<br /> $2-- tau ~ 9~2
<br /> Kt30l+t ALL MEN B1' THESE' PRESENTS that Richard L. Hartman
<br /> and Fa`.>_-ic~a A. Hart;rtan, husband and wife of Hall County-,
<br /> C,ebras~ca, for and iri consideration of the sum of One and
<br /> P3aii~J ~:--=.nn) nollarandothervauableconsideratiar,ta
<br /> us in !sand paid, ahd receipt, whereof is hereby acknowledged,
<br /> and other go:~a, vakua52e,r and sufficient consideration,
<br /> do Hereoy Transfer, assign arad set over: to the rust
<br /> Naticnal Sank bf Grand island, Grand Island, Nebraska, all
<br /> o: my r',gnw, tide at:d int2rest in and-to a certain Agree-
<br /> merit given 'cry C,F. ihhte a:~d Virginia L. white ta:'the un~er-
<br /> sinned Richard L. Hartman and Patricia A. Hartman, hearing
<br /> the da~eaf i'ebr°uary I7, 1'g$1, aria to all tsf the rights,
<br /> covenants, and conditions therein contained,: and in and
<br /> to t:he r,r'~aYerTy :herein described, to-wit:
<br /> Lots Tv:o ;2; and Three 't 3). Section Tern. E10)
<br /> ownsh.p Ten ~ I t] 1;, Aange Nixie t K.3) . west... o£ the
<br /> atH p.rn., Hal. Gountv,.Nebraska't'2 acres);
<br /> The 'r;es:, one-Half {'r7~:) of the Sout:h~:ast Quarter
<br /> i SEA 1 , Sect.on Three i ) , To~,nshiKr 'ten (10) , Range
<br /> t~::ie i.~~?. 'rtes` of she ~,tih I~.;+t,; Nall Crrznty,
<br /> Pdebraslca ; 8O acres.)
<br /> subject +;.o Che utzlgt9r:.ons tt,f-reir, ~:aoosed, provaaed
<br />• However, '.hat when a;I of the obl.yacxons :r~icurresd by
<br /> Richard L. tiartnrtatE~ and Par..ricia F. ~-iarfman zn favor of k;'he
<br /> :=i^st National Sank of Gr<<nu Island, Grand Is.~and, Nebraska
<br /> are sags: ied «nti ~~d sri full. then U'ce Assi~nmen° ~.s ,o
<br /> be nail a;~B void and of rzo cu~'aher force and ef`_ect.
<br /> 7'O HAVE r~tvD TJ ?iGL;: tkte same unto the said E'; rst
<br /> idat.iorza: Banc cf t,ra:ic Island, Grand Zsland, Ttebras;ca, its
<br /> successors and assigns forever`.'
<br /> r,ATED this 7t2J may of ?+!ay, 1982'.
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