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<br />t03-8-.BtSRYkVORSiitP WARRANTY PEED ~~~ + `~`^~ y a7 +G`3 Huf4man and. Feltoa& Wnif, Waita+~ Ne. fiA4fi:
<br />Ii`dC3~ 'ALL DLE\i BY T73E$F,'PIiESENTS, That Richard L. Alexander and: Linda Kay Alexander,
<br />as husband and wife:, each-in his and., her own ric33it as spouse of the other,
<br />herein called fhe grantorwhether one or :Wore, ;
<br />incoxtsaderatonof Forty-three thousand dollars and nof100-----------------------------
<br />received from grantees, does .grant; bargain, sell convey and cronfirm nnto Gary R. Nickels and:. Maureen
<br />E. Nickels, as husband axxd wife,
<br />as faint. tenants with right of stxrvivorsliip, autl uat an tenants in common, the fallowing desenibed real property in
<br />Hall Coamtp,
<br />The P+testerly Forty :our (44) feet of
<br />Lot Seen (7). iv HSock Fous t4) in
<br />Windolph's Addition to the City. of
<br />Grand Island.,..Hali County, Nebraska.
<br />Ta have and to hold the share drscnb...f pretninea together with all tenements, hcreditamenta Wad appvr-
<br />texunees thereto beleagfaslt unto the' granters axod tt; their as~iytrxs, ar to the heirs and assigns: of the survivor of
<br />[hr~rii forever.
<br />And grantor does hereby eovextant svt.h she ~rnnterc xni# }~ ith thricas,>igns and with tlce hei:9 and assigns
<br />of the anrviyoz of teem that 1{rantar is lawtullp a;airr_d of ~aed , rr,nis, ~ ; fast tlaep xrafree from enaunxbrance
<br />exCC$t eagesnents and restricticr,s O€ record
<br />that grrntoz has goal' richt and lawful authr,retr w cyst ~ y ti,.~ name; aced that graxttor warrants anc! will defend
<br />the title to wild psemiae_. aca,nt+t she Iaa•ivi rlaimr, ref aIl {,rr,.,n,~'arhamsaerer:
<br />$ u the int+etttionaf al# parnea hrrrr,,, tiyax in thr at^ert r~fthr :feath +af either tef the granfxcs; tfie eintirc
<br />fee siraplr title to the-real rbetatr chalk Vr,,; n~ the avn-i~~ina atrantee,
<br />d f9 '82
<br />r `il1e ~st. ...n tR ~. undx~irignr~! aa:1Cr ~~t C~ubCi~; d,c~, ccmmr.,,im~ed and ~xe¢2. before.
<br />t1AI,L ,
<br />1 lifierl fnr
<br />i>t sxtid <aaxty: sonalp tomr .°-ieiaarc i,. .alex:~eeia_r atxi Linda Kay
<br />AIes3:.der, each is pis a:ad her own t#,g~t as spouse of
<br />the ether..
<br />to me inort~w tv be t~ id.^rtica! ^errun or persarns wkote Warne it or xaenes ~;,-.
<br />zxfJissrt to ti4a fare~oisr~ iwstrxr+:tnt and arknaurledged the cxeeutivn 6hcrroJ to !,c
<br />&{s, ker yr they mvltMtary art and decd.
<br />yfr#ness eny hawdzsnd .'1'ot~lrSaa~hr slay uttd ~e lu.at ~c6ave ~3?ritten.
<br />./ p
<br />! ~ ~~` r ~
<br />4~,,.,..{ ~i
<br />1~'y Cotoexissi0s erflurs tfu..'~~v,{~.=drYjr aj .;.. `~'1.~ -s:'~'~ ~~..C
<br />~`T.3T8 f~F... .. . ,
<br />-•- ~-] ,
<br />t~unty .... ...:_ .........
<br />15aete~:ed sec vumeneaf ixxlez axxd filexi for rc~e:,rd lathe kpgieter of Ills tlffie+~ cf asid;C;ourxty the:
<br />Fiay~f .,_...,...s.~.w_. .,.I9...;__,aA..____.....o"c#c,:k sad. ., ..,a4luutos `..._:..;..M•,
<br />~n& r^,~rc,ede;i ;a f$+aalt.,.., . ..:...........,..af::,..,....,...:.....,at<pxge........
<br />........ . , ~'.~. of ~ikHFlii.. .. , .. , .
<br />: 1#Y ........... . ......... ..... .. lv)PtAdaty
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