<br />$2.=ac~~.~~~
<br />LTx[PORM ••^ovexexrs.. Batmwer atxf Lender covenant and agree. as fellows:
<br />_ .t.YaYmeMof P[incipstl and. Fnteres4: Bortowrr shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest oo tht
<br />- mdtbttdness evidenced by: the Note, prepayateat. and loft charges as pmvrded in the Note,. and the principal of and interest
<br />on anyy-Fmturr Advant~s secured by this Iced of Trust.
<br />~. Z.: Fseds fOrTrutos aadltassraece. Subject to apps#cshie taw or to a written waiver by Lendtr,.Borrower shallpay
<br />to Lender on tFrtday monthlp'installments of principal and interest are payable under the Note, unfit the Note ispaid in fall.
<br />- a'stem (heron `"Funds°Z egos] eo. one-twelfth of the yearly taxis aril assessments which may attain priority over this
<br />- geed of Trust, and groendrents on the Property, i£ any, Pius onc-twelfth of yearly premium ins[allments for hazard insurance,
<br />plus ore-:U'eifrh of ytarly premium iastalTmtnts for mortgage insurance. if env, all as reasenalily estimated initially and from
<br />t,rttt t„ time hp feradtr nn she Faasis of asxessracnts and btlis and reasonable estimates thtrcof.
<br />fht F"+rads :shat! be head irz an institution the deposits. or accaunL raf which air insured car guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />- sla[tagetxy (incTud#ag Lender if Lender is such an insutu[iont. 4.eadez shalt apply the Funds fa pay said tares, assessments.
<br />tnsurance prcmiCans sttd'gtoeCrzd tents.. 4_tndcr may not charge for so holding and applying the Funds, anaiyrin¢ said account
<br />ar vctSfying and-~~trompilidg said asusstrtnis and dil3s, unless F.cnder pays Borrowtr interest nn the Funds and apptii:ablc law
<br />permits d.endcr to maka such s charge- Bozmwtr and [.ender may agtre in writing at the tirrar of execixtian taf this
<br />I]etd.of Trust that interest on tht F'LndX vhall be paid to Borrower, and unless st:ch agresment is made or spphcable law
<br />' rcquirts such interest to be paid. Lender chalk trot be required to pay Serrawrr airy imtc'rest ar earnings en the Funds, Lender
<br />shalt give to.Borrawtr, without charge, anannual accounting cri theFunds Showing credits and dehiis to the Funds andthe
<br />purpuae for which cash debit. to tftt Farads was made. T3ee Funds are pledged as additions] stcurity for the sums secured
<br />icy' this Deed of" Trttst.
<br />4f,the amount iaf the Fonds held by Lender, together •.sizh tht future. mnnthly instailmems of Parade payable prior tt+
<br />the due doffs of fasts. arsesstnrnts. irasuranct premiums and groom; rents. shall txcred ahe amount regcttt;d to pay said taxes..
<br />assessmtnts, imuraact ~rtmiums and ground rents as they tall dui, .uch e.tcess shall tae. at .Borrower's option; either
<br />pramptlp repaid to Borrower nr crtdited to Borrower an maathlc installmtn[s of Funds. 3f the amount of the. Funds
<br />held hp Ltader shall not: tit sutTtcicrit to pav ta:srs. assessments. insurance prtmiurns and ground rtnts as tiiry fall due.
<br />Borrower shall pay to ttrtder say amot[nt accessary t,x main up the drficrcncy +stltin _'r f? days from the dace noeict is mailed
<br />by Letrdcr to Borrower rcqutsang payttxnt thertaf.
<br />Upon ¢ap-tsserst in full of a#1 sums stcured by thin fh`rrl .a? Trust. L,tndtr shaft pratnptly crfund fin Anrre.wcr amp Funds
<br />htld by L.eadtr. Ff under. paragrsjslt i is hettof tht Pmrwrt} :s ~ old c>r tho• Psoptrt}' ;s inhe:.rwr+e acquired by t:endtr, I ender
<br />shaft apply, ao tart: Yuan rmmrdtatdy prier ua the sale <at zlrc faropert~ or its acytrsition by Ixndrr. any Fumlc head he
<br />iaeaderaf the firm of appicstrtan as a credit against tht sums secsirrd by this [3red of Trust.
