<br />1 ~ kutfman and ialdon b Mbk, Waltca, Na. 68A6T
<br />QUITCLAIM DEED 82 - i) ~ ~ ~ ~
<br />I'
<br />HASLE CflNSTRUGTIQN CCfMPANY, r~ Nebraska Carporatian ,Grantor, whether one or snore, ~ !,
<br />in considerationrof' a corrective deed cony~~}ng a completed description of real estate
<br />arnte^~ded in a Feed dated March. l2, 19t~ afiad found at Book. 147 page 4fl7' of the records
<br />of .he Recister,of Deeds of xall ,receipt of which is hereby tic3mowledged, quitclaims and
<br />Co~^.ty, Nebraska
<br />caaaweya to Aiiz ='ROf~UCTS AND CHEMICALS, ZNC. ,Grantee,.
<br />
<br />j'
<br />~S the following described real estate {aa defined in Neb. Rev Stat. Y ~8-201} in
<br />~l
<br />Ha3'_ Covmy, Netaraska: it
<br />Part of -xk Three 43' a.d Block Four {qJ, West's Subdivision in the Northwest
<br />.Quarter .::N~a3 of the :rart:rrast =quarter (NE~a:} of Section Twenty (2fl}, in Township
<br />Eleven {' :,} North, i&ttrage :~i<ze rg} S~est of the Sixth P.M. , isa Grand. Island. Nebraska„ S
<br />satare darticul:x ~ described as ='~ilows: ~>l of Bloa!c Three (3) West o` the: Center-
<br />'~ dine of the Yalu gr but vacated a3?ey except the North..hirty-Three Feet (33') used j
<br />~~ far street,purpa es; all of Thorsa Street as clotted, but vacated, Wcst of the Cen-
<br />terline of the plottxd but vacated alleys in Black Three (3}.and Block Four {4}, j
<br />and all of Fractional Lot Six (6). Hlock Four E4} Westaf the'Centerline'of the Iii
<br />ii
<br />glutted but vacated-alley quad biortYa of the rightrof-way condffianed for.. viaduct pur-
<br />pGSes, containing 0.533 asses, mote or less; and also a tract of land in the Narth- i
<br />{i wu~st Quarter"flf the Taart»'ieast Quat-":xr !NWkNEaa} of Section Twenty i20}, in Township ' '
<br />;) E2+eaen (ll} NOrth.'ltenge Nine C43 W$at of the Sixth P.M,, being 2Wenty {20} Feet I i
<br />i~ wider and abutting an t.°~,e ~-eat side of the alcove' described tract.
<br />i ,,
<br />~ '~TAMI' T/1X ~~~
<br />~~ ~AAY 1~ 1~$'
<br />''~~~ : ~i
<br />Eecatede ... ~ ? ..... . 19. Cs'~' ~ II
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<br />!I,RILF' sT~rrioza ccsr~ ,
<br />I i'
<br />~~ 91att Of ~1'Rbri11k1. ~ ~)
<br />i >
<br />Coon at {
<br />,,
<br />!`hc faregaan~ mstrumestt xue ~icknowles5~ed beiare mr on ........~. ~i g ~.'....,.._......,........
<br />try ........~~'fZ.°.'".al t:».~c!!'..:...~t.~r!:~::~..._...,..9.$..~~..~`-.4ib~t~?i~.Co°~?anY~..S~......,... !~
<br />iI :Yehra>tka Corpara~_oe's. I
<br />!P i1Mt ~ 'NOtar~+ li.~. .,..,....... ;i
<br />F_
<br />`s liTATP: Jk ~E$Rel
<br />s€
<br />t %oramv «! .. ..
<br />i~sfr3 fWr rrcorei :~rcd t`ritrred ia•Numerical Index on .,... ........................... !
<br />~a .... _ n'r::M ~, ,.... ~'i„ &EYd :`Ct4rdbe2 cu £leed Fteccrd. ........................ Page .... ............ a
<br />13y : ... ......... ....... .,....., .._....._ ......,....,....:. ,,
<br />C..®unty szr',Je¢x;ty Covr2yClerk
<br />fte~at~texr sxi t3~ee:ie mr ~puty F2r~~asttr a~f ',3ercc:.a
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