<br />- ~_...
<br />L~
<br />$~- f}C11~Q`
<br />
<br />6, In-the event said: property is sold a£ a judicial foreclosure sale or pursuant tc iite power of a sale hereinaboue
<br />granted, and the proceeds are not suffrrient to pay. he total indebtedness secured by this instnamem and evidenc<
<br />ed by said pratnissar}" note,. the martgager will be entitled'to-a deficiency judgement for the amount of the
<br />cfe;iet~rrry wrthouf regard eo appraisement.
<br />'. In the even: the mortvagor fai15 to pad anp federat, state, or local tax asses£nent, income tax or other tar lien,
<br />charge, fee or other expense charged against the pr©perty the motYgagee is herelsy authorized at it:s option: to paV
<br />the same. any sums so paiti by the mortgagee shall be added re and tUecomea~pars of the prineibatamount of the
<br />indebtedness-evidenerd by said noze, subject to the game term, and. conditions: if the mortgagor shalt pay and
<br />discharge the indrbtedttess ruideneed by said promissory rote, and'shall pay. such sums and shaH'diseharge ali
<br />taxes need lieu and Elte costs, Fer_s, and .expenses of rnakine, enforcing, and executing this mortgage, [hers this
<br />mortgage shat be cancelled and surrrzuleted:
<br />R. The covenants herein c~gataned liatl hind grid the benrtits and advantages shall inure zo the respectii`e Stt~ce~sorS
<br />aril assigzts of the parties hereto- lVhencser uted; the singular number shall include the plural, the plural the
<br />inguiar, gird the use of any ~ttder shall iucluac all genders:
<br />9. "vo waiver of any covenant herein or of'the.ahligation secured hereby shaft at"gnu time thereafter be held co be a
<br />waiver of zhe terr£ts hereof or of the ncite s~ttred hereby.
<br />(C). A judicial decree, or~+er; or judgetnant holding any provisiatt ar portion of this instrument invalid or unenfotee-
<br />able shalt not in any way impair or precludr ahe enforcemem of rite remaining press°isons or pattions Uf thi.~.
<br />instrutrnent_
<br />11. Any w-rttten nnticr co Fx issuzd to the mort:~a,~or p:,rstiant to the prauicions of this instrument sba31 be addressed
<br />to the morEgagar at Cairo, t~ehraska n3824 _
<br />and gnu ~°ritten noti,;c zo be tssued to the mortgagee shah
<br />he addressal to £ltc mortgagee at, x~4•~~ ~nx ~C1C16, Gr~zd TSletnd ~ ~Tm}.racrr;a stt~na ___
<br />!tw Wfi't+t~ss ~hHEREUF,: the mrxzgagar has,exeeuted thts instru t and the ,mortgagee has accepted deliurry of
<br />this irrsttvrnenz as of the day and year afarsaid.
<br />Ri btazdess,.~.~ ..-~ ..-.....
<br />Uarlecrtd Hazd+yrs
<br />E+tt~:ttttd and dtdivrred in she prexetacc of the faIlawing ++t~itrtexscs:
<br />{Add Appropriate Acknawledgcznrtit4
<br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ~ Hefbrc ns~, a q>salificd ^]atary Public, ptrsonalty app~retl: Rir ~rrt
<br />ss. Herders and. IIarIene Hazdera
<br />icnc,.-a to me to be identical pcrxztt or persarES wbo signed the foregoing instrtsmexat and a~itno,rledged the e.+trc:ution
<br />:hvrof to br r t,A ~ .- - : oluntaty art need decd.
<br />W'itncss my hand and l+lvtuial Seal can -~*: a ~o ; 14 .A ry .::.
<br />~r
<br />~i 4 Ar7tallt _. -_- ___ __
<br />~y ~ t~'atary ;'ub3tc
<br />ti1y t.:ammi?:_5ion £xgtres „~~ --/~ s5c.~ . 49..
<br />v
<br />S'iATE OF 1~IEBRr151G1 t Befeart mr a gtrsrlified i*latary Public, pcrsonatl appeared. _
<br />4 ,5.
<br />~t3U!siTY C?F . ----_____ Presidenr of ,,.____~._.__.._.:,, _
<br />a ocutrorasion, .c^own :a nne to be .hc President and ideniica pers~>n wtio aigited~thr forcgotnR_ tnsttumrnt,vttnd
<br />ac;}~nc~+i~n;~nf the cxccution thercaf to be his ~o?untary act and d~ ai :uch 7f~cer and the vokuntar~ act and dee,3 of
<br />said eorfxirarststt nerd that ks corpvrair xai ssas af~>ketf 4ltctety be i?~ a~tthatity.
<br />14`arecss rep harm :end tiotatial 5eaa ott _ _.._ ,.., l~ w.,__.~_,.
<br />........~,...~__._._ __,..._.. _. __.__ ,.....a_.........„..
<br />~Ltt3rl` l~tel`li.
<br />