<br />82~ l~~? ~fl~
<br />Lender's: written agreement or applicablt taw: Borzower Shall pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />manner provided aiitder paragraph 2 hercaf.
<br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to ibis. paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shalt become additional
<br />indt:htedn+essof Borrower secured by this Mortgage.. finless Borrower and Lender agree. to other terms of paymen4, such
<br />artwttnts shit} be payzblc upon notice from Leader to Borrower requesting payment thereof, and shall bear interest from trio
<br />date of disbursement at the rate payable from time. to dine an outstanding. principal under the ~Iotc unless payment of
<br />'interest at such rate would be contrary fa applicable law:. in which. event such amounts slxall bear interest at the highest rate
<br />permissible under applicable law. Nothing contained in tuts paragraph 7 shall require Lender m incur any expenseor take
<br />oily action nucttnder:'
<br />S, htspertioa, Lendecmay make or causeto be made reasonable entries upon and inspections of thePcoperty, provided
<br />that Lender ;hail give Borrower notice prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor related to Lender's
<br />its:CSeS[ iR t!Te Property.
<br />9. Cosdeiwitatbn. The proceeds of any award. or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in connection with any
<br />condemnation or'otlter taking of the Property, ar part thereof,. or for canveyancc in lieu of condemnation. are hereby assigned
<br />an~i shad be paid. to-Lender:
<br />Ia.4ttc event of a totaE taking of the Property,, the proceeds shall lie applied. to the sums secured by this Mortgage,..
<br />with the. excess, if any, paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial. taking. of the. Property: unless Borrower and Lender
<br />otherwisf agree in writing, there shall be applied. zo the sums. secured by this Mortgage such proportion of tfie proceeds.
<br />as is equal to than proportion which the amount of the sums secured lsy this Mortgage immediately prior to the date of
<br />taking bears Yo thr Lair market value of the Propectyimmediate]y prior za the date oftaking, with the. ha}anCC of the proceeds
<br />paid to Borrower.
<br />Tf the Property is aoandoned by Borrower, or if. after notice by Lender ro Harrower that tFie condemnor offers to make..
<br />an award or settle a claim for images, Botmwer faits za respond to Lender within ?0 days after the date such notice is
<br />mailed, fender is atrtharired to collect and apply the proceeds, at Lender's option, either to restaratioo or repair of the
<br />Propetsy or to thesums sei.timl by this Mortgage.
<br />ISnks:c Lcrtder and Harrower otherwise. agree in writing, any such appticatian of proceeds to principal shall no4 extend
<br />or postpone thf due date of the tttorthlp ?nsialltttents referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or change the. amount of
<br />snore installments.
<br />Ib. 1•ertoarer 1Het ReFerM. Exttnsion of the time for payment or madiftcarian of amortization of the sums secured.
<br />by this Mortgage granted by Lendu to any succe,sor in interest of Borrower shaA oat operate to release, in any manner,.
<br />thr Iiabitity of the:: original Borrower s»d Harrowers successors in interest.. Fender shall not be retluired to commence
<br />protxedmgs against such szxaccsaor ar refuse to cxtettd time for: payment ar otherwise modify amortization of the :sums
<br />setwred by Phis Mortgage by reason of ;any demand made sty the origiiaal Borrower and Borrowers atccescars in interest.
<br />t1. Fwleasa~et Tyr tester Not s Ntttirer, Any far6rzrante by bender In trexciang any right orremedy hereunder: or
<br />otherwiie afforded hy,a~ lour, shall- not 1x a waiver of" ar preclude the exercise of any such nghr ar remedy:
<br />The procure~seee d jrtttaeee or the pavtruni of taxes nr r+ther ]tens ar charges by lender shalt ntst he .a waiver of 1 enders
<br />right ro accelenteths tettltsitY d the indebtcdtttss ~ecurrd lsy thts Mrrrgage.
