<br />~2--OQ19''5
<br />4.GiSadcmtution: The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in connection with: any-
<br />candemnation or other taking oftht Property, or part thereof, er for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />and shall tx paid to t_eoder:
<br />In tfie event of a total taking of the: Property, the proceeds shall. i,<:applied to the sums secured 6v this DcedofTrust.
<br />with the excess, if any, paid LO 33orrowen In the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />otherwise agree :n wriung, ihereshatl lxapplied to the sumssecvredbythis Deedof TrusYsuch proportion of thep:oceeds
<br />as is equal to that proportion w3tirh the`amouni of the sums secured by this I~i°ed, of Trust immediately prior to the date e1
<br />takit[g bear io the fair market vattte'of the Propery immediatety prior to the date of taking, with the balance of xtte prxecu,
<br />paid--to HotTOwer.
<br />If the Property(is abandoned by Borrower, or if, afser notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor. offers to make
<br />an award or'setUe a c(aim for damages, Borsewer faits. to respond to Lender within ±p days after the date such, notice is
<br />mat7rd, Lender is au#horized to ct>11ect anrt app}y the proceeds. a[ Lender's dption, tither to restoration or repair of the
<br />,property or to the solos ucured by this >Jeed of Trust.
<br />unless".Lender and $orrowtr otherwise agree in writing, any such application of proceeds to prins;ipal shelf not extend
<br />or postpone. the due ';fate of the monthly installmems referred to in paragraphs t and. Z hereof or change the amount of
<br />such iaualicmnts.
<br />I6. lsarrower Not Rtieaed. Eztensioa of the time far payment ar madific~tion of amortization of the sums secured
<br />by this Deed of Tivst granted by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower shalt oat c,perate zo release, in any manner.
<br />the-liahitity of the originaE Harrower and Borrower's successors in interest. Lender shat[ nnC tx required- to commence
<br />proceedings against'such successor or refuse to extend time for paymettt-or otherwise modify amortisation of the sums
<br />sceured by this Dtxei of Trust by reason of any demand made: by' rite original Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest:
<br />31. Ftrrheanecr 6p Leader Not a Waiver. rlnv forbearance by Lender in exercising any right ar remedy hereunder, or
<br />ottserwise allorded by- applicable [aw_ shall not f,e a waiver of or preclude rbe .exercise of any such right or remedy;
<br />: The proeurzmtn4 of ncurar>r~ar the payment v€ texts br other l:zrn vx hargri by Lendr,rshal3 not Ise awaiver cif. Lender's
<br />ri~ltt to accelerate therttatuRtY of the tndebtecinesc secured h}= thte Deed: L.f Trust_
<br />ti~A°- C»md.U.~_ ~ All" s<rn<dscc pro..:3cd,r_ tb:~ 4 a of Trusc3re dis!:n~c and uumuLati.•z to sni~i~ther right
<br />ar rcttrcdY under ff11S DDeed of Trust or afforded try taw ar equrty, and' may ix exercised co[tsurre[ttly, ir[depel[den[Ig° ter
<br />sttccessivdy.,
<br />13..Saect~onand Aasllfas..Jt<oaactltJoiotaad Severe(. Liability; Gptiotts.. The covenants andagreements herein
<br />rntnained sha31 hind, and rite tights hereunder abet! °Inutr to, the respective successors and assigns of iendcr and 9nrrt~Wtei.
<br />subjtxi so ter provisioass of'paragrapt: r7 t,ereof. An co,~eoanxs. and. a~rec.mcncs of.. non-ewer shat! t,e tointand a rat.
<br />Theeaptinns and htadin~ oE:the p~rage'a¢hs df thtc Deed. of Trost ate I<ar eanvenience only sod err no! to tse used-!n
<br />interpra or dt~itu the provisiam hermf.
<br />II. Notkr.Except far any ntaticerequired under appticable law t:, he givenin another manner. (a) arty notice t:+
<br />BotTOwer provided for in this Deed o TrusE shall he gtven by matting such;nonce by .ettified mail addressed to Borrower at
<br />.the Property Addrexs ar at such other addrexs as Sorrower may designate hti• notice to Lender as praviiied herein, anti
<br />f bi any naNicc to Leatder shalt 6r given by certified mail; return receipt requested, to Lender's address stated' herein ar to
<br />such other addrets as Leader rttay designate 6y notice to Borrower as providedltercin. Any uotict rsovidtd Eor in this'
<br />Deed of Trust shtl[ be deemed. to have FFte~n given to Borcawer nr I_endtr when given in the meaner designated herein. >
<br />1S. lSeiforw Deed of Tract: GevernieR l:aw; Seversbfdhy. Tf,;+ i,+rtn ~f deed of feint combines uniform covenants t'er
<br />naaona[ rise and rtes-uniform covenants with limited variations !:•: uns3ictian tt+ constitute a uniform security instrUmen[
<br />cxivering real property: This Dorxi of Trust shalt t+e :.iivcrrted by .he taw of the iurisdtctioa in which the Property is [neared.