<br />3. Aim of Pa Cinlrss .rnptica6le law praotdrs uthaC~isrr, all paymturs tts'eicecl by lender under Chi
<br />Ntnt an14 paragrayfi.<s 1 and 2 hertaa ctsall ht agtstztd t•ti I ender ?irt in z:ay~ment c:,f emounts payable ta, lxneltrhy Borrower.
<br />u[uitrparagraph ~ htretrf, tfitn to intertst T:nai.{r can the \ratr, Chan to the principal taf the Nnte. and then [ti inrtrest rand
<br />pnneipal on ttnv Future Adtranux
<br />4, CMasEe'a: l.irwc. F3,~rrowrr -hat; a t_.r, ,,.e nmrnte ;and per charges, tints anct ,mnttsttions cui~butablc to
<br />floc P'soputy which .may attain a pnor~ta _ ..., 4x~f .,, Trarat, and t.atilxa~.l pati'ments or ground rents, if any, in the
<br />manner provided under paragraph ' hrrc.~S ~.-r .r n,+. r.,,,i ,~~ .u:: f• mar,x-. ~•: 8, rr<•.acr tnaRing paynxnt, whendue; directly
<br />to flu popes theraof. 6orrov.cr .halt #,rnmptlr t t rn.i r :tll ~ ~-t,< ~ a,n,,,inta dcre undee this paragraph, and in 3hc
<br />event rcxwuarhall :make pa}-mtm :iua_ s. Bor~~>tic .,~ ;• ,rnx~U~. is r , ah tr icndcr rerx:ip[a.cvida.nctng :arch payments.
<br />Fltrtrowar'shaH prtnnptlp dzklsarte a^.a :zc a;, i> ,, nanr•, ;k~,•ti +~: 7 r~,,,t. ¢rovtded. [hat Borrzawrr shnil nor tai
<br />rtqurteQtu t#ischargt any so.n ttcr .,, .,,nr Hnrr, t ~ h, a ,: r: , ~ un~ < ':a'}-mtm of the obiigatinn scoured sy
<br />such item m a manner acctptahls ~., t enric ,, ,nxn Kni .a r i .. a , , En ! oar defrnu a•nforccmtnt of such 6cn in.
<br />- tctgaF m w4rrch x'r~rrase ;,. n'rvc - .. v,t„ rmc 'ac : -c,~a.tt at the Proptny oar any parf thereof.
<br />;~w)F~wr~tttrr~x. Htzrtowcr ,haft kee-+ •he nr, •; a : as ., hrrr.tCtcr ezccied i}n the F'ropctty insured
<br />a~atnsrloss tip Sic.hazards irtt ude+ti •,+stht , the :c-m <..-nair ~.,,Fr . ` . , „ •it,<ar h.txar,Is as lender snag rcgyirc
<br />,
<br />arxd to such tsmeitnts and for %~UCh txn<.d= . I.en.f.:r ~~,aa ,e:;ure r ,.,< + ,h.,i (; -,;rr, h.,ll rant rtriuirc t'tat the umnunt of
<br />stCCh coverage exceed that tirtnttnt s ~ovcr r<c r ~:; ~ r+.z rhr r d ha u, a 4)ecwl cat Trust
<br />"i"Ae'insutanCt earner prav. ling :he ;m,ran,e t al t _ :. it ., oral+!r:!. ae',. aptrrosal by fender; S»avzdecl,
<br />dart tue]rayproval a4sA rats hr unrerMmm~ty »,tht>r1 t .~'i p cn.,urts , r. nnur.m.^e lsottcies shall :at paid in dhe ,canner
<br />provided uoa4ez paxapaph 2 htrtcrt :, ,: not ward ~., .;r.h a,ar•ncr ^. ti,xm~w•ct^ "rakrnglrryrrrcttl. wtacu dttc, direstty to the
<br />rtta[tranoe CarixlEl':
<br />13i ,m.uarxx 4+oltcrts and rrncsaafa t'xrc...: eha! ,,r, '.itch r I.crsraEr andhalr rncludr a standard utongagc
<br />.taus- to inv.+r of and rn form a&ctptxi.k ., i c.zacr , <.,<r,_. , „~, .,, .~ t. -:;.hr 'n hodd the p,altc¢s and rtncw'al+ thertoi.
<br />and ~+rrovepr shalt prrrmptfy furnnlt to Lcn tc. .~ r x ~z •+.; ! c, ... r i and premuzmc. In rht anent r•f Sasv.
