<br />tie ~ _ _,
<br />__._._ .__.__ __..__ ~_ , _. _._.:_ _._._ .._v :.__ _ ~_._ ~~. __ _.,. __._.. ._ _ .._._ _ _. _ . __ .._ _ . _ ___
<br />2.2 Ievssed 1929 ~`~.,~. ~}~ ~ S 5 °~ Huffman and Fel4an & Woif. Waitort, tie. 684fi1
<br />`•9 ~liSi6~lY~ S LF~EI.~
<br />rseo F. Oltmar< and Lil3ian B. oltman; }itasix-uid & wife , Grahtar, whether ane or more,
<br />in cansideratoa o% Q£8E H[3NDRED ?'i~lEN^,'Y-FIVE HD(JSAND AL3D N01~ l0U DOLLRRS-------
<br />:.. .........:.............................. ..._..._., receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, conveys'to
<br />Countryside Acres,. Snc. Grantee,
<br />..the foIIorrinQ described: real esta#e {as defined in Neb. Rev. Stat. 9 7fi-201)' ir_
<br />Ha Z County.. Nebraska::
<br />The PJOrth C7ne FEt:indred Sixty-Five t' l05) Feet of the North Haif of 'the'.
<br />~autlxurest Gtuar*er of the ;aearthwest Quarter (TJ,SN'T1(~V'-j of Section [Jne(~:i i ,
<br />T®wnsl~ip Twelve X127 North. Range Mine `9? Wiest cf the 6th Y.M., in
<br />HaTI County, [Jebr~ska, excepting that .part t~herec3f heretafare conveyed
<br />for highway purposes, and
<br />T}-ie *xarth Halms of the Sauthwest (:r~..arte.- of the Northwest Quarter
<br />r,~ S,ti'P1iry34) of Secr.iran :dine i `?) Tawnshxp 'Twelve (12) -IJUrth, Range Pdine l ~i ? ,
<br />;acs*. O£ the E~th F.M., 3-ia:il t:ounty, Nehras~a excepting the North 165 Fee`
<br />of the F3~SiMLNW~, ©f Section ~vir.e t{a}. Tc~var~ship i:~vevE> :12} North,. 3~ang
<br />minfetz~{~') West 6th r .tK. exceprinq than. part thereof heretofore canveyecl *ot~
<br />~lg-~s~a~tt~>u~~v~eYi3#a4 (courtly and"aeveraiiy, u mare than one) wt#h #h~ Grantee that Granter:
<br />t l) ie larrfuAy seised of such real eea#e and that xt to free from encumbrances .except
<br />easements anti restrsct.ons of record;
<br />(2} hsa ltgal payer and lawful authority to convey the aamet
<br />t 31 warraxtta and will defend the side to the rear: estate afianat the lawful claims.of all gersans:
<br />Executed: /"~; ~.rS~,C' ~ .r:' ~ lq g Z
<br />ST.~TEM~,N7 IITTI~h+£~
<br />`NE9RI151fAl7UGilME[~iT11iiY r' rr ~ _/
<br />`Lys-o !- ;:•-.man
<br />: x..1..11 lart 8:. Cl Lfian
<br />State of -Nebraska
<br />Canty of HxLh
<br />/ y ~ ~' ~
<br />The !oreQatn~ tnrtz-umeitt uais a~knarwiedged before me anf....`~'~ c°.1/.:"':..:~.. ~./.;~`~~.,..,.
<br />~ L.eo c. Cilcm.~ are .:.....`.. n 3 J1_ s*tanz..l-tus#~at1G...~.':. ^r?.~. 1.......,....
<br />i +:.._ ..:vas ~~ ,.,G(:~F' ... ~.. .~ rN.... , ~.' ~
<br />~~~~., ~ /
<br />} Courtty ryf .......... ................_..
<br />f,~ Faen for rec:orz.' a7ad e~.trt+ertd sa ibinate3'Cal 7zid~ aza ..... ......... .......,. :.,........,.....,
<br />at ._... ~,',.ic+r.k .....:A., asct r+eca~rded an Lased 13ecorc ...... .................. Fage ............:.~..,
<br />C~,~ ;•: .?r I3e}'kt?t C"aua:Z~rC;er~.
<br />?_.~. Ater Ott Dccds nr Deps4:. ft~ k,- ~ :ric:ir;
<br />