i __.
<br />CARE. W. s aARRaET Lt~iBARD
<br />$2-°ta~I9~4
<br />Na.
<br />in ccnsideration of the: e;ctensian of the t:in;e of payment. a£ the original promissory
<br />no:e !xereinafter desCr2;bed, the undersigned,. Carl Winfred Lumbard and:
<br />_ Harriett Lumbard hereby covenant and agree to pay to The First .ational~
<br />Sank of ~;rar:c Islaaxd, Grand. Island, Nebraska, or order, the prliacipai sum of
<br />TWEN,T':' TYOtTSc~IaD A.'VD ti011Q0----------------------------------------- {$:20,000:.00 )
<br />toaret!zer with ihterest' thereon at 1.t.~ _ per cent per annum from the date hereof,
<br />such sum to be payable on August l0, I982 interest shall. be payable at'maturity
<br />on August I0, 1982 ~' `~-`~
<br />'Phe original principal note in the amount of 1'WENTS' I"dQIISAND AIr'D NOf100-------------=
<br />{$ 20,0110.00 } was execxted and delivered ay the~undcrsigned under the date of
<br />November 1 1981 , to 'ft2e First National Bankaf Grand Island, urand Island,
<br />::e>ar.~ska, and was due and Capable nn the i.Ith day of ='t'bruarv, I982 , together
<br />with interest at I8X der cent per annua and sdcured by Real Estate Mortgage
<br />to `i,e 'rust ;+ational Bank ~:f Grand Zsland, Grand Island, Nebraska, recorded. as
<br />i3acmaent ~8I-00576b and in the ~artgage Records of HaII County, Nebraska
<br />exten~lon under -ocument'~32-00Q597
<br />The undersigned agrees tv pay sue'>^. e:tte:xded balanie of gr:incipai of ~~NTF THOUSAI3D '
<br />AN[l 1+~OJ100 nOE.LIRS-------- --{520,000.Ofl ), together with interest thereon at
<br />I7 X per cent per~anrum„ such princi~i1 and interes[ to he payable in lawful
<br />maneu s~f the i;nited Slates a€ F~erica at `ihe k'irst J;atianal Bank of (".rand Island,
<br />,rand Island. "debraska.
<br />All c>f zhe co+:enants anti agree~rer.ts in szxci't uriginax. note and.'.the Real Estate.;iortgage
<br />abcava-describ¢d, other ch.~n :~crcitxbef~,re ~•odi€ie,3, Ixa11 be and ra~tin unchanged anei
<br />In :ull force and effect during :such ettended per'.dd. ::f .default he uxad'e in payment
<br />of any prisacipal sum, thr_ w-mire =,xrincipal sum with Interest c?xereon, shall becocsa
<br />uenediately due and payable at the eiEetiozx of rht iegaltialder thereof:
<br />En further cvztsiderat .:;t xuch ~xCensioa of time ter payment of such indebtedness,
<br />E hereby rati€v aad .onrx,,: such ~csrt$age rt°carded as_0_o_tauaenY. ttBl-0057bb
<br />in Real Estate `?~~r•hagN refiards of Hall Countv,~~-'1Ce~rasTca`-_~. , as
<br />the first nwrtgagc ~aen upaxx the real:: property described therein, :-end tine whole of
<br />the t f tle thereto a : zzac„r owned bg .
<br />The undersigned:: txec:uces this I:'xtunsic•~: ?,greer~ent with referencca to and an cPxe faith
<br />and .,.redit of their prts~ert", which tnc•v ncxw tr„r[x ~~r have. an interest itx ar hereafter;,
<br />y McGuire; :he express intecxt,oc~ `x.•i;,g t:: ~'txar;~e rxnci to :ontihxe to charge any and
<br />alI c~ ::uch property w#th the ;av:uent ,€ the indebtedness, tkse payment t~E whi.ch is
<br />he.ret:: extended,
<br />i:w7 1~I1'f:4E5S WHEREOF, LFee 7.inderssyncd Nave j>E"recsnt~ se:t erhand this 7,2th "clay of
<br />asap....._._~.:.._,__~_..~__~._M.___~ '`f~'
<br />_,_~,~~ °
<br />" _ ar n re um r
<br />r-.
<br />-~~-"~-"fTa=r`ze'~[Tuia~ax`3r '
<br />STATE of tiEBRASKA 3-
<br />)SS:
<br />.,n Li
<br />ihx c*tis. L2th ~a~ csf°9ay~1982 , yefdreme, the undersignedss Notarv .'ubiic,
<br />'.n .;mod :ar_ hall -,-~--- -.:nty, persaneally. curie.. Cart Winfred LumT~ard ~.nd.
<br />__}~arrlett L:.mbard __ i:crsonally knarmta me >:r; be the identea2 persons whose naums
<br />ere '+ffixeu .a t'r.e i'xve-.~n~i foregoing Extension Agreement as makers, azyo they
<br />sc;:nuu:ed~ed sold n,.re:~:ent and the execution tixezeaf to be their valuntary:act and
<br />aleed tc;z ~he ;~-urpo e hzs:ezcx expr~essedC
<br />iw Tf;STi".:G:.l tf,:fii;-, ?~,.~ ~;ere~.i;7_o affir,~d~",^,d rod c~i ...zs1 .r a~ <xt
<br />Graxxc 1s.x~nd ~,eh a5~ca ,a :r.e '.a; ana veer :~is~a~cive w~~Tyh~ ~`---`
<br />~~~~~.~:. j~ ~ ~.'` ;VGt3Ty k",i6I.i.C
<br />
<br />