<br />~2~lJU.~:'~~~
<br />THfS TREED f5P TRLST, ntadeand entered into this 12th day of May ; 19
<br />by and betricen GARF E. i3ROfn3: At7n RLfi;Y' A_ BRQ1T9Tcustor, and15T AME1tICAU TTZ'r:F IN9 dNr7:' __ ,Trustee,
<br />- fiasband wind Wife COMPANY'
<br />and Postal f utance Ctampany, a-Nebraska Corporation, Beneficiary.
<br />~4'fTNF.SSETH: That the Trustor do by these presents grant, bargain and sell, convey and'confirm'with Pawer of Sale
<br />unto the Trustee the fpllowing described Real Estate including all buildings; improvements, and fixtures of everW kind row or
<br />hereafter erected or n[aced on the realestate, situated in taaY7 County, in Lhe State of Nebraska:
<br />Property known at:
<br />Lot ?t,ro HundredFourteen (214?. and..Lot
<br />2Wro Hundred Fifteen (2i5} in Belmont
<br />aio addition to the City. of Grand.. 'Flied for Record.. at ;. M.
<br />Islaad, Ha3.2 Gotsntg, Nehras)ca in Book ' of
<br />;.Page _
<br />and possession of said premises now tleiivered unto said Trustee;
<br />TO HAVE AND TO' HQLD [he same, with alt rsghts, privileges, and appurtenances thereto belonging unto the Trustee,
<br />his executors, admististrator4 heirs, and: assigns forever: And the Trustor hereby expressly waives, releases, and. relinquishes
<br />.unto the "trustee aU righr, title, claim, interest, benefit, and estate whatever, in and to the above-described premises and each
<br />and every part thereof, which is givrn by or results from. all laws of the State of hebraska penarning to the exemption of:
<br />homestead. Aad the Trustor caveryastu with thcTrustec that he will forever warrant and defend the title to the same against the ,
<br />lawful"elaims of all per~sons:whoinsoever.
<br />FN TRf:JST HOWEVER, for"tht following described purposes: t~r'HERE.45, the Trustar did an this date.. execute a
<br />Prtmissory Note cvideacsng a loan for the prltxipal amount of S t Oat n : ~o _ and interest thereon:.
<br />according to the terms o€ said Promissory Nate; said: @romsssory Notc being payab)e sn monthly Installments at such place as
<br />thr Hmaficiary i[iay desi~tattt to> witting from' tisnr to timc.vtatwthstaading any: prowisian cbntaincd herein ac in said
<br />Promissory Nate ca the contrary, if not soaaet paid, all sums due and owing: under the terms of said Promissory Note shall be
<br />paid on or before 1Yay 15, 1..9$5
<br />1[ is agraed by and bctwecntheparties hereto that until filing of "Jotice af' Default, the Trustar shall: (!)pay all present
<br />and. future taxis and assessments, general and special, ataitast card property before the same becomes delinquent or actionable;
<br />(2) keep aU imptavcments rxeacd on the Iattd insured as may be requited from time to time lay beneficiary against loss by fire
<br />and otttcr hazards,.casualties and canrittaencics, in such amounts and forsuch periods as arcrcasonable`and may be required..
<br />ay bcnrfi~ary, and to k+reix all poticit< of such irsutance in force or cfFxt [span. the property herein described: constantly
<br />asssgrtaf and de)vered to bcneli;iary, (3l pay attd .omply with aiE of the trims and ccsnditior:s n( an} lien, claim car
<br />indebtedness that may be senior to or take precedence to this Trust Deed as soon as any such payment on such lien, claim oc
<br />indsbttdnest shall becrru[e dot; and upon failure of Tru.tor to kcxp any said agreements, btrteficiary may pay such tax, pay for
<br />such rnsurancr or pay ot€ such liens or clasms or indchtedaess as the case maybe, and the money so expended roger-her, thtreGn
<br />as provited by the terms of the atorcmrrttiotted Promissory fYote sbaU basecured byahrs Trust Deed, and the Trvstor agrees
<br />to repay the sane upon demand, and upon failure to da so ttu`batattct rsf the attached no[c shall became immediately due and
<br />payable at the option of thelseeacficsary; {i} specif;caiiy enn€er upon the Fzustec the power of sale as provided in Nebraska law,
<br />t4) retain puss~-s:.ion of [he prtmises and collllcct ~f:c ants and revenues thucfrom.
