<br />~~tl =~f).~.g51 T~~ED ~~' T~2~JS1'
<br />Tf~I5 DEED OF TRt'ST is made this ..37th .. . _ .... day of ~aY .. .......... .... .
<br />iS ~2 .,amongths Trwigr, ?'t?~asraeyer., Ilel?/ert. 6. .&,Theastneyer~ Lois A, an3 Voecks, Gary P.
<br />&. ViceckS,. J~aaZi, _Ae _ and_ .Nrt,, +:,ichael L. & Ne~{k•ert,Ererda J. therein Borrower) ,
<br />Jotgy.R. HXnwri~~l,.Att~rn~y,At Law....... (herein "Tsustec"), an;7 the Be>ze6ciarv.
<br />~on~;qj,~~. $atv;re C,innpany_oE, C,ran3 Islarxi a corporation organized and
<br />4i;.
<br />existing ;rndtr ttu; laws of Ne'nrFSka whose address is .... .
<br />122,E N., Wehb _Fd. ,P0 Sox 9'?1,_ Grard Island, itie. 68802 {herein "Lender' ).
<br />Btoxict>w~k_ in consideration o€ the iad~btednes~ her_vn recited and the ;rust herci^ crated, irrevncabt•,~ crarrt~
<br />and ronti~eyc t:~ Trustee. in trust, with pa~wer of sak.:he f~llo~.+~mg drscrihed property located in the County of
<br />KnII Sta?e of Nebraska:
<br />I.ot 'ilao r2) I,epant SubdivisiUn is: the Czty of Grand Island,
<br />iIall Count}•. Nebrasxa.
<br />which hat the :ufdress of.. 2714 N. Fie4zb kd. Gzand Island., Ne. 66801
<br />{ hertsn "Pt+~xrty Address")
<br />stw a..rf c,n Ccio.:
<br />fa:r. ttur wqh sii the ~trpsarcannt. naw nr tu~rr.~i?cr e rc 9ed nn the property and III cascmenis. ,-:Ihtt,,
<br />.eppuncnareces. renac Ssub~tct ho~rcvcr !o tht ngM> sod uuthoriurs gncn herein to I,cadcr ttt collect and apply ouch
<br />rcnttS_ re:~shu~_ ?mncrah enl an?F B~ nests sod profib, water. ware:[ nght.. and wa[t-r stocr<. and all tizturea now or
<br />hcrs.ctter att:echad to the property, all v( which, rnciudmg rcpfaeemcnt> and addii~uns therMO, ,hall be dcem~el t.; ~•
<br />arm remu:>, a p:~rt ~~ the pn.~xtty co-+rred !+y thty Decd o! T'rusr. end afl of the forcgvinp, t~agethcr wi[h ~.,i+~l p-cr~rt)~
<br />Ens the k.~esfnidd [..lair ci tAn tknl of Trust i, c.n a IcutihniJl ..r~ hereto referred !o a5 [bc "Prvpcrty":
<br />~T'aSrr e?RPto (,ender {:el th; repatmc~nt ~~# the ~ndeMedne~+ evidrnecY3 bti Acirrawcr~, note dated. !"~Y i i . 3.952
<br />Ih=:retn'!Vetc')_ in ah~ prence~) sum of 'r-~?n?y-f}YS 'r::ousand ;,ollars an_d nolL~~O--.-
<br />1SZS.,.~t7iiA.QQ, De~lEsrt. v,?th inlCr;St tfitirreon, providing for r'rie instalin?cot
<br />cif pnrctpui and intctcsi_ .c,th tfm bislaner t-f the meieMcdrsc~s. ~) not sex~ner paid. e'-uc ~~rd Pav:~tyfe an il/17/82
<br />- - - .. - - .... ... .. : the ~uytrvcnt .~f a1t !rther gums. w~ih mu:nst thrrra~n -s~.~ancc~.i
<br />in acecxa}aatte tx°rewikh t*s prt~2tti It+e K•ct3rr[y n+ thi.: f?ad of Trust. ancf the prrla~rmance cat ?ht cuvenant~. end
<br />' a;Tertt~itta Ft( }i~rtowcr ;teareio ~~ttnWiatttt: and (bt the reGa}mti~N of anq iuturr uc9vancc-._ with ~nicrca thereon ~~~ad~
<br />t~Brrrcrwa~r )sr l.cm3trpssrtiu;~n4 to psrugraph Z 1 hcren; ihcrr±rs "6uttuc rSdvanccs~' )
<br />Haxeerwcr _~xv;;;c;enfw?hY1 B~~arawtr is. 1;akfuiie vcixl :rl t-ti~ e~lstc tt.rcbv _ -iticy~cc as?d hrs Yhc rRia ?n [lint ;re)
<br />c_mtisr ~-1!e i'n>pvrty. [teat [tae I'rcr~trty n uacncomixr,t!, [ref iraa 8<ssr,~wr- ~:~It warrant and dcfrn;l ~;cracr:~SeF' the
<br />4StF~ E.r rho Pfit+(x:rty s~a!oct ai; ck.+m~ .i^-.# cFcmant4t_ ~utvw~cs ,.
<br />:: G': (Y :i;trs?lilt. _~c'!rh•t14~. nr 'intern ln~; ltsttid ~n .~'.
<br />xN~duk-vf ~x~tF~aem ., ;tx.~reir ,:, anv h?!sr •nul .,~.~,. ~,yefi , >«saNt n~ Ls n~:c ~e;_a .r~ eh.- d>rttptrt~.
<br />~E~IS~[h „ a E.~=;. ~ rutentrwtrc v*ila+w nrtent~ct+r
<br />