<br />li ~awairCstasftiAlw .Alt :t:mfdies provided in this Mr~rtgage are distirrcz and cumulative ro any other right or
<br />t+fstfdy under tf~tis h4ntlgrgC or at2urded lxv taw nr rgvrty: and may lx exercised concurrently, independently ar successively:
<br />13. 9seceaaars asd A~idpr lassdc Joist- asd 9eveeai t.ia6iky; Ca*doss. , T1ae covenants. and agreements herein
<br />oatuattaed shall bind, and the rights hcresttul'tr sfkall inure ta; 4tte respective sttcccssars and assigns of Lander and Borrower,
<br />subject ta'tht provisions of paragraph.. t? het+eof: .131 cavenams said agreemems €tf Borrower shall he .joint and several:
<br />Tlrr captiotaz and headings of the puagraphs of this Mongagt art for canvenienca only: and are. not to be used to
<br />interpret artk8inz the provirionti herotf.
<br />ii. NiMiee. lrxcept, far any riotxc requited under applicable law to be given: in another. manner, (a) any notice to
<br />Borrtstwer provrtied;far in'this ~fanRage s~h,~ag f+e given by tootling Stroh notice by certified mail addressed to Borrower at
<br />tiK Property Address az at 4tn''+ other addrewi as Barrttw^tr may iiesignate by notice to Lender as prmided herein, and.
<br />fb} aay ixstice ro fenckr shall be given.. hji ata•tifkd ittaif, canto rteeipt mgtxsted to l.endrr's address stated herein or to
<br />Stroh albfr address as I:ender may designate try txtrce to Barxsswfr as prinr~idui herein: Any notice provided for in thin
<br />Mortgage shall rte dorttted to have lxctt gsvcn ro Htana>wer ar`lvertdcr when given: ijt .the manner designated herein.
<br />iS. ' llitiferta Miee~age: Goreer,3rg i.awt Sesxea6iiRy. 7~aas form of mortgage rtattzbines uniform covenants for national
<br />ixatc and rtoa-uniform covenants:with limited variatiatta by jur4diction t~ ~rrtstitutc a uni#arm security' instrument covering
<br />teat, property. Thzs Mortgage xhadi be gitvcrrted try ttx'law of the ;uriwliction in wttittt the ?roperty is located. in the
<br />'event. that any prtrvsion ar claim of this ~ta+tgagc;or the ;Vote can:ticts with appli4atrk law, such ,conttict shall not affect
<br />' txher prttvisiotts of this Martijage or the tiore which can be given. tRect witbottt the conflicting'provision. and to thin
<br />ctrl the provisrons of the MtmgaFe,and the ~cxc one declared to lx severable.
<br />1f. ' lerrswer'a Cop, Borrower shall be, furtushed a' conformed cagy of the Note and of this Mortgage at the tithe
<br />of execution or after:recordatitm lteres~t.
<br />19. Ttasds aE gia Fralaat~; Aast~tias: If aB as arty psrt of the Property or an interest the-rein is xald or transferred
<br />by Harrower without Lender's prior wrimen:cogent, f>scltrding lal the creation of alien or encambnttt:e sr,bordinate to
<br />this lworegage, ib} tbt creaYion of a purchase money secwrxty interest for ltausehold applianca~. (c} a' 4ra~nsfer by devise,
<br />dttsccatar by apfration of law upon ette death of a joint tcriantor fdl the g*ant pf any leaaebold interest of ehrce years or less
<br />aot coMSin'ini an ttiption to ptteshasf•, Lradcc may„at L,endcr`s option. declare sit the snorts secured by Ihts Mortgage to be
<br />imtriedeately due earl ~ya~e: Lender. shall have. waived svrlt option 4o accelerate if, prior to the sale or transfer. Lender:
<br />std the person: to wttotat the. Property. is to be sdd or transferred=teach agreement in writing thaE the crfdit of such persi,,:.