<br />In the evaxiit that arty: pravtsitaa o>• clause of the, I)eeo at Trust ar ?hr tiate conflicts with appticable law, such conflict shat!;
<br />oat aff~t other pprreovisions of this Dted pf Trttst :>* the Natr wh,~h can hr gi+~en effect +viihaut .the conflionng provision,
<br />and fo this end the provisiotts a the Deed of Tfust and the "late ere u_c1a, rJ ;4: 6r stvernple.
<br />ti. ltorrotarr's ('.opy. Harrower shelf be !tun shed a ~onformaxf . opy cri the 'Vote and of this Deed of .`trust at the fime
<br />n[ enexution ar a#ter rtxordarion her~f.
<br />t'i. Tricasterof the Pta~eAy: Aspn[tptlati, :If all ar env pan of the Property ar an interest thereto is sold nr transferred '
<br />by &irrawer wiehrwt Lenderx poor wrattm consent, extluAin~ cal she crtauon of a teen ix encumbrance subordinate u,
<br />this Dtxd a# Trt[st, (b) the areatian a# a purchase rnaney stcurt'.y tntertst:tot household appliances, ! :) a transfer by devise.
<br />t#+cut:nt or by operation of taw nptxt the death a# a Itunz tenant c,r td't the grant oi::tny lraschold interru e•i three ,Mars or ies<
<br />oat coaUtrmn an option to purcha:tc, Lender may, ai Lender's aptta... declatc all the Gums st:cu{ed b+~ thy, 17ted.af Trust to he
<br />mnxediatety doe arrd paya>xle: I.trtder shalt have waived such t,pUon to a;,relerate if, prier to the s-tie <,r transfer; Lender
<br />and the ptrsan Ya whom the Property is to lx sa>[d .x t-ari,ferrrd rce::h agrecanent in wnung chat the credit of such' persc,n
<br />is satttafactory to finder arnf that the intcroi payable >n the Bunn +ccured by this Deed of 'Trutt shot! he at such raft :,,
<br />Ltt[dtr shill regttesr„ tf f,trsder has we,vcd the i,pfi0n r.. ,~celcraic pre,+ided rn thin. paragraph S?, and it Harrower s suxes+<,r
<br />m tntuest has executed a written. aasutnp!,on ag:eemau :,.ccptcd ir. wr~9ing by Lender; [.ender shad release Borrower frorn
<br />alt ottligatiaras uttder this Deed of Trtf.t aced the ;`[ate.
<br />If Ltndcr exercises such option to arxtleratt, L.endcr shall ~na~i Fi=,rrcrwer notice of acreleration in accordance welt
<br />paragraph [4 !terror„" Stub notice shalt providi: a peeled of nx.: ic„ titan ;ri day°s froin the tfaie the antler is mailed wiifiin
<br />which Borriiwet may pay the sums declared due. [f Borrower :a•I, ,_, puy ,nth sums prior to the expiration i>f such period. -
<br />Let[der stay, without.. ftar[her tmtice or s#eanand t,n:Barrotvrr. in.„I.•. ,uny remedies permuted'try paragraph [g Ftereaf.
<br />NaK-tisvtr•att+t Govere~t:Tsl Bcxsawer atad Ltndtr further ~=+vt;nant and agrt:e as fellows:
<br />i8. .Acctleratiott Reatedirs. lixcep( ac provtided is ptuaa~rttph i7 htreat, upon $orrpwer's brt[tch of any covenant or
<br />Y((rtewrnl et (lbrtower iw chic I)ked of Treat, farluditryt the covewaMs to prywhea dtrt any sums secured by this Deed.
<br />of Tt,ai. Leader ~tia- to aerele~atiitrq shall. tta~l entice to tlurrowrr ss provided'in paragraph I4 4tcrtaf specifying: [ i) the
<br />breach: (2) the attipa regr~i to cart such breach: t3) a dace, as lt~s there 3o days tram (be date the notice fs mailed to
<br />Rorrowrr. by which .txh breath oral br tared:' sod [i) tb~ failtar ao sure sorb breach ion or before .the date specified
<br />to the nntlce may reauit lr aierkratloa trf Ybr sass sei:ored by this Deed of Trust and sale of the Property. The notice
<br />sitaY ttuthrr irtttxat borrower tit the right is reitwtate attec acccieratior cad the rifm to brirpf a court 'action to assert
<br />tiie:erpa•r>i~rrrce of a tlrfarhot aagafher thrfeasr ofBorrawer: to accelerttfionar[dsale. lftht:.brtnehis'not r;,r,~dl
<br />ota ar.ba3ott the date .perifgrd'tt theeotlce, Louder al Lcndei•`s option tiny declrrt aU:irf the sntnsseenred by: this Deed;
<br />of Tract to br iaatasediaEdy doe ntd pryaMe withgrK faitrllrer tleetauttd swd mry invoice the power in sale and nay other retwedirs
<br />pernitled M atpplitabla Hw. txider siSrp 6e entitled tr collect all ritasoaabk costs awd experfses incnrrtd is pnrsuinq ibe
<br />rrcate~ies provided in thie pantRraph I&.:iaeiadialt,.bw neritimitrd to. rt~•asonablratlorneys:fees.
