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<br />82~ uu1~3~;5 <br />taoRTCA~E Arro. c(xNsTRUCrzo1N SEC:(lR3TY ~xr:~rmtrr <br />,LiORTGACE tAAN NO. L 24.035. <br />KNpNi ALL C.lEN ftY THESE PRESENTS; Tisat Russell W. O `?Neill and J~ephine L. O'Neil 1, .each in <br />his and hex cntm right and as spouse of each other, <br />Martga~or, whetrierone ar more, iaconsidecatimtof the.:wmhf <br />FS'3~Y.=_`14~uSdI1Cl_.aTic.~1OCi--.°_"--_-_---_-_ ^-----^----------_-_--~_~~~~~------D(3LLARS <br />baoedtosaitl-mortby't7eeF,gtutab6t[ixildingutdl..~AaoA~ot.iatiooofCra.odIslattd.Nebraska;-hiartgageE,upatt.42Q staresafstodcof... <br />aid: ASSQCIATit)N, Ctrtifacatc. ?Kn. L 24, 035 . do ttmtay grant, cnntrey and ^norigage unto. the said ASS(lC1ATi(AN tix follaxirt6 <br />tkactihed reai:esrate, sittistod. in Fiaii County, Nebraska; <br />The Westerly Fifty (50} Feet of Ir~t Eight (8? <br />in Steele 'It~ez:ty-Thz~ee (23) in Russel Wheeler's <br />Addition to rize iity of Grar>r Island, ball <br />County, ~raska <br />t,o~rther wetlt ~ the terscrternts, hcicsiiiamentx grad appuriroatrccs, thereunto isetr~,got~,,. iTCCitcdirti; attached door cavcri~s~ ail window staeens, <br />ttnrtdoir siradt:s, ktinds. st+aim wrodam; aamrats, 3seattnx, au esarwtitianireg, crud pkurrrbitttt am! water rquiprrtetei arcd acixsiorip thereto, pttroq, stores, <br />refrteerataat:;.aaBMttthrfcattuesandcquipanetstrww.ortureastrtrmitBdudtacntttedmeoraecaii+uwithsaitixeai,-stair, - <br />A.nd whrrreaaths aid rixxt~ptru.Jsu +t7ead and d~esitetsby aCttccttrat itae atnttpar~x sicaii and viii pay al[ tatEessndataemntents Ievied.trr <br />asatxi uptxt sand premnea sad upon this rsxert aetd the b(stMd accrued thercirM 5xfure the sstne 2Julii betxsette deiintiuertt to fterniah apprared <br />mataraace trpnt (lie htnMftetig .nt said promuea stuatrd to the sum of S 42, OOCI.. t_i0. inrabk to .aid ASC(IC:IATIUN and (o.. deliver to s>iitl <br />ASSt]('tATI(M~I t1tr.prrtscxs for aawf inauants, sad r st to cxsntmit ca peroui any wastcno tar atKw( raid {uemises; <br />{n cyae ssf de(awh to rLae perfarttwcac ssf atxyaaftiretcrmx ami coruli~nass of this. rtsrxtt~gte sx the Mind serured..bereby, tht rnart~agex xitati, <br />an dti, tx cntrtidl to urneradtatc ~ ir} rite n>'mtt>~Cd preotaaes aced the rm+teegtx hereby s#gins, trattafers and lets over tp.the <br />rnn't>ra~ese aN the imes. rercntaes and tinatase iv tar .teiixd 1 r...n tiMe rnurtd tWCmnry Sur,tgt such tune. ss the murtp~e: indebtednean stroll r'emant <br />wtpaid. araf the tntx(»~x iriail tutre the potnn ;~ ~ atslw„rt xnv nts*tt ,x apesti ~t ~uv Srut< ; ~,r t1iC ptttptyse al' ropanryS wd premoes and ranting <br />alaC Saatle and CdiCettnR the rests. rarrAStet uwd +n.vme. and ~t rrvv jay •~ui ~,l vw :r=~wtx aU <[penard c,f rep~~lt~ said l#t;tntits and neoCasaYy <br />cammieuatta ~d ea:peoMea,atcuned in mctnpt ar^i nsuse~tne ,hr sarhr =tM1 +:t ,,rlkctnyt ,rntak therrlmm; ttfe tsalwee rrnrining, cf arty; to tx <br />stppifed toMrard ttr dtF uC said mrrre~gtc mdrhtclner.