<br />gtrrrawa stsall give prampatrxarret tr+ thcr +rn,r.,. ..r ... ., ~,. ~ ,radar , rr ~r. r..,~. maRc prr>raf u?1 ltws. of not made prornptly
<br />by BarttnMCS.
<br />~, ~dx ,r,li t+r a. teed to r
<br />Unitas: Ltadcr and Bcxmwer vsthrrN x g cc ,. rt i s r ,,hlc .,nd tnzr~secuntp rwf^+az>ratmn nr rrpazr of
<br />its Prr~+rrtv tltrmab+ed_ pnavided Ala rrs:o,xtr..:.,. r r_, . . , ,~ m,.~` rhr. L)trd of 7 rout fs
<br />cwt ttxrtby ~rnpa,raf_ f: °,:zrh rgtnryr:ex3 <,r ,cpe,r u : c<,; ~~ nr ails !ca ,Die. ,.:::.the stetrrrty <rY [his F?cad. of Trust wotdd
<br />tic inr~irrv, the ,nwranacpns.lyalJ !,r rpp[zc.! n ;ur, rc ,rcd nr nr 1'rerd nF Trt7MY, with tlic excess. tt any, paid
<br />to Boracw,ez 1f the Yru{acm n utNn+u>ncd ha &,n<rwcr , ,+ !t ~+u I is n_a~ ndt„ l.rndtr-wiahm ;~ days (ram 'the.
<br />daft notice n rrtaalai by I ender to i;orra~e- rant the - ...ra~:,• ,,,raer ,~8cr• tr, arctic ., G't:vnt ter tta5urancthrnrfifs. I.tnder
<br />',+ stutrarrzttl to cotta-! rand appTs 'hr :nxutarrce ^:,xtrd. s+ i ender + :-rpu<,n r:=nor .n te.,orx•~nn urrepair nf'tht 1'r,iptr(u.
<br />.x to the sum, xcu:rd by lhzn ikrd vt Trust.
<br />l `nteu 1 xoder arxf Br<rttawer rattcrw>.t ,,gyre ,c .±.nt;, „r<~a :,pp1z<:,nz~tt ~I pzca.ceda [upr`rnetpal shell no{ extend
<br />,csf 1a`aszria: rat itac ,iuc date of the rsn>,:vhlr ,ns;;et;:tttnz. ~et crr:n; ,~, ;r, (`at acts nha I ana4 ? hr. ,~..,1 ur .:hangs the.-a tttount ~I.
<br />sttch tnata;taxnts,;fund+cr garagr-'ats ;K lxrn+t t)x p pcr.•. ~ywred ``.~ 1 cndti, .,II ,ght '~Cleand interest cif Aorrower
<br />in arruto anx ,'ttrtrrarta'~tpolr.;rs and ,n at><..n [he ;+~.w: a.tcir '!tc c-u't,n~ front danagettf 'he F'rtaperty prtr?rtaa zht sale..
<br />. r atyursttxan siwlt pass to 4~n,icr u, ttc cazerttcYj th< sums se'`.,.cd :: icon [kcd of Irw,t immedi~attly picot tin auc}r salt ar
<br />aa;luiaaruE.
<br />~- 'r~evsralfaw fowl ~ of Pro*arty:- t,ew~FrWdt;, l'uodnwrtnrs~ Plaened Unrt fhveioytneots. Aorr<+utr
<br />sF+.ul kecptl~ trrnpertx .n a.~+-.! r -zr arrd sbafi .rasa .craztmaz ~ _~ ;~+ ~ inap„ru ri3en :,r i t«rir=rarn~n ii( zhe !' opc; tv
<br />and trballrcnnpTy w4fT the provers N.s ,or nap ltssc if rl',a Fyees9 r± s „ :aft a ,easthntd it tt~;. I ,, cd t+t gust ss ern a nett tai a
<br />rartdontintrnm or a pixttstttl un.t de<c!upsntne, Cicsrmrcr ~hn!' •c.i , ;,• .dl ~# Brnrnwer •. uh[ aun,ans aandrr the. deczarazicn
<br />cm cna-rnaontx ct~aCinr z - esrvcani .r ahr cmJ;tium .s :,ran ref: n<- dtvtlvpmern C!te !:a , .w~s artd ~rgtafat;or>s r.t ihr
<br />a°atdaxui~um a~ ptanne . ,:net ode ^topnxnt and r+~nr ztrcatt#xacume t', tf ,e>rv~ndomsrir,m rr planned t.ntr du.rl, pmca?
