_, .
<br />4.2- Re'viaed 3978 8~ ~ V 1 a7-~ ~ Huffman. a .9 Felton BWnlf, Walton. Neb8459
<br />tVLLi3S13k~I, L. DQiv'RI.t7SC7N, SR. and I,IL3BA 2?. DCYJP.I,D~, ftastiand and tide, each in tLS and
<br />her thm Yi.q_ht anti, a~, s,~~„t}se,o}„}; Q:tl'te~:,_:. „„,,,,,,,.p,... Grantor, 'x'hether one or more.
<br />SI~PY-S£LTFN 'I~ID F'7.VE I~lVDt~ F1NB 1V'~/ 1~i0~LS DOISAp,S
<br />in consideration of .. ............... ~+5.67~~OO.QO~.......,.....:. ............. receipt of which is hereby
<br />MIfIiA~Z B t azxl JtTF~ B. SFp1[I,
<br />scknow3edged, ronveps to .. ,Husband and S~ife.,. ,..., Granters,
<br />ao jolrrt tenants and not as tenaatts a~ coanmon,-the following:"described real estate {as defined
<br />in Neb. Rev. Stat. H fib-2U1} is ....... ......... Hall_.. ..,............. County, Nehraska'.
<br />7nt Seventeen (l7) , Bishcsp Heights Stibciivsi~t,
<br />ball Catmtyy iJa.~2aska.
<br />Grarntar coveasms {jointly and severally, if more than one) with the Grantees that:Grantor:.
<br />{ 1) ~s 2awtnlly wised of ouch real. estate and that it is free from encumbrances _. ~~..:.....
<br />CclB~ll'S atS~ ZL'St..Z:iL't'l.OSS3 0£: Z'e00Zdo
<br />f 2) has legal power and. Iawfui authority to convey'xhe same:
<br />{3) warraats~~,~~ajjn~~d wall dtfer~exd the title to the r~a2 estate against the Iawl~ul elatms of all persons.
<br />Executed: ,.~!.f....../ . ................. 19 ~2.,
<br />\~,,~,~,f~{,:~R[.~.. (~/d.,?,4dC~[~.f~IJV.~. ?~d~t.?~.~+t,r /'~.. ,v+D)4.!rn~e.~CY'~./ ......
<br />1 L. DanafL~t, sr~ I.i.itda ~Ai. ~tkutalc190It
<br />............... 5TATEMENT JITTACHEQ ... .,
<br />N flOCUMElYTAA'9!
<br />MR~1 7 l98?
<br />Stale of tiebrayfica ~
<br />County of .,.a....~j;.,...,<...,
<br />The foregoing inistrument was acknowledged before me on ..~~f.lZC~.....~<"~,,r.....f,/..~Z :..:.........
<br />by ..._MIQt.I,,,.1~II5tI;I,..~.~ ~. .~4.-1~~~.e li, . J.,.., onto PJife~,~
<br />Irrf~swnw-syras/Yr - /
<br />oAlllp~4~!l,,~g~ ... "~;Iat.3ly 1.3.E
<br />S'T~TF GF ±LEBR~tSK.v
<br />Coamty of ..._.. ...........................
<br />Filed far reeor~3 and r;~tered en 1`umerieai index cn .....: ......:.. .......:.......:..........
<br />at ...., o'clock .,.,.:vt., and recasdrd ^ Jieed accord ....... .,...:.,........ T'age :..:.. ......:....
<br />F',rc ..._. ........ ... ..... ........
<br />.,.a~t~~ cr Lir~u.g~ f.'. Um ~.. _
<br />a~~:>ter :>i L7~_ds - ?c,,;rty riz=:c ,~crr~~;
<br />
<br />
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