<br />L'pon Fwyment of alt the sums sntrred. by this Trust Decd, .tits Beneficiary shall regttcst the Trustee tp rcconvey the
<br />proptrry and shall surrender this Trust Dad and all notes n idertcing indrbtcdness secured by this Trust Decd to the Trastar:
<br />Trustee shall rccunvn the property without warranty,to the person or persons legall} entitled Chereta; butaf default be mods fn
<br />the payment of said note ar any part thereof or any of :he interest charean when due, as in the faithful performanrx of any ar
<br />tither of said agrecmrnu as aforesaid, then the cvhtRk of aid ttoteshail becomt due and be gaud as hereinafter pri5vitlcd, and
<br />[his deed sh;a3! remain in force; [he Trustee or his atrorney tray procYat to scH the property in its entirety nr in parcels at the
<br />optftxt of the Trusttx !tereinbefore drscribedatpublicauctian,.to: thehrghest bidder, far cash. Eiowever, thepower of sale
<br />herein conferred upon <he Trustee shat! not be eaererscd until fl) the Trustee shall firsi file fcr record, s`n the office of the
<br />rcgisur of dcods of ca:it ~.ounty wherein the trust property or;'some parlor pareel:thrrein is struated, a notice of dci2ui+,
<br />identifying the Trustee isy stating [he na.tncs of the Trttstat and names therein atad giving f or Look and page where th= same is
<br />rhardcd, a dewrsptian of the. trust prepertr, and containing a statement that a breach of a,n ahlfgation for which the ±ntst
<br />property was t.onvc}cd as security has excurred, and setting iarzh the ttaturebf such. breach and of his elcct[on to sell ar rouse
<br />i~u tsc wid such property to catesi'y the obd:g2ticn; and (Z) after :ht apse of not lessthan one month.'tfie ?'r'oster shall give
<br />notice of rare a. providedd by Nebraska ;aw. After notnLC of default andlapse?f not less thanskn=rnonth,3hr Truster shall rise
<br />ennen Roticr of arc time and isiu a of wle partieutariy deacribmg the l7rapeay to be sold b~ puh';uation ofsuch noucc- sit fea~;t
<br />Sisc tlr:res, rir><:e a >4eek tot tive:ocar4tttitic weeks. ahc last pubikatior; to lie at! i0 uay~ ?yet riot morethan .'-0 ~iay4 pitor icy
<br />rite caie. irI axne :uscpaper having a i;cneaxS rir~ttiation u; each ayunty in ~+hicil the 1•~tnpeny to t,e ,olds or .i~me Part sPia-i ru'.
<br />rs •3tvattai. ~~ rt ;~cb sate, the t'.-atire hail cr_tcu[e anti dtii~,-er a tle=d 'f ,:, rep_r.; ,old =r tt.c , u. ~~`rn.ei r-.
<br />pn ~ry arty c Fr
<br />urti'ta!•tn :hcr~rf .yrsrl zny aatermcnt Ts -teite.t <.f~ (ac: in such deeM in rciat;mot, , ,tic exen:;. ,.: ~t.c ~owfr ~ ~a:< ,;rec. ,rte ~.-.,
<br />the ;~rlY~eis ~: drzcrz~~ €hrrei n, ;n<itiCtrz~ rf4iiah <.,ructr:»~ ~,.} rr~t,. .g, ~~ ua~; .,..~:,.r~ a,..i t ~~~. ,c.!u-.~,i .=t i•. er ~; .t~.:c o.
<br />defxus;, a^y trotting n~i1 tht (rah}+ia[ion an„ r,<ist r,~ f avt ,c sf r~.lC, :a,d ' hr t ; d~~<:! :, r,._. ~,.., ach re~° .,..,t~~ii w, tssattute.
<br />,,e,:~.~ ra;.=: cv~de~rac ,t ~c;c'3.~mpLyrN i ...,.. ~or,,- o„~iae'tae , . ",. .. ~,;:y:k;t~_te pu ~,tx•t~ .u,L cns:tumbratts;cre
<br />~?-. ••-xiue :a ,ti . it it<•.t~ *.~k;e.~¢_ ~ac~ `: `isv ac :. 4e1i:=u ~h.olt ~.,r+(rs ,~- .r_h.anrs, ., ts,ha ,. ~,6 ir~~e riY~ttx~rt, t3ys
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