<br />the sums secured by thrc Decd nt I rusrshall continue unimpaired. upon such payment and cure by Borrower, this DeedoF
<br />Truss and the e,btagatu>n„ecuresl hereby shalt remain m full'force and etfecx as it no acccieration had occurred.
<br />2t1.'.Assitzrttneninf ReM.rA:ppointment oFReseiver; Lender in:Possession. As additional securitvhereunder. Borrower
<br />-herehyassigns to t,endre~therentx o€thc:Property, provided that Bi~rrriwcr shall:-priorto acceieeation-undcrparagraph l;i
<br />herec+f z,eahanda'nmrnt n€ xhe FntpFm~. have the right-to collect and retain such rents as they become due- and payable:
<br />l:pnn accclerttion cinder paragraph tR hereni or aban:ionment of the Propeny, i_ender, in person: by agent or'by
<br />judtcs~~tty~-,rpporntsdsreci;ver_ shalt De enthtedao ~nier upon, take posesseon of and manage the Property and to col#ect ¢he
<br />rc , , r•t ttie Pm[+drty rn.iud{n$~those parr dae Ai! rente call~wted by l.erder or the receiver shall 6e applied tirsFto payment
<br />ut iksc c sr• .,rntanagemem at the Prppertp and cvt}ectton cif rents, including, but nor limited tn: receiver's fees: premiums
<br />'.on re:~~:qtr ~ herr,ii~. ,end reasttnabteattorrses's tees. irndthen to the strmssecured b}' this Deed of. Trust: Lender and the
<br />nxeiver shsii tx ~rab!etn account anty fir thou; eentc actually mcei~~c~.
<br />21. Future ,~d,aaees~ L.;pon regt:est of Bnrrowec. tender. at Lender"sapiion, pnor ttt4uilzeconveyance of'the Property
<br />h~ In,~,tec , t3cr~•:nver_rtaymakeFtr;urc Advance, to'Bdrrawer. Such Future Advances:wixhinterest thereon: staati he
<br />,c ~r < n. hi t~ °rf t r 1 „rsawhen evidenccd6y prnmisss-~ry notes ststing thatsaidnotesare secured hereby At ttotimeshalt
<br />.the p~r•-ipal m r , r tic trtdcbtedness secured by this Deers of Trust. na including sumz advanced in accordance herewith
<br />t: ~ rare: t r w_~, - ~r : ?€ :hrs Deed of 'Tru,t, e<ceed the .~rigrnai amcttint of :tte Note plus t1S S 47 , OOH. OQ
<br />3.. Rnonseyunce. liportpacment n( ail arms secnred'?3' the, Decd t f Trust. tendertrali rzgttest ru,tect0 rernnvey~.
<br />the'Pr:ins .end ~hati sursender this Dyed of Trust and alt antes e,ttencing indeb[ed"Hess sectored !at this Decd of Trtist
<br />tc, Trustee t •rr~e seal! r~onve} ttne Pmpen}~ without warranty and withour charge to the person or,persnn, rcg.tlh
<br />entni~ thsrtt ~. Such person or person; shalt pas all costs of recordanon. ii' env
<br />23.Su6ntuute rrusttt., [_ender, at L.ender's t±pnon, map trnm ume to trmrmmovr ~Fruc[ee ;tnd appgint vsatcrssor
<br />tr,r.tCe r.: :ins, £ =iistce appomxed hcreunc3ei t•s anmst*irment .*r:s, ntc<d ,nthr .e>umti in ek trick thss Deed. of Tntst is recordcil.
<br />Wrthc c<~ e=:xrrr of xlx. Property. the"sr.reee,.or trcntcr ~,haS! ,uzreed tzx ail the td4e. pe~wer and dotre, Confe>:red upon.
<br />the 7 rusrcc ners~n and byxpptrcabie taw.
<br />,',i. Rtgoest-fur\otices.&,rrawrr regtxsn. that eeptes at the aetx:e e.*ttei'auit and nc?tier of sale be cent lo.Barmwer's
<br />ad<tres, whi~.h rs t3tePrepenv addszss.
<br />!*i Wtrrtts~ Wwestet~t Bcsrrrwer ita~ executed this t?ete3 ttf Trust..
<br />µ. C. Iau3ustzies,..Sac. .,...,... ...
<br />~- 8arraw~r
<br />_.. Wc"1 •.ri E` ..~~.t ClC F'CC S.t. t~.Cnt ,...$orrawer
<br />5r;c,rt tx~ $4f ®ttssx;,x,: Nall C:auntr ss:
<br />C)n rh:g 3.vth eta} of "'`~Y !v $2 hcftjrr mc, tfic undersigned, a Nt3tary Public
<br />dut+ G,mmr„~r,ned and quatafied fors said county, prrscmai!} .ame %. '~.. T.ttdx:stzias, Xrtc..:By ,:
<br />t3. ~lani!_ MQ1;Ck', P7r'tasS.dtt!!t ' to me known to he tht
<br />H3traical f+cr.onPL? ~hca4c namely) dak ~ubxritcsf to the fc,rt,going tnstrutncnt and-acknnwtcd~cd the_cxecution
<br />thcscttf tc~ tic hktt: vrrluntart 1t:2 anti dc~tsf:
<br />Wane~A my harxt and n~tanal crra! at ,_ Srrsxic3 Zslantl in paid county. the
<br />date air>tz'wtt!
<br />~-•. ~ r M1
<br />~,....
<br />MMtM-aw.Narr~lNMNfM .. t f
<br />'~~~.~~r <„r:.ur;. -~. ?.es tt, r. r. ~otwr w„ervr, ~.
<br />R~C?!'CSI` if)}2 hi r utit i yA;vC'E
<br />f0 f`iriFSTEE"
<br />T1kcwxfcrsigrted is ahe n,~k'cr „~ €he ntu; aarnrttrts °,ccurc~t tsy xhts Uet~3 trf Trust; Sstidnair or notes. together.
<br />wdh a!i Diller ,ndCbtedstc„ u~i..c:d h, thy, fA<.ni eti t r:;,r r,.r.c hcera geld in fait, l'tru ate hrrebvdirected to cancel
<br />waf n<,te or nrnc, and thn C}r:id ;,t i ~t:,i ..f,r~h :ere c!~hr~crcd hcrefi}. and,txy reeorrvey, without w<trtanty, ail; the
<br />eSCatc nrnr hem b..r,u under tit„ flexes lei f ~ u,~ t. the' per ., n pcraun, lcgaily entrttcd thereto.
<br />Date: ,
<br />~~~
<br />,iUMF'04,ir+ r`iti Lr•xe IGeic+:nM FrX ynn~v! Dr•*S *rtO*sSe
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