- t txr , rests •;t t?x mar+):i;~rr. rtuy he exe[~mcd at any time during the existence of such <br />rSClatdt.,:itrrapextracofanytampoixry wars<..f tnc ssrtr. <br />T'hcae YMew:ntt, Mtwsexr, are trptxi t3,ei~.,nAttn,n, f~,.i :t ;aK sa,e M•wtH.K.r, silt ,cryv said 3,.arc un ix before the-nnttuizyuf sod shares icy <br />payxneiN . racy rtxmthtr '+t sawn Ari,SCKfiAT1O~' ~,t ;tu xncuiial u, vx tC+aw rrn,xck turrLy ha mtereat and prsnsapal oo >yid loan, an ur before <br />tlet Twnttecth Say ,.t cuh and t seiy nwrnih,unW ,.,;, ku„ n f ua3y ry.f, ;oy ail acv, =n,l a~+rtismesata tavicai against aid picmteei red on this Martgaige <br />apd ttfe tivt,t xnacd thcrrby, Acf•>re dcirtxtttancv., !wnult appt.ised trtwratwr urnm the buskdrnKs titetewt in rite wmaf 54.2, Q(CQ, (j0 jgyable <br />to sa-1 ASS(1("1 All(!N. ,cpsr +„ 1sxi AS'1(X'lA i7t lh up,r, tfcmarsti aHnrrsrry by ,~ pa.d t,.u sisctt taaea, asaearerenesatxt rrestetattce wtth mteieat. ai <br />the ngaamium tigUl ratr ttxrrurs tre.m +iate <.,i pyrnrot all ut wh,cfv rdurtga~,r hnrrv rKrrrs wpay; permit nu waste an said prtmiaex; keep andtrooply <br />,nth aG nc~ xttrr<mrr„s ar,st c,w,d+twrs „t tM [4.vx! t.x 5 ~2 ~ i1QCt.00 enis day gtren..try the lard tdrertgagar:ua toed ASS(X;fATI()N, aruf catrrply <br />with aU thr :ryurscmcnts +rf rhr i t,nunutw.n =~ Fly ~iYwr of sari A.Sv3Cti°.tATY4i!tt, ctrrn t}reae ixesercis sttaH betarne nu1T ami Mold, atiwrwlae~ they <br />sMtl rcrrurn eo tn1l truce ,a3 r„i,y tr i~sr«htacd .! tnr ~apin.nnf (ire sayd.'A1SSt9C.lA7"IUNafier failure liar threr months ioniakt. arty ofsaxt <br />p.yttccnu ,,. be thrcr v.xkths .n urcars .r. malLrnK saKt ns<,nthM paymettet, rw tar krep and csmipiy wtth the agreerneats and canditiont of said Hand; <br />- mtd ttlortgaeot .tucr'+ u> hose . rcce,.ct apys.rnttct} *~:rrtfw+tr rn. su(:b fene..-k,+srtie pstaarx4ty5s. <br />tf titre. n any ,tur+~ m .,wneniup .,t air s tai coax ryrrtgttsrd riaem, by tak w xatiteiwge, trier erie entire venturing indebtedprzt he... <br />tdxuod Jolt, =t tt,c ~,ptia„ .,k 7hc hr;aurabte BataWnaR and [.ran Amxaationayf#:.and lstatd,Nebrdca,bearmeir~mr<dvticly due and payable vrith <br />ftwtlaer rt.nwc. sn:l the =rnwmt rrnvrnmg due sand hood, atri any rrtiaer brad for soy addiP.iarial advances maiJe lhCfeurtriEt, shall. from the <br />daa saf cscrcrrc rd sa.i :,pra,v,, bca+ mtrtrst at :~ maxrrairmlt~ flan rnorxaspe may tixrr be'forecirrtred toaatify ebe amswitt 6ueon :aid <br />bawd, out any ru,tcr h,xxf iw arlrf nwwi nts~xa. ittipetioet with a0 tuner paid try taxi--The Cxlinirbie. Bteidirgg arui Loan Aatociai~iof f,~raatd lt{md, <br />Nttb-saica For mwran«, .tus uui ac,te.-,anx~:ts. and. aEtsttattirt~ exacattxxtc9taagex,. wit4 mtuest... t.~rewe,. i'ruru date of payment ai the. muimtitn <br />iapl ,'ate. <br />.~s prtnwest ~ the fituut sca.u,ni rxrrby. wiiife this"etwttg rrrnauts tr effa:. c!x morlgagoe rtiaynereafter adraauae additierai wens to £tte <br />:rrt:cra ++(' nri [3ond rhea asaftn r stn.s:rxtucs :n itteerest, which tutus shall tic w+th:n t!ic securilynf this tYwtigage thesatt'ie as titefetetdsargrtreally' <br />acu-^Nl thcxcby. thtl !alai amours >f r+rau.;pa($e~t Hitt tacxs^t~s#.airycmlrr nc~.arguyluDrwit ofE3fttAwif/,cgt. <br />i 'Dstext tisu 18txt is et May r} i>,. 1<J22 <br />_ ~, ~ ~, ~/ <br />.h~septtitit L. O'Nr-ill. . <br />cz>a "~: = ol- tt v t (~ tiers 1$th ,t:r taf ~ia~ Iv82 . heforc its, <br />i?tt u - ~ ~ a 5'sntary Public lark xrxi (w aaai County. Pat'ac>amtly .~aistc <br />ar>(~i ~ L--. G..Neii1, eai;lt in his aru3 her: ra«~Y right anti ar stxxtse <br />~, F'~C . iZ.tsrr, w}ta :3yt:.. perstmatl Ensrerrto <br />r,^cr ;., !~ clt.~ Fr. ~: v.;a. cz^ar.+ 4 >w nr~e ~umC ~. d:[k: sffixettta Ere abtrMeim£rsuxsexttas-nxutsx S ans4 t:ittay serar <br />;,.3sr~, rhx .a t ~ c~.r „r.,c~-t ;.. he tI-tt1. ~ .eaTuraiary ar.~t6~rd ticett. ..._ _,~~ rlly <br />'-++t u ..t ar.u '~. ~-t arisi Sea! the : stgxraaid.. _~ <br />r, <br />+; <br />r+taszttk> '? - ~~ . .~ .._ _ _..~ _ _LL.. _._~ 1w~~r r4Ar- i .. <br />i ,.. <br />,~_ ~, ~ ,. <br />