE23E G. WEINRICH and CLP..RICE 6vEIN:22CH, husband and wife,
<br />each in Yes and. her awn right and as sgeuse of the other, herein-
<br />called the Grantors, for and ir< consideratian of the sum of TEP7
<br />I?OLS A:uD dTHER VA3,tI~.BLE CQNSIDERrl'I'ION received fram Grantees ,
<br />do grant, bargain, sell, convey and carfirm unto EL;GENE G.
<br />~r7EIPdRTCt~ and CLARICE ~.^7EIPIRICH, husbanel and wife, as tenants an
<br />cosm~an, herein called the Grantees, t:ie foliawang-described real
<br />estate an Hall Counts, Nebraska:
<br />The 'r+est 'ria:i` o the ?~arthwest S~uarter fF~~fN4'*~a)
<br />of Section= Six {5) , :awnshio 'ien i1.9) ~IOrth,
<br />Range ^zen 4i!3) west, Hall County, rSebraska;
<br />and,
<br />i`Ie South Halt of the darthwest Quarter (S'~td~?,)
<br />and t?".e Southwest Quarter 4SW'~) of Section
<br />"'Eairty (3t3) , :ownshig en tI~) North,. Range
<br />Ten f,1~) sdest, less. such gartian as tas begin
<br />taken fcr highwa.~a purposes, all zn Hall county,
<br />~debras~a.
<br />T4 ~dAVE r~~D M~ri4LD the greznases above-described, together
<br />.wash. all the tenements, here~ita^ents and aggurtenances thereunto
<br />belonga;:g, uatcs the said. Grantees a.~d ±o Grantees' heirs and
<br />assgx:s .`oreves. Aid Grantors h.=_>reby covenant wzth tiic:: saic]
<br />Gra~atees ~srad witsa Grantees' heirs and assigns, that Grantors are
<br />lawfuily seized ~ sais~ ~re~ises, that they .are. free froze
<br />~:icuas~rance and that Grantors have gcaad r;gh~ and lawfu3
<br />.au*'ority tv seil the same; and Grantors h-reby caverarit to
<br />ws.: a:~t any de `end the tit3e to saki gremase:s t~gaznst .the. law€u1
<br />c'.airs oz all person:, ~,.~hcrosoever. r'~nd the.'said Gr,~ntors hereby
<br />rt.linc~u~:3h all right., tide, caai~sa and. interest zn and to the
<br />a2sc~.r,~Mc3escr'abed,'~r :~.sf>r,,
<br />~le~nr.;: .~.-, ; .day" 3x ~ ~~~`L/~ -' x.9.!:1 _~..
<br />rt
<br />,x
<br />Eugene G. v~einrich
<br />` '"rlarzce wei:s..~ch
<br />5'£~#`P~: ELF :3F.BRASI4F+ ~
<br />i 55
<br />Ct7t3IdTY QF ~.G E )
<br />Before ;ne, a Notaru PtibZac ar said Coun~.y, ~rsrsonal iy ~;a;ne
<br />Eu4ene G. 'riearraeh grid Ciarace ~,ienrirhr husband-.and wife, known..
<br />to me to he the identical gersa:2s +~*ho Big^.ed tY!e foregci~.c~
<br />i,,:.tru~ent and acknowledged the execution t:*sereof: tc~ be their
<br />~ ~1_!iP.tdrJ' act and dEc''12..
<br />~ ~. }.
<br />iii*_Ress ^ty hang ,:3::d Not.axial 5cal on ~- ra_.~
<br />' ~ ~.
<br />~ y~ -
<br />r
<br />~ - r,
<br />'~t,'3t ar'? ~'2tb~.1C
<br />fiNMt l0/R11- }a~ I pFrd~
<br />1111NGEi.BM(~N S`f4"!' ~;'^n~T AT1~riE;Hcs~
<br />~€~p 13C.N„L34lP1EN7A~1!
<br />S's n.~IP TRX
<br />