<br />is satislacttiry to Cruller attd that the i»tcrtse payablee an tau sums srzcttred by this: Mortgage shall be at such rate as Lender
<br />ittalf request. if I,ettder bas tcaived the: aptiort to actxleratc provided ir. this paragraph 17, and if Borrower's sucrostTr in
<br />is;ierest ices executed a verittest aatuttptian agmsmextt axcptcd ;n wr.'ting by Lender:. L,tnckr shall releaec Harrower frrnn Ali
<br />_ - obiiptiriQS uttdtr this Montage and the ;~1aec
<br />If Lender erereiaes such optron to arx-elevate, Lender shall mail Borrower notice of acceleration in accordance with
<br />paragraph 14 hermf. Stteh notice shat} prrnride a ptriad of trot less than 3U days from the date the notice is mailed within
<br />wiei~h Borrower may pay the stttRS declared dtx. If Harrower fails ra pay ettclrxurtts prior za the expirarion of such period.
<br />Lender may. ~+ithnut further notitx or demand on Harrower "smoke any remedies. permitted by paragraph l$ hereof
<br />Tvo+a-L7ytrca.e CovE~ ~,~rs. $n*rxrWer and l.trtdt:r further eox~cnam attd ogres as faltcr~c?s:
<br />t t, Accelaratlas; Itatwdfes. iP.sce~t ar rroviiei its psratpa*lt t7 teereet. tapon..lorrorrer°s breach of. any covfsaat or
<br />~d et Horeswer ea tit !NwgtaRc. ialchd$Ij the coveaaW fo pay rvAce;dtte asy mutt sei:sred by thin Marlt;ttgt.
<br />fatdsr ~eiar b accelerataas shtrB teal twticr to Hetrowrr etc pmrided ie tra~gn~ to hared( a~aclfyhtgz.(1) the bn!fcht
<br />f1) the acssos tepid to care satck heeacaG tJ) a daft. trot katbm 30dty+iftwatbe date:tiw aoticeis. matted. to Horrowcr,
<br />b which sacY beach weal k erred: atni f1} slut failsre to slut Bach ttreach o~ or tsefore the dNe sytcilkd is-the ttotke
<br />awry reastk b atxrlfratloa of the qMe trcarei 6y ibis ~• fotn*tfnitsre hY jsdicial itrotcedirtg: sad stye d the Property.
<br />llrr neairr sittati tartlmr iarttr~ lbarrowa of 1Mr rtsht b rei!ttWtele abler aeeeiera~rio® tlNd the right to aatiert In the foreeiosuee
<br />prteae~iag t-e s»r-caittarce d a tirfarN ne atwy whfs deftmse of Hferwrrd to atireteratioa sod forcc}oeare. >fthe breach.
<br />b sae cstasd uto or Aalore the data srec~iLed h! the relict, [:fader at L;fndfrs o tttay drtiate aH of ti's srsrs stccureai by
<br />thh Z4artgaB,r to be iarttardiMtl; doe std ~ayaltit witiatrt lilt#ite~r deasand asd mays Yorxctissf by judis#s) praa'fnd&wt. l,rAder
<br />.IrM b! rrlkled to ct>ilect la ssrlt ~racrc~tq >~ erpetsesoEtoreelaecee'e. treiadhpt; fitteruat tiadet4i tn, lases of<dorueneatug
<br />e+4drae.:s. nMtrsrN t~ tide reStsrN.
<br />19. lerexnrda IRig/N to Reirreatc ~,;,t,.~tths:anstt*rg ttcsetcr'e azseltratian c.f the. sts:tts secured t>7' title ht~:tttragt.,
<br />t4~-xuxcs ae;ai74aar t'.tC Ttgtrt. ea hew- eery Pr<irrcdin~.s+ i-rgun ~' l.rstler to rnfe+ret ths4 ;e!dortgage dixcanttntted ;e4 any fstnx
<br />