_. .:::
<br />:.2-A-REAi ESTATE MORTGAGE-<With Tax Clause} Rev, 78 Hcffnan and fettort & Wolf, Walton, Ne. 68461
<br />_ ~ KNt3i?i ekLL ;viE?3 BY THESE PRESENTS: That aJaryl E. WeekleV and Dee Main Weekley, [
<br />husband and wife, )'
<br />of Half: Caunty;and.Stateof IlTebraska .incausideraiionofthesumof
<br />AOLLARS'
<br />~ ii, hand paid; ~'a hesehy-SELL and. Gf)N4'EY unto Lysle E. Lockard and Betty B. Lockard,
<br />!husband:and wife
<br />of Mail county, state of Nebraska the foflowing described premises situated
<br />^~ in Hall Cauniy, snd State of Nebraska ,ter-vrir.
<br />"':;Lot Eighteen (18} in Bloc.' One (1) in Dale Roush Second Subdivision
<br />sz :uated in dart of the East Half of the Southwest Quarter tE'~SS~a)„ j
<br />~tSection:FOUrteen (1?), Township Eleven {il), Range 'den (10}, West
<br />~ of the Sixth P. M. , Hall vounty, Nebraska. '
<br />In the event. there is any change ir, ownership of the real estate
<br />mortgaged herein, by sale or otherwise, or any alienation of mortgagor's
<br />!intexest therein by pledger assi nment or more a e then 'he e
<br />ntre
<br />5 g
<br />g
<br />remaining indebtedness hereby secured shall, at the option o€ the
<br />- atostgagee or mortgagee's assigns, become immediately due and payable
<br />;without-further raa ice,
<br />_ "Che intention tieiriC t+> tnnvey hereh4~ an ahwrtute titfe in fee sina.ple.inctuding off the rfghta afhomesteadanddower,'.
<br />T'4"HAw'E..1:lCD•F't~H{3LI)the Pr+'rnixrcatxrvr d~w.:ri#>vd. u-ith alI the appurtenancesthereuntc~belonging,.itntothe said
<br />mortgagee{se: andta fail. h.~r or theta hwir!, andassiprrss farms-e r; prcwidedalways, and these presents areupon the eaPresv
<br />cnnditionthat if thcxaxd mortgagcar{sj, his, her-artheirheirs: txearnrrs. a.lmir,ie*ratora or assigns ahalipay'ar cause to be
<br />paid fathcsaid nmrtgagreis), Leis; }:er artherr fimirs,:executors, administy~~o~sorairsigtes:theprinctpatsumof$2{~., 0~0, v0!
<br />payatnlearifulfawx.t+>xit: .12 payments of $27:5.+~~ with tae fixst such ~?ayment due ,
<br />June 1, 1982', 246 payments r~r ~-SD with'the rust suc2: aayment being
<br />payable on Suns 1, 1983: one final r~ayment of $29.5@, all according
<br />to an amratortiaaton. schedule, tsased aeon principal anal: iritesest rate
<br />;of ~"ourteen tl~} percent. and 219 separate~attont,hly pa•~ments;
<br />}~al~„ s.tvarduig tr, the k~tuar >entf xrffr-r c t*f tht mact~aRass wnurn P~imory note kr*anratt rven date .with these prenenta {
<br />oral ha L' p:+, u 1 t:tz+•, an# a,sesnunents ~..,. , i~xm wd reaf estate.:tnd aA other: to:~, ieuies and asaesatnents levied ufwn ibis g
<br />- rnarexaxx~ ..r r , uHx• ..htrtr this mc>rrc sgr. - ,~r~n ux arcure; ire#ow the narne }wrenmos delinquent. and ketep the buildings on
<br />', .+u of pnvm*e.« ,: ".u r..r [,.r ,ixw >FUnr «fS ,t
<br />1 , 1 ~ V . i, ~ fuss, i# any, payable w tha said mortuagee, then these presents..
<br />.a M ..,rd. ~.th.•rw,«~ t~.. t~• srrst remazn :in #ult f„nr.
<br />1"i' 11 F"l'f;'1'Iff~;It ;1t;ttM:EU f!) 'f'9iat tftheaaidnxsrtgalp'ir ahaUfad ki paysuch':tazcsor pnx>urexuchinsurance,Che
<br />,..ud m+utra3;•~.' ,na,~ i,~~ -:rclr c;,x.w. andtinercuxe .,w,tt rnsrirance; a>xdthr.. xuruxcxarfvanccd:.. with intezrest at. In per.
<br />- can. .hatl M• t i b•. r ,rrga,tsr. and alias mortgrgt xhafi: stead es security for the same. (;>J That a tazlure to pay ar~7r
<br />.f x:urt rnrvx<•v itt„•r ,~ , il,al w ;ruarest, when the satt~ herrrfnes due. err a failurr trr cimpty with any of the farrgoing
<br />a x; r,r~r nrnsa,. -t,a,i ~:vuar rn.• ornate surer of muneY hntirxn srcv red ky bircaorae due and rnllectible at trace at theoption of the
<br />~„><tte,i thts kith day at May 1g 8~. 4
<br />In pr~encr of ~ ~ 7.-1 r,&iS-•4~.:,
<br />.. . .._ . _ .... _.... L
<br />Dr,RYL .:. wEi;.xLSt ~
<br />r
<br />S"'C ATE OF ~~'.k7~.~$~? . . ...::. . . ...: C`our,ty ,,:.+
<br />- i
<br />The foregoing infstrumeat was ackrttrw ed befo . o. y..l~ .............. . ....... i5 ..82,
<br />by ..Dar's 1 . ;; .. i3e~k~:.ey , azad De Aran W l~ . ' ` i
<br />= s" -;
<br />......
<br />~Li~IT - srw at ~
<br />y1111 ..`:.. ...>......
<br />r 4o~a ~ tkt a3, i .................... .
<br />a "~cinfg Acknoz~rled~ment
<br />_ dXj..1' . ~. .. ............. ..,
<br />Titde
<br />_ .
<br />F7.3TE' (?F. .. __..__ ._. - _...._.._~ k:nterad anxeunzerlcaf 3n~ez~[fied tar rrd'
<br />t ors
<br />!.'mart ~ ...._ .... .. :............ j. ut the-RegasYier of I}eeds C'tERoetf. said County the r ~;
<br />- Zar ct!'. .,.... _...._, .._. 13...._..-,...,. at.._.,.. ..._.._ .., ,....o'r_fockaral....-_.... ._......:.aunutes....._., .._.:..3vt...
<br />ucp r.k<,n4tsd rn. f.3ekak:..- ....,... of ...
<br />_...._ ...__ . _ ._._ ....._st page, .._.,,..__,__.__._..._..
<br />.., ,_ .. ............ ... __..,, ......_ ., _. Eteft. sat 1}z+¢atp : '
<br />f3v...w, ... • ...._._ _.._ _.... ..., _LtetnatY
<br />