<br />j -{ .
<br />__. _. _ __
<br />e.2 Huffman sad i•eltun R Woit, Walton.Ne. 6846 1
<br />".i1D-CaNTI"7EtiT RACEWAYS, INC., ,A Nebraska Gorparaton . Grantor; a carporaLion organized
<br />and existing under and fay rirtue`of '«he laws of the State of NEBRASKA '
<br />1
<br />~~,
<br />;n considerat~an of One-Dollar and other valuab e consideration,
<br />i
<br />receipt aF which is hereby acknaw legged, conveys to
<br />AfID-G4NTINTNT RACE TRACK,. ZNG., A Nebraska Corporation Grantee, '~
<br />the following described real estate (as de#ined in Neh. Rev Scat. i~ '76-20'1) in
<br />{ HALF.. Caurity, Nebraska:
<br />i
<br />' A tract of land comprising'ali of the Northwest Quarter of j
<br />the Southwest Quarter {NW~SW~}except the Westerly FiftS
<br />(SQ.O) feet thereof, alt in Section Thirty-four t34},
<br />Tawashp Ten tltl} North, Raage Nizze (9) Weat of the 6th
<br />P.H., in Hail.'County, Nebraska,.sad tract containing
<br />38:.:767 acxes,-taare ar Lean,.:
<br />I
<br />i
<br />i
<br />I
<br />i
<br />t
<br />f
<br />i Grantor covenants with the Grantee that Grantor:
<br />f
<br />t 11 is lawfully seised of such real estate and that it us free Prom encumbrances .subject.
<br />x to easements and reStrictlane of record.
<br />i
<br />f 23 has legal power and lawful authority to convey the saane;
<br />i 31 werrarrts and will detand the title to the real estate against the lawful claims of all persons.
<br />j Executsdt ,.....~Y., 14 :...................... i$...:8~
<br />r
<br />.....,.
<br />.....~
<br />j C+rarst r ......... .., j
<br />Corp. Seal
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<br />Titit rGSi l>e~t
<br />STA'T'E OT: NEBRASIfA, Coua of ...:HALL ...... . ....: . ..~y .... ~ ~ / ~ »....,.. Y
<br />! ~ van. ~s Secretar ',
<br />i
<br />i Ttte Cnreeoing instrument war asknowTedged before me ...::.May . I~* :........:......:.. . ....19....8 2
<br />k :ERR STlFi4PENHQQRST, Pre `dent „y~ HID-CONTZ*IENT RACEWAYS ZN+C..., .
<br />by . , .~ c _~., , ar.~ Ivan ~+.t, .~ates; -`SeG2`~~. ~ ,. ; ....
<br />s _ .. ...Nebraska ...........: corporation, on behalf of he corprrra4ian.
<br />~-- ~r'f j
<br />w~s<rwrw-a...ww.is i _re : ~t~rT ~~r,~~`,~t algn.'~': , •. • .
<br />rr o... 4,1'~ 9I7, tM~ ~?
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<br />5T~!"I'E C1F i«FEBP ;~`p;z'4
<br />Cwr::y :r : ... .... ..... .......:.........
<br />i :'•'iit-C .'.r,.K : ecc>rd sad rrtter+:d intiuznerecx~i index<on ...:...... .......:;...,....,... ..:...:....,.....
<br />:,t ':+-,c r. ._.::N'1,. x~sfct recx3r?fec* :sx Z3eed kter4esrc! .....,,.. ...., r?:xge ...,.., _,.....,
<br />F :. ..... ......... ...... '
<br />x;ak..tni. ,.;[ ,_ ,F .. t~o3at -.- ,~... rr ,"'. ,z,!rtpw
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