STATE t~F >~1E$$Q.SKd, f<ountr of ....................................................:
<br />E'ied for record ou ,........ ................, i~ _:.... at ...................._...... o'clock ........................ bS.
<br />s;dd rerar3ed in tike Reed Beeord ..................... ......... Page ............_............._..
<br />..::... _ . .....:........:...:. _:~.................,..._..~.._.._. Bp ......:..,. ........ ,...,... ....,.... ............ .......
<br />:: Register of Deeds Deputy Rsg'ister of Deeds
<br />Ts.T.R7€A~iDER M. NAEiQRNY and CARQLl'N C. NAHORN3', husband and wife
<br />herein called the granter whether one or more,,
<br />is consideration of Twenty Three Thousand. dollars and_no/100-----------------
<br />receives iram graateca, doer grant, bargain, sell. convey and confirm note
<br />WAYNE VANOSDALL and PAME_T.A Et. VANQSDALL, father and: daughter'
<br />as joist tenants with right of survivorship, and not as tenants in euminon, the Fallowing described real
<br />FIall ....... County, \ehraska<
<br />ProShertY m ...._..__ ,..~......_....~ ...................
<br />(10) ,~nRange,Nine~t9) 1west of tthe,Sixttis~ip~Ten ~~~~rrhi~N1 A-~~PCN~'tD
<br />Hail County, .:Nebraska.
<br />MAY 18 1982 '+
<br />s.shr ~ ..
<br />fia have sad to }wld thr abava ds~cribrd F,rPm ~, t,>rtether with ail _tenernents, here entr
<br />.'.sod appurteasna~ thereto 6elongang onto the grantees and w their assignK, or w the heirs and assign»
<br />at the sitrvivar of them iorerer.
<br />Acid grsatar does Derobq covenant ,with tht grant~~NS and with fltetr assigns aad with the heirs
<br />`and srri;ns of the snrvivar of them that graatarss lawft ,fv -<.;~~3 <~f ,:uid ,~r++r:i~lts; that they are free fron
<br />enesmbranca
<br />« t?+at grantor has good right and lawful anthoritp to e•~n.~y ';;e ~a,r:r; arit3 'h::t y;rauior warrants and ~ci3i
<br />defend the title to said pa+sni.5eeagllitst the lawftil cintn;n ui :,~' t.~,r~,z5,a uL~Sn;,~~: ex
<br />it ;H the intention of at1 I>artiex hereto that i4 the evonL of tk;c depth "f ,sither of the grantees,
<br />the rntirc Pee title to thi.. raat prop•.rt~. wtBtt t'estir. thesarEiS:~r~rggtnnt,_.°
<br />Dated /~'~ 3 u 19 ~ ~
<br />.fi}. ex :rider ~ Nahor y T
<br />_ .... ................ ... .......... ._..:... _....._.... .:. ......... .. ......r.. ......:. ........
<br />Caro C. ~Nahorn~..
<br />Nebraska Hall
<br />$etare toe, a notary gul4lic gcalified for said co:,ri;., ,nersamraIly ea:nE
<br />Alexander ~. rrahorny and Carolyn G. daharrty, husband and wife
<br />krnwn in ,ne eu bethc identiraI ;uiraan or per;9onsa't:is -~,iF:,et3 u:«- fnreairing isslitrztarent rid scknawledgcci'
<br />{ the,i ehestef ;r. bt hiri, nrr ar their ti6ian { a. , ~:? r!.,,:5]
<br />L» .ri ?~; ter ~`~
<br />TdF1tn~~: tuy hard anCl'lttatatisl anal on ,:,, .... _. _ .,. 19...... >__.
<br />LIMA-110YY~-'s~.w ~ __ _~
<br />~..~~ :... .'J .. `-,-.' ~ 'S+OtarV 1~59Iz~3e
<br />a1' Qom.. f,pl ~ ' „ ~ _ . ~ J ,_} •} "7
<br />1 .. ~ i r - ..t 3.>, ~'~[~ ~ Yxi+,eua fi 47x1:1 f+.. ]..mwr...Y(e4x'.
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