<br />I/ t-e pwwrr of sale ~ iartticed. Trasttr sleatp record a troller of ddaal! in each roaaty in which the Proper[N ur .ntne
<br />part thereof ix locaeei fwd still rtaril copies of satl'h r[tuaice in the rtrarttter prrsctibed by applicable law. to Borrower attd to the...
<br />ocher persoes prt+crihed by a~tieahic }rm~. ,~flrrtht bpee n[ such tirtteas may: be:regalral: by applicablt law, Tntster abet!
<br />{five puMk notice of saltle the pt:rstwit'rnd "sa Ihemannet prrsrribcdbyap~icable law.Trnstee, wittwat. demand ern.
<br />loreawrr, sLaY arJl the Property at ptit6iliraaetiiot0 the hifthext bidder. of ibetimrand placr`andnnder the-terms designated
<br />~ the notice of Gait in net fir enter prrerh cad in,sre•M ardor av Trustee-may determine. Truster maypostpone sale of a}I..
<br />or early parcel of the ProprRv by pabNC arittwticeittent ar ibe rime acid place of any previously srhedolyd..sidr: Lender or
<br />[,r tsder s tY~sifrre tnay parrtuse the Pt+n~cryy N tiny sak.
<br />iipur receipt a>t payment a>< ttte prier bid.'Tnawec shall: dtfivrr to [hd purchaser Ti`ustre's deed coaveyinq,thr Proprny.
<br />sold. "tlte rvc:t,sts ie rtve 'frusirr'c decd l[ftlt tx priaay facietvidetrcelotrhe truth:of the stsltmenls tnadetherein, Truster
<br />shrY apply the ptocrtxtc ref eke save to rhv follow ot,•drr. ia) fo-atl rradoaabk casts and ezpensrs of the sale, 3ncludinf4. tn(
<br />ogt timked to. Trwte+'s feea of not store than ~ i 2 t3: I ~. of the. Rrtras salt p+'icr. reasotrable. attorney's .fern. and ros-ts ot.
<br />elk rridet[re; ilal to aN sutsr+ stcnred M this Decd of Trost: attd Icp the excess, if ant, to the person ar prrsotrs leRxlly entities!
<br />therrxa.
<br />19. sortnwe{s ItiRht to RtirsYaie. Vor :hs!andang Lender ~ -~~Irre E,r f rt, +tlms uecured by tfn+ Decd of "t rust:
<br />Setrau~tr s;1a;f haze rfx ~i$h! to have env prsxr~ding. hcg~,a. '+ r,dc, , _nl„ra hi, []led a# "I'nt-: ~rrs«inuneu't1 s't
<br />ant i=mc p. ~Y to idle cari,cr t~z trcrr •~; .,) [he fi4ih ;3sv h;,~twrc it;C ~f?^_ rI the F r [1f; y pttn=,a tit tCr t}Ye pii,etr nl vale Cpnra lord
<br />'s,:hi, EJesd of °1 rtut cu i,i} cr.tr}~ of a rdgauun: •,4:>roin~ ,!~,. th~rel cf 7 n.~+t . 8<.: r =.r :,av+ [.er<ucr .ai sumo' wlsich w'+:rntid
<br />t+c:F,ea+lty;vnde-.n„ DceJ tittrust. the N:, h and n,__ ._ ..rig t'un~a~ •td ;,.a.c•. pry, ,°, ~ trc.a~_~..Ernn new erred'.
<br />~a
<br />thf .Ut.r ,, _~, -.N n._.~irs ,{ nn~ ,v1_e -ovu, ,.~--,,__. ~.- a. H..,: ..< 'pia;nedo
<br />- ,.. - .. is th [xcr~! ~• r•,,,r:
<br />'-'• i3earr+,-asr ~u~5 alt ~~ _=~rwY.$c e+~:aars ;r=csir rev :^,• i,_ , ,nil 9 r,n,cc ?. ~_,~r~ :,~ ihr. .-as=~ttants .m.i ,;'cC;tr,i t ,+}.
<br />$. r ,. act: to„ [?eeu . , t r=est ;.rd en7= ~ rs. _._, .., ,cr . r _E.::., ., nrvvx3cd ~+ r - .~'t't' ~.~
<br />`.a'=.c . a: ~a:i ,yt.. tier ;M.° - ~!vs~' >rtTrlt -,ttrra nett .~ + t4ar,..,.a aY i:,kc ,u. i5 a ~ r a+ t.xntSi rear r_. wna~ti~.
<br />t
<br />_e~ t ...a _. --.a e t rn _i ih T~ ~' Ten-.t. F v ,:ir;r ,:c:rs= .n roe pa,t, ..Y -=rt! H,r. t~wcr', ,^t,)lp:, nrx, t,n ,: ae
<br />