<br />r~usT D~~D ~2-- t~t~1~23
<br />T'f-ilS E RUST DEEE7> made this 14th- day of ~~ ,.19 82 - ,
<br />be antl between:
<br />tql ?2c1Y*SOItiT) .~-.. fi DI2,?yc'NE R. STAHI:A HtTSBAND A,?:D WIFE OF. EACH. OTHER AND EACH IN HIS:
<br />AND hER OWN RIGH2`
<br />whether ane or more, herein-
<br />atter catfed "Tnrstar" whotie maiDing address is 1215 EAST HIGHWAY 34, GRA7a ISLAND NE 68801
<br />and
<br />4B) 30Hh As WOLF,. ATT AT W
<br />as "'trustee" whose rnai!Ing
<br />addrags:is P6 42$ GRAND ZSLAIdII, NE 588D2 and
<br />~~ GRA:'ZD I 2J ~ as "Beneficiary" whose malting address is
<br />WtTNESSETH: That Trustor; in canslderatian otOne Dollar (S1:44} and othervaiuabie consideration receipt
<br />whereof is hereby acknowledged, grants, comet's sehs and warrants to Trustee, in trust, with power of sale, the
<br />foNawing described property, situated ih ~tALi. County,: Nebraska:
<br />PER: £KHiBIT '1A,.
<br />The irttsMion being to comet' haretay in abaoiute title to lee slmpte, Inctudtng all .the rights of homestead and
<br />dower,,toQetherwtthalt buitdlnpa, ttxtures. improvements and appurtenances thereunto betongtng, and alt of the
<br />torepoing, together with said property are t+erein referred to as the"Property."
<br />FOR TtiE PUAPCISE t3F SECUtiiNG<performance of each agreemernt and. covenant of Trustor hereih contained
<br />' and the payment catttte pstnctpat sum of SIXTY THt~tSAtv'D i1OtaAtt5 l~itars (5 ~_ (104. (3©***** ),
<br />as evidenced by a promissory note beariz~~ to at the rates of interest thereon which may hereafter be pald
<br />dr advanced under the terms of this Trust t)eect: bolh principal sum and Interest thereon being payable according
<br />to terms set forth In said promisaary Hate, reference to which is hereby made; at the erffice of tare Berieffciary oral
<br />such other place as the holder may deal rata in writyng, trie fmat avmant of p ~incapal and inters tt.~ i# not sooner
<br />paid. shalt be due andpayabieanthe iQth _dayc~t...J~~~ ~_~. ,t'9 ~7 ~..
<br />Trustor and Beneficiary covenant and agroe as fclfoars:
<br />• ~Mr1V11'rltlt F at.Y •.. Rd "M%^-K ~.i 9W"~ /!"!•' 'deUeCfl144)erSeN Mf !»8WA+1C8 Oa}G.flb TeleEts!+t&f P • l" 'n In n: IJbkp
<br />Iw'rul rultxxRy 1 1H+Af,3C • Y~p{w . ~Yy W ,pp.,r . •~ql v.[. w.wer :~. 8. 3hAN NAPN $(Ep488 en6 Hsnei145W, 19 ,naW#Qe. BA.Ihelr teep8clcve n x n[4te t,wv
<br />"wM Irxd e,K.O~'9reK-1 w• wPt ' r. ecf: P. '1 !• w~., r er~f JvrC uPfJber, 8!'+tlpnhwM MW 4nM'w er+A11 Ae nci CMrgIlAEbn fr na.Miflr ~. ar1 wltf ~~
<br />fMl81W !M :.~N rn •fy pr<'K+M., .:erW Ivy ate' I~.e*+wv
<br />'-+nlMM sae 'M ~IIf•na N !'r pveort3 •rpwr.y..,. a r•rp laf.lyY{ 9,S}dE~E.n gp,l; tyy,q ,e{jfiM MN.ItFi4pM1 f4 TMSdR. ffW 6lAellCip(y: pfi kMt B^m y
<br />.r,.W;fv--. t. aft :)wr)af a,~er ~.,, ..'r -+• •i f+'.'e'GY~eW.88E bS,aR,alnM1OV419r Df'+Pre fIRM1++s1A'Yi. PFirx: iC 1411 t14n
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<br />Mw. ""SSW fCLbrSb 'f YIN 1r11feWUde tlfafe94 NeWeeN-_f uetor AAN4tbliv Wbl1NR~r,.n
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