<br />.rrdtr n exacut~ tip Flo vwcr .t:t.t rr•orded togethtr v~~t7 cn.s fated t T us.. tha covr+vnts ar,d agretzrcnz. r,.f 5trch radcr
<br />.shell !se :oea:rporarnl t,tn arni hall aaztrtd ante} sug>plrat.^nC the t ?senants onc? agrtrmt:us r.t tats 1~<~d of Trust :rs tf the r,dur
<br />- west a par'.- hcrec:C.
<br />lrercttlow rat Leslsr`a SeFarUl~'. if Borstzwct fasts [> perform ihc -csvcrrants and agreements •taurainrd in CbrF
<br />Deed rattn.•sa; if any action orpn+saec3eng is 2ztmrntnctd u h:ch mattr,alia afftcts T.t~der'ti intert~zt in tit pteptrt}.
<br />i,xt~xle~:g, hoc,o, itnirtr3 to, ttnzarnt dr3tnatn, ttaxsts•e°nca uxtc err t,r~rtrtrrt. <;rarratr;ctrntntsur prcx:ttdings it ,,, ~tng a
<br />}xankrtap! a:r dcac^dcnt ~htn Lznderxt l.crx4tt"scipti<an ~p~^ ax~~ _r ^r, 8:-=rower.. r•.tay rtaa4:e szzch appcarancta. iiishut•c rtit3t
<br />,
<br />+urax aca;t akr eziat .,..cram as n ttu-~e5sarp `o ~t'+tect .e~ -atnrt~i, tntiudinq. but coot l,rnized t r d ,~,i-• rt .•
<br />rttauaa>_'rt`3e .tornev ~ fees and mtrv upzxa the 1'ro;+< r ,- - ,„*c repasts T4 Ftndrr required mrsrtAftgt r si.rt t
<br />rtfrtduron zaf .tale n;; t+x naam•sec:ures! by th*ti 4?cc3. f i ~-.._ B r,-a*sver -.bola ra}• zhe premkrms reyuigsd ,.n ..3ain ., zsi
<br />amf_ 4 Xc e- !Tr u- <. ~}r tlgge ii 9!~ urrcire't-ucr ^.5ur3n t t~r;iytn.g ttt fY ewer,
<br />4.ttders av-tucr, 3t;remcrs er s-*~ic.anrc ~ B<.t<wc, :dance wrt:t Burry*,u
<br />s.rw - +h.,J! pa•. xhc. amtreent :-. ,.r{ mct,ig~ge ,nsurans.c prrm3u r .
<br />..uotKr plcrdzdtil unakr ,:aragraplt? Exrc~caf~.
<br />t Ping ate ,tints :4 st4 r ~ t. i < x3 r. r - e ~ ~ rh wet 'star share w ~~(1 rrr:pmt art .:.
<br />~..e ,n+•ttrtc~rzs'sa - Bt,rrt>,arr sesurcai r r ti>r 'zl (r t 1 s v ~ f Jtr .~,~ it rtrh_r .„pmw ± ?5av*Y
<br />ertn:, xnta ah-a. r oaq~at+tr udx-r, ;tte.ax trop c -c tr i ~ c ,~ ncc+,t thtr~,af: a td shalt 47rar .nirrezi .t '
<br />da,a F d-sdmtcyement at ~m rat: parable try rr, tu.;, ,r. ns - .., „n ;....r , ;aa# Fancier z*ar ~nrt ttrr)t-as paym~x ..
<br />:, z ,!~ a- _.,
<br />.(stir xt I ,xtr. +ept?f.aarv,r ±iw ei ~.,,. ~ r:,I ,rr;; rcl~at,,. ar r 1.- t,,:,
<br />r~tk a :=;Na 'fCTC4AY:i}C' t.•~• ~. r - Fig re"uj4`!Fr 1.G -9er ,F..-~... t .. x~:~+ „b_C
<br />B- io-e'cY>An. ( ak-r nsav »ke xn - - node >, is e -~~rr ,n .z ,. s • r•, -4~~,-.
<br />- oust ahsit ~u+~ kc,e.,„„r.~ ~~. t pa:., tU ~. r _zrc,i .,, €~;,... tit u,eri
<br />• :k:., .,ate ; ~, c,1
<br />.a~ rt rh>' prrstrerty.
<br />