<br />~~- ai.1~.95
<br />t`~d'PSCE S`~ HEREBY G3VEN that on'the 13th day
<br />of Cloy 1382, Da~rid B. Boot2i, Grand
<br />;sland, Pinbra_ska, as, Landlord, whettserone crr•morerdid
<br />-exECUte a :yri*..t_en Lease to Larry Baesen;and Ellenor°E.
<br />Bowen, Urard Island, Nebraska, as Tenant, whether`one or
<br />more,`on the ic~llowinc~ described real propert% located in
<br />Hall;Caurtty, Nebraska; to-wi r
<br />:Lot Eleuen (il), h3eadowiark Estates'Subdivision a.n
<br />Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />^.'he terrn of the Lease commences June i, i3$2, and, unless
<br />terminated;priar thereto by 'default or the mutual consent
<br />of ooth parties,- extends to rrridright, E}ecember' i, 1482.-
<br />The Lease provides, ais;ong~ther provisions, that Tenant
<br />;s responsble:£or all utilties'and taxes and the
<br />maintenance, of r_he premises.'St specifically provides as
<br />¢allows:
<br />"i'3. _ LIENS: It is specifically a~xreed between...
<br />the parties that no person shall ever be entitled to
<br />any lien directly or indirectly, dear-:'ed through ar
<br />under Tenant, and through'ar under env ac*. ar omission
<br />of it, sugersar to that in this Lease reserved t:o Land-
<br />lord:upon Pit,her:the ldnd ai~ove described ar any
<br />i.rnprovertents now tsr hereaf?er si:uar.ed r.hereon; far
<br />cr an"account of any lobar tar materiai~ furr:;shed far-
<br />. any such itnprrsy~rtients for or cn acccrant of any matter
<br />csf things whatsoever. hl? persons f~~rnlst:ind Such
<br />lobar ar materials, a5 ',reli. as al'. o-:::er persons
<br />wtaamscaever, shall, be bound by Chose .::•n~.~iszons,"
<br />"1'~; RELA"TIti1VSHiY i)1» PARTIES: i'i;ra p;-rrrrr~s hereto
<br />speciii;:a?Ly provide <xnd stipu3.at.~ tear. th;5 Masc.
<br />5ha11 nor create, uct as the cre:ac;on of or he
<br />inCerpreted a5 Greatzr:g, any. r+'1aY.ionsh.ip vT agency,
<br />either I~mited z.7r yenerai, bet~eer, i~he przrt:e~5 nvr
<br />arty joint •ranture, .~?arcnsrship t.r r.rust rraiar.:iopshii~
<br />of any type. Tt1e ar.--ange~meiaLS' hereby c•re.atF=d ~s simpl,
<br />that of a larcllarci-r_enarlr. on a 'net net' basis."'
<br />"23. tySSai~S~M.E:id'I: i'C+nar:t: shat. not assign,
<br />convey, contract to transfer, rnortyag~ car otherwise
<br />hypvtttecate this !,ease, or any ;.merest. therein, and
<br />shall not sublet r„-rc premises ti,•,C:hb~.;€. Landlord's,prior
<br />:vritten ~pprovai, anc an_,r such assighment, hypothe-
<br />eating or su'r~let~rr.y- shall bQ void anti sha31, at t#~re
<br />option cf Landlord, *e:-rrina~e"t}a~.S Lease."
<br />°y a separatY ,.9c~•urrent executed she samE date,
<br />Landlord has granted an option ~_o Tenant. '~~ pur:-ha5e the
<br />above-described pr•er,3ses for ~::+~e price and Ripon =erms zs
<br />set forth in said keel ~s vte ;pt'ion. Ur:less `r'
<br />.,.gat r.~ptian`
<br />Agreement :s .^,reac?-:ec: by '?enar:t, ;~r ?rrrrr st!°d ^y +.tre mutual
<br />consent of t,oth parties. ':ht ri q!-:t '~a e:ce: ~ , :~ -na#~ option,
<br />Shall e~ctcnd Lo 1i _uC~ o'~lc•ck ,,_ cr li=c•~nher '-932,
<br />fa.~ closi;ay an Uocemk:.er 31, 2981. '1'hi_. Opr.::Or: _ r~~:rsarsai
<br />•~rrto the Tc::ant ar;:i i:- r:at ass.gn~.rbie~c?y ~.,.t.i~~i:t ..rre
<br />pc°ior :~ ttcn app,-o~•a of Laradlos